Play Arts Kai - PROJECT! Final Fantasy


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm still miffed they did a second PAK Vincent when the first one was just fine.


I agree, business wise SE is milking us. Not just vincent, but they are making dissidia lightning too which design wise is exactly the same with the old lightning pak. But quality wise, the old vincent pak is out of scale from the current pak. If u remember, vincent and yuffie along with lightning returns pak were the first batch of the new pak line that was headed by hidemi maddog. You can see now that lightning returns pak is too short compared to the current batch of pak...

Anyway here’s pak dissidia lightning review

Credits to: sir john berry youtube channel
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Scale won't really matter to a full cast if they just keep rehashing the same four characters from different games. (I'm looking at yooooou PAK Squall 2.0)


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I just found out that the new re-release of noctis pak has a different, better face than original noctis pak. It looks way better and makes the old one looks like a bootleg. The new facesculpt is sharper and much more closer to the prototype. Damn you SE now you make me want to burn my old noct and get the new one!!!

Pictures and comparison:

Credits to twitter account @ediS_rehtO_ehT


Lv. 25 Adventurer
SE just announced new bring arts figures including kh2 haloween sora, kh3 riku, fei and elly from xenogears and weltall too.

Too bad i’m not into smaller scame figure... but gotta say that riku looks fantastic. Hope they’ll make him a PAK too


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That Bahamut looks so much like the Bahamut made for the FFVIII line by Kotobukiya (the only FFVIII figure I still own) that I think it has to be cast from the same mold.

... Of course it's more than triple the price this figure was 19 years ago. =|


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I was thinking the same of Bahamut, and it looks pretty sick. It's labeled Bring Arts but doesn't look poseable like the Bring Arts Sora and Neir figures. I wonder if Bring Arts will be smaller in scale since Sora is almost half the price of regular Play Arts.

Still not on board with Vincent tho. :|

Glad to see Cid is still kicking and not forgotten.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy

Oh yeah... there it is. I find it interesting that he's still somewhat poseable while on a stand/display... I wonder if he'll come off that. Original Bahamut did, right?


I ordered PAK Zack and Cloud a while ago, but I have to wait until May for them to be shipped out. I really hope I won't be disappointed, with the money I spent and my high expectations, I would be furious.
I got the old PA Aerith just recently (for Christmas). I hope the two guys will match her nicely.

I'd love to have the others as well. Someday perhaps when I earn enough money. :D I hope there will be other Remake PAKs in the future! At least for the major characters.

Deleted member 546

The Square Enix merch shop sale will end in a few days, saw it on Twitter earlier.

Deleted member 546

I don't like it. Fenrir looks better in AC IMO and it doesn't do it justice. Cloud's hair is a bit pony too. I saw the pictures on Twitter and was like 'meh'.


Pro Adventurer
Another Cloud? Seriously... who do I have to torture to get some Turk Play Arts? I mean, it was great to see Reno and Rufus get some love, but what about rest of them?


Pro Adventurer
I like this new Cloud PAK because it'll give me the option to get AC Cloud and Fenrir in one go. I think the figure looks great overall.

Speaking of which, I need to go set up my current PAK collection here in my new game room...
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