Planning the 2014 TLS Awards

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Chloe Frazer
Can we have a "Sexiest Voice" category? Nominees must post submissions of themselves saying a line or paragraph of the forum members choosing.


Chloe Frazer
The hilarity, we must do this.

edit: I got curious and wanted to see if it was just as awful in Spanish:

Su dedo índice en círculos mi arrugada cueva amor . '¿Estás listo para esto? " Le maulló , sonriéndome como un hámster madre a punto de comer su hijo de tres patas joven .

Good lord that's awful.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What the hell? Hamsters eat their kids?

Yeah, it is known :monster:

Lisa Simpson: I want the most intelligent hamster you've got.
Clerk: Okay.
[reaches into a box under the counter]
Clerk: Uh, this little guy writes mysteries under the name of J. D. McGregor.
Lisa Simpson: How can a hamster write mysteries?
Clerk: Well, he gets the ending first, then he writes backward.
Lisa Simpson: Aw, c'mon.
Clerk: Look, kid, just take him before his mother eats him, all right?


Lots of mammals eat their young, our guinea pigs did when their run was attacked by next-door-but-one's yampy dog.

We've gone from Fifty Shades to cannibalism. o.O


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So are people going to go through and select their favourite awards? If not I might just go through and select them myself and you might not like what I pick.

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
Lots of mammals eat their young, our guinea pigs did when their run was attacked by next-door-but-one's yampy dog.

We've gone from Fifty Shades to cannibalism. o.O

At least most do it with reason, from what I hear hamsters sometimes just do it because OH SHIT A SHADOW I MUST SAVE MY BABIES FROM THIS CRUEL WORLD OM NOM NOM NOM. Dumbasses :P

OT: I'm cool with any ideas so long as I can vote :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I basically agree with Fangu's list of suggestions on the first page. And like Yop said (and like I've said in previous years) I hope we don't go with any awards that can be settled factually, like "most games played".


Should we have nomination rounds and vote on which categories we want in this year:P?

I like so many of the suggestions...


Yeah, it is known :monster:

Lots of mammals eat their young, our guinea pigs did when their run was attacked by next-door-but-one's yampy dog.

We've gone from Fifty Shades to cannibalism. o.O

At least most do it with reason, from what I hear hamsters sometimes just do it because OH SHIT A SHADOW I MUST SAVE MY BABIES FROM THIS CRUEL WORLD OM NOM NOM NOM. Dumbasses :P

OT: I'm cool with any ideas so long as I can vote :monster:




Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
so someone remind me to go through these and pick the highlights then, since I keep forgetting and no one else seems to care enough


Chloe Frazer
Challenge accepted!

Categories from last year (my vote on which ones shouldn't come back this year):

Member of the year
TLS Lifetime Achievement Award
Best site contributor
Best staffer
Best quality poster
Best newcomer
Hottest male
Hottest female
Biggest overall FF wonk
Biggest non-FF geek
Most in need of daylight -1
Member you'd most like to meet in real life
Member you'd most like to bone
Horniest member
Best drunk/stoner
"Wish You Were Here" Award (Most missed/ post more)
The Phoenix Down Award (Best comeback)
Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.)
The TLS Art Prize
The TLS Literature Prize
Most entertaining/funniest
Most talented (art, writing, music etc)
Most improved
Most predictable
Biggest username changer
Bounciest boobies
Best ass
Best beard
Most pistoning pen0r
Best ship TLS OTP
Most pedantic
Best thread starter Most creative topic starter
Most fervent TLSer
Most inspiring -1
Biggest member collector (Member who has met the most people IRL): -1
Best .gif reply
Most likely to need a swear filter
Most likely to go the extra mile

Possible new categories: (Also my vote on them being added)

Most raisinable
Member most likely to make the best tasting food +1
TLS Peace Prize +1
Nicest Smile +1
Cookie Monster of the Year +1
Best Bromance +1
Best Magician
Best Comeback/Reply/One-liner
Most Games Played
Most SE Games Completed
Member Most Likely to Cause the Most Amount of Climate Change
Member Most Likely to Cause the Least Amount of Climate Change
Member Most Likely to Suggest Award Ideas They'll Never Win +1
Best TLS Ambassador
Least Likely to Win an Award +1
Sexiest Voice +1
Last edited:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Well, if no one else has any additions to Carlie's suggestions, that makes my job a lot easier. I'll probably start the nominations round in a few days. I may add a few awards to the ones she suggested so we can have a nice even number. I'd like to have 42 awards again but I think there were too many suggested this time so 50 would probably be nice.


Pro Adventurer
How about this as a way of gauging which categories are in demand: state that any category which receives less than a certain number of nominations (probably quite a low number) doesn't make it to the final awards. Then people should only nominate in the categories they like.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So I kind of completely forgot about this again. I'll start a nominations thread in a few minutes.
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