Play Arts Kai - PROJECT! Final Fantasy


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Comparing photos it looks like the same PAK Cloud, just with a couple of new Hardy-holding hands.

I imagine it will be made for sale alone in some places, right? Eventually? I want to pick up the game itself so I'm tempted, but €300 from the SE store (not factoring in shipping) is a lot. Does anyone know if the SE store requires up-front payment?

I was hoping they'd downsize the remake cast to Bring Arts to make the whole crew (Hardy Daytona included) more affordable. I guess that's not gonna happen now, though!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yes, upfront payment isn't required.

And from previous experience? The pre-order variants of a figure model are usually limited to that release.

For the Lightning Returns 'Lightning Box', the unique color variant of the Lightning Play Arts Kai that was included was not released again.

For the FFXV pre-order limited edition box, the Noctis play arts kai is a unique variant with a spear and the Engine Blade. Not the Sword of the Father.

And then with KH3, the unique figures of Sora, Goofy and Donald in their Toy Story attire is only available with that box set.

So if it's something you want, yeah.. You gotta bite the bullet or pay an absurd amount of money on the secondary market.

I'm hoping this play arts kai of Cloud on the Hardy Daytona is legit and not messed up like Noctis was. Considering the remake play arts kai of Cloud looked incredible, I'm hoping this will too :mon:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Thanks for the replies, folks! Put in a pre-order on the European Square Enix store.

If they're going to make an exclusive PAK for every Remake release, then I wonder what the next one will be? This first volume will end with the Hardy Daytona escape, so this ties in nicely. I wonder what else they could do.

I imagine we'll get Remake PAKs of Aeris, Tifa and Red XIII next? And Sephiroth of course. If they really want to flesh out the cast, then maybe Rude and Reno, or even Rufus?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If they're going to make an exclusive PAK for every Remake release, then I wonder what the next one will be? This first volume will end with the Hardy Daytona escape, so this ties in nicely. I wonder what else they could do.

I imagine we'll get Remake PAKs of Aeris, Tifa and Red XIII next? And Sephiroth of course. If they really want to flesh out the cast, then maybe Rude and Reno, or even Rufus?


They already have enough of us by the balls, don't give them ideas om how to squeeze and twist. :mon:

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
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Lv. 25 Adventurer

compared to original:


Barret also getting remade. Tifa and Aerith also officially announced:







I don't get why Cloud can't have an alternate head. Barret's alternate face is just lazy, and Tifa's barely looks different.

The people who ordered the First Class edition of Remake might be a little pissed that their Cloud has already been made redundant (pics on instagram show it's definitely the old Cloud).

Erotic Materia

I've been meaning to talk to someone about this. My Hardy Daytona has some weird defect. I've put it all back in the box for now, but I'm gonna try to get it replaced.


I'm not even sure how that happens. But then again, this my first and only model, so I'm pretty inexperienced.


Pro Adventurer
I don't get why Cloud can't have an alternate head. Barret's alternate face is just lazy, and Tifa's barely looks different.
I wish they all had as many alt faces as Aerith does. Cloud needed one with a slight smirk, Barret with a smile, and Tifa with perhaps a smile with a wink. A nice accessory for both Tifa and Cloud would've been a hand with a drink in it, so you could recreate them drinking at the bar. Could probably think of more alternative faces and accessories but I'll just make myself more unhappy with the lack of them. Oh and as I said in the merch thread, Cloud needs materia and the joints probably could've been redesigned/updated for both him and Barret.

Don't get me wrong, I think they definitely improved in some aspects and I've pre-ordered them all (even though I have the "1st version" of Cloud and Barret), just that they could've gone a bit further.

While it's highly unlikely, I wish Jessie, Biggs and Wedge would get PAKs. They're much more fleshed out characters in the Remake... and deserve proper figure represnation.
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Kept you waiting, huh?
Can't remember if there was a source on this, but I was under the impression that Reno and Rude getting FF7R PAKs means the Avalanche trio's around the corner, too?
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