Playing FFVII for the first time thread

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Well there's a 'chievo for getting a Gold Chocobo and also one for becoming a Materia Overlord (master all materia) which I'd need Knights of the Round for ... so maybe :P As for Chocobo Racing ... well I remember I ended up with some tripping psychedelic rainbow dreams the last time I did the chocobo thing extensively back on the PSX version, going round that darn race course over and over and over again so I don't know really. I felt kind of ill! :monster:

Congrats on your GPs Danseru ^-^

Yeah Tifa snowboarding is awesme (Cid can do it too I think) <3

There are two versions of Aerith's "ghost" One is just the briefest flicker gone about as soon as it appears where Aerith is standing in the ailse and the other is where she's more substantial and sticks around for a while tending the flowers (if you have Cloud stand still) I think it might be related to AV but I'm not sure and I don't know if you can see the second version in early game Midgar and before the event at the end of disc one. I don't remember it from this run, just the ailse version. Her appearing tending the flowers might be for having been nice to her though *^_^* I hope I get to see it when I go back to Midgar later. Also if you try to run up to her she'll disappear, and when you talk to the two little kids afterwards they'll ask where the flower lady went ...

I've decided my team for after Temple of the Ancients is going to be Cloud, Tifa, Red XIII (I have all his limit breaks now) and I'm going to feed Tifa all the sources I've been hoarding =)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
There is no coding relation to Aerith's ghost and which one appears. It actually has to do with arbitrary flag triggers because, as mentioned, Aerith can be seen there before she dies. What the game is doing is checking certain value sums and sequentiall displays Aerith, then removes Aerith. If you you trip a flag elsewhere in the world, the game sees the flag as tripped and removes her immediately, leading to the ghost 'blip'

If you haven't, She hangs around in the church doing stuff til you walk upwards, which also, IIRC, trips the same flags.


Pro Adventurer
After reading chocobo breeding guides... I don't think I will do it :( I have no time. I just hope that one day, IF, FFVII is remade or rereleased with new features, it will have a new game where you keep your items/levels.


There is no coding relation to Aerith's ghost and which one appears. It actually has to do with arbitrary flag triggers because, as mentioned, Aerith can be seen there before she dies. What the game is doing is checking certain value sums and sequentiall displays Aerith, then removes Aerith. If you you trip a flag elsewhere in the world, the game sees the flag as tripped and removes her immediately, leading to the ghost 'blip'

If you haven't, She hangs around in the church doing stuff til you walk upwards, which also, IIRC, trips the same flags.

I'm not sure what other flags trip this elsewhere in the game though? Did you get that from somewhere? Not saying it's not true, it's perfectly reasonable I just haven't heard it before.

Basically, the first time you walk in the front door of the church she stays there until you walk up. Any time after that she disappears immediately.


Pro Adventurer
Actually, there is an Aeris's Ghost event that can only occur after Disk 1. I think the flag is turned on just after or before beating Jenova LIFE. Aeris's Ghost can be seen after this /until/ the player moves past a certain point in the church (by the pews) which will make Aeris's ghost disappear and never reappear. Apparently the same flag is used for talking to someone somewhere else in the game. I'll check later.

There are glitches in the church that deal with the loading of the place. The visible errors are the loading of the boy into place and then loading his position, the loading of the girl into place and loading her position, and the loading of Aeris to place and then hiding