

Pro Adventurer
Great post. I'm replying on my break from home my thoughts might be disjointed as I try to cook some lunch but I really want to reply while my thoughts are still fresh and not fried by being yelled at at work :monster:

Over all in addition to your thoughts (which I agree with) I also think over all the "support meta" delivers additional issues to Zenyatta directly in a two fold manner.

First : There are to few support champions currently. This affects Zenyatta because it effects his nerf/buff cycle due to the spectrum of the current supports he has to contend with. Currently the diversity pools of the supports while certainly diverse , aren't wide enough to impact them in a meanful QoL way. Where as nerfs make it quite easy to draw a line between which are S tier and which are Niche.

Secondly : Lucio and Mercy are fucking amazing. Over all their purpose in a team composition does everything Zenyatta wants to do but exceedingly better, aside from doing meaningful burst damage. Here's the thing though you have attack heroes who do that better as well.

I'm going to cite the OG invitational that went on this weekend as a talking point how ever I want it noted I acknowledge that the game Pros play is drastically different then the game we play. With that said I still think it brings in meaningful incite for these heroes.

IIRC Zenyatta was only picked once this tournament and for a very specific play and point. He was played on Kings Row attack side by Faze because they NEEDED to cap and get to point to extremely fast in order to win.

You can view the game here at about 29 minutes in


The idea was to basically burst down the front line using Discord and if necessary use transcendence to buy time and lock in the point.

And it almost worked if not for the fact that NGR had Lucio and Mercy. And more so that Faze didn't have Mercy.

Mercy basically gives you a mulligan and forces your enemy to ACE you twice, and in the same train of thought Lucios ultimate is a quick reset as well if timed correctly. Having both gives you enough passive heals and reset opportunities to stick onto a point long enough to win.

Zenyattas Ultimate while being really effective just doesn't beat being able to revive an entire team or being able to restore their health and give massive overshields.

His ability to burst the front line doesn't count for anything when Mercy can just ult and in a high damage environment she is guaranteed to get her ult back easily in 20 or so seconds meaning she is ready to go again by the next reset, meanwhile a Zenyatta team is basically dead half way through the fight that occured after her first ult. Assuming they even won it initially as arguably Damaged boosted Pharah can put in more work to an entire back line then a discording a single front liner.

This entire tournament we saw almost universally that all comps had Mercy and Lucio with a tank and flex tank comp. The only matches that had any alterations to the Support meta were the Faze game that fieled the Zenyatta and IIRC Hollywood on Defense we saw Sym used to facilitate covering Point A+ TP's back to point. Other then that Lucio+Mercy was just to great of a combo to forego.

Over all I agree with you Zen needs changes , I think tinkering with his LoS issues is the right direction but over all I do think Lucio and Mercy together are just far to appealing to pass up on.

I do think it would be interesting rather then nerfing Lucio Mercy , that future supports have better Synergy with Zen and Sym instead making for diverse team compositions.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I wholly agree with you that it's probably not enough for him to outpace Mercy & Lucio, but it'll put him infinitely closer than he is now. One of my buddies plays a lot of both of them, so we tend to work out tactics with them specifically, and working on tactics with other Support characters is really what got me to the point where I felt comfortable making this post about how to fix Zenyatta to at least make him a more viable option.

Throwing D.Va into a heavily turret'd point and then moving Zenyatta in with a group to kill anyone left works well (and we use it on Hanamura all the time), because even even when you're coming up the middle somewhere like Temple of Anubis or Hanamura, Hanzo's Ultimate would chew through Lucio's sound barrier or might kill Mercy before she can bring everyone back, Zenyatta's works really well because it's just healing 100HP a second.

One of the things about Zenyatta's Ultimate is that it really comes down to the fact that to be effective, Zenyatta's Ultimate is a basically a split-second Ctrl+Z to another Ultimate which means that you've gotta be close to being in the middle of it and drop it at the opposing audio cue. It's spectacular at ignoring Hanzo, Roadhog, & Reaper's Ultimates, not to mentions that Zarya's Ultimate basically pulls everyone together for Zenyatta to heal them, but insta-damage ones like D'Va or Junkrat are things that, because they deal damage all at once, you can't do anything about it aside from hope that they run to cover, and you absorb the hit. (Lucio counters those much better).

Does he probably need MORE than just and improved duration for his Orbs?


That's why I mention that he could be a better glass cannon, but I'm not sure how to work that, but giving his Orbs a better duration will let him play the way he was designed to and would give a much better idea on how to make him more viable for general play and maybe even Pro play because it gives him a larger range of effectiveness and tactic.

