Hopefully this summary will explain where we're at with this at the time of this comment.
-The beeps were morse code which was eventually converted to a website, lumerico.mx
-The website is the site for the company at the end of the El Dorado map
-On the site is a phone number. Calling the number gives you a message that calls out numbers, which translate to TAKECONTROL
-Going to lumeric.mx/TAKECONTROL/index.html gives an entirely new Sombra hint. Image here.
-There is a login page at
https://lumerico.mx/login? which people are trying to get into using the hint above
-We're IN! Username: GFlores Password: g#fNwP5qJ Poke around and you can read GFlores's emails....
-The password was decoded along with a message from Sombra to take down the president of the company. She supplied the employee login info.
-New Login! Username: GPortero Password: Xy@4+Bkuqd<53uJ for the president's email. People got the password for the president from the presidential-bypass page mentioned in emails.
-New Email From Sombra came to the president's inbox for us. It says she needs more time for the next "protocol group", so wait a week. She will leak the president's emails to the "public" in the meantime.
-"Stay tuned early next week" This appears to be the end until next week.