

Pro Adventurer
Even though I don't like to cite win rates as out of context they are pointless and generally aren't 100% indicative of Hero strength in most games. I mean Zarya has a lower win rate than Widowmaker and yet a large number of people consider her to be the best off tank/flex pick in a 2 tank team composition. And undoubtedly Widowmaker will also be a top tier Flex pick in the hands of a skilled player when the E-Sports side of the game starts ramping up. I imagine the "AWP'er" equivalent in Overwatch will open with WM and then probably rotate between her and say Reaper/Tracer depending on enemy composition and positioning through out matches.

With that said


Widowmaker does have an extremely low win rate for how often she is played (popularity stat).

Idk I feel like she's actually pretty underwhelming. I know people might feel like she's over bearing even when she misses or only lands a body shot chunking you out... but that's the point.

That's the trade off for being squishy and having a minimum range of effectiveness coupled with having a gun that needs precision to excel. As it is I actually kind of groan when we get a Widowmaker in pugs lol.

A good amount of the maps and modes are actually really poor for her (lijiang , iliois anyone?) and people who have no business getting their hands on a hero that takes skill inevitably gravitate to her and pick her regardless of composition or map.

Well have to see how the tuning goes but honestly I was expecting them to keep the headshot multiplier the same and maybe bump up the body damage a digit or two in scoped mode.

The nerf on animation canceling your shots is also probably the biggest nerf there to be honest. I think that's going to have a huge effect on how people play her.

Also I remember reading that Overwatch was going to be balanced differently based on it's platform.

From what I understand Tracer is super overbearing on console and Widowmaker is even more lackluster there due to well controllers being really shit :monster: I wonder when they will start balancing based on the separated stats.


Also not sure how many Mei players there are but I'm rank 3246 on her. I'll be optimistic and think that's good :monster:


Wish I could get my accuracy up on her but I have a habit from my BF3 days of constantly pre-firing corners , choke points and objectives in hopes that someone will turn that corner and walk into a face full of an ice lance lol
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Joe, Arcana
Damn that's pretty impressive X :wacky:
I looked last night and apparently I'm somewhere around #3500 on Genji. Can't remember my battletag number to link from work though. :huh:

Also, in my ongoing quest to inject Overwatch into the forum, I think Gabe should change his UN to Gabriel Reyes. Or at least Reaper. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Thanks, man! I'm crazy stoked about it! xD

Also, I agree that Gabe should do that - but what're YOU doing with your name then!? :awesome:

X :neo:


I'd like to think that the relatively easy and / or straightforward and / or "familiar" characters like Widowmaker and X-Soldier 76 help make the game accessible for new players (I know it does for me, although I'm not new to shooters etc), but for higher level players they'd be used less and/or only in specific situations instead of being a predictable default. Nothing wrong with that.

As for D-va, I wonder what they'll do with her. I bet it's not just upping the damage. Maybe some alternative technique to close the distance. I was playing Lucio yesterday and spent a few minutes in a duel of sorts with a D-va; she didn't do enough damage at the distance I could keep, I needed some time to kill the thing.

I quite like the smaller / nimble characters; Lucio seems pretty much unkillable sometimes (fast / small hit box / self-healing), D-va without the mech is tiny yet does enough damage, etc. I also quite like the slowish bullets from both of those characters. I guess the both of them play the most similar to Unreal and the like, so yey, strafing memory muscle kicking in y0.

Edit: Oh hey stats: http://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/eu/Cthulhu-2752. Shame the beta stats aren't in there too though. Oh well.


Pro Adventurer
Genjoe is an amazing username lol.

I'd change mine to Gabriel Reyes but that last name triggers me lol. I'll change to Reaper tho :monster:

@X, damn thats a great rank for Zen no doubt. Especially considering you probably played the majority of those games when he was free kill fodder for Widowmaker and Hanzo xD


Torbjorn best bjorn.

Well, sometimes, other times you're up against a team that actually knows how to deal with turrets :monster:. I've had a string of losses last week, it's kinda demotivating. I mean, is it just poor matchmaking, bad luck, or do I suck? It's probably the latter :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Everybody has rough patches. It's also learning tactics of how certain characters work, so no need to feel overly demotivated, Yop!

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I feel the Match Making System may have been tweaked or something though with in the last few days.

I went from playing against similar skilled and level opponents (around level 25-50 ) and now there are always multiple players who have hit 100+ in my games now. I know I haven't gotten better lol.

These 100+ players are super try hard too lol.


Pro Adventurer


Joe, Arcana

But naturally play of the game was robbed from me by a Junkrat or some shit getting a double kill. I don't fully understand how they're weighed yet. :huh:

Still proud of this win. That Hanzo was a millisecond away from completing his ult


Pro Adventurer
Seriously PoTG triggers the crap out of me.

There was a situation where I did a filthy Reaper ult and killed 5/6 of the enemy team with it. My name was the one popping up as the one with the kill credit in the feed.

Who got play of the game? Mercy shooting into that same ult I did with her secondary pistol and picking up the 6th player that my ult didn't kill.

I can't even count anymore how many times I've seen a PotG where it was legit just a reaper picking up a single kill after whiffing like like 7 of his 8 shots , meanwhile I'm acing teams and don't get dick lol.


The wossname needs tweaking; I'm sure they can tweak their algorithms based on data gathered from millions of games to determine who either did something that had the biggest impact on the game, or who showed the most skill, or who just had the visually most appealing thing (no Thorborn plays most of the time, that's for sure ololOLOO)

What's been irritating me lately is that it seems the kill detection is err, weird. I'm sure there's no damage over time abilities beyond Widowmaker's poison mine thing, but even so I've had multiple instances where I shot someone, they moved off, and a few seconds later I get an "eliminated" message. I'm sure that's b0rked.
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