(Personally, I'd love for his Ultimate to do a small amount of Damage over time, or let me continue to hit targets with Discord Orbs while it's active. I'd also be MORE than happy to ditch his secondary attack for something else, because I don't ever use it unless it's at the VERY start of a match).

X :neo:


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
Ok, So I decided to purchase Overwatch for PC!!! , I went to gamestop and picked up a Physical Copy this time.

My Battle.net account is SicariusVI so please I need people to play with, don't hesitate to add me.


Pro Adventurer
I'll add you in a bit :)

BTW what's your unique Battle tag number? You should see it when you open your friends list right after your name. It's necessary for adding people on Bnet as they allow duplicate names but leave the number unique etc.

Also highlights from day 1 of the OG invitational



Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
It is #1842.

Keyboard and Mouse is going to take some getting use too. If you guys do end up playing with me I'm not going to be the greatest yet.
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Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
Alright, so I'm already level 10, and got my main Mercy skin being Amber.

I'm set. The games I have been playing are pretty hit and miss. Either I do really good or really bad, there isn't a in-between. And this Keyboard/Mouse works for some characters but it's still really odd to get use to.


Pro Adventurer
You'll get there. After a while it just sort of clicks and your brain just takes over the rest.
The best thing I can advise would be to make sure you turn off Mouse Acceleration in your pc and to set its pointer speed to 6 for 1:1 movement ratio.

If you have Mouse Acceleration on it will result in your aim being a little poor. Though it might take some time getting used to your pc being in a 1:1 movement set up as you will have to do more pronounced movements with your mouse rather then just nudging it here and there and letting windows guess where you wanted to point lol.

Other then that though it was a blast playing with you and your buddy xD I might do a placement match or two today for Ranked but after that I'm up for normals :D


Alternatively, for practice and getting that shit down right, you could go and play Quake Live (free to play via a browser or Steam), or pirate some version of Unreal Tournament, or maybe go for Half-Life and Counter-Strike; those games have very direct input, as in, you will hit whatever your aiming wossname is on when you click. CS has spray so maybe not that one. The thing with Overwatch is that most heroes - I think Widowmaker while zoomed is the only exception - all have either spray (X-Soldier 42 and that cowboy dude to a lesser degree) or bullet travel time (everyone else). It's more direct than e.g. the Battlefield games, but even then, stuff. Teal deer, try out those, for great justice, vintage lulz, and a very direct keyboard/mouse/visuals/score feedback something.


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
So on my mouse I lowered the sensitivity and I am doing much much better than before.

I think I'm level 19 or 20 now, haven't been focused on Overwatch as of late, but I will get around to possibly level 100 before school starts middle of August.


Pro Adventurer
Nice. Finding that sweet spot where you are comfy but can still aim is always nice and goes a long way.

I'm kind of actually wanting to increase my comfort level on higher sensitivity. I've been watching some of my favorite pros on Twitch, like Seagull and realized they play on rather high sensitivity.

I used to play on high DPI+ high sensitivity for games like CoD but brought it down due to suggestions from friends when I started playing CS:GO. Now I'm slowly "weening" myself into higher sensitivities lol.


Pro Adventurer
I see where you are coming from but I disagree. I think the first match just wasn't a good match to watch and over all the meta right now is rather ... cheesy?

The first match was Envy vs Selfless, Envy is pretty much the best team in the game right now they have been living together for months and practicing like real teams do in other Esports.

Furthermore they are backed by a name stay in Esports. Envy is a long standing organization with an owner who has his head in the right place so they have a lot of resources available to them.

Selfless on the other hand are up and coming underdogs as far as the individual talent goes and as an organization they are pretty new and still don't have a gaming house for their players so practice is really limited for them.

So the match really could only go 1 way.

Furthermore this tournament is allowing hero stacking which despite what Blizzard says is actually reaally really cheesy especially in Pro play.

So expect to see stuff like this


Or Multiple tracers on KOTH maps. Which leads to just games feeling less about skill and map manipulation and more about who can come up with the better cheese/stack strat.

I think the games should ramp up though once some of the more "amateur" teams get knocked out though.


Or did I completely misread your post... your talking about the ranked mode we all play and not pro play arent you lol


First and second placement matches, :monster:

There's always one guy providing constructive criticism like "omg noob" and "worst team evar"


Pro Adventurer
I actually somehow dodged the bullet. I went 6 wins , 4 losses but in all of them everyone was using voice chat and even when behind were generally positive and far from being Toxic.

I ended up rank 47 and haven't touched ranked since then xD
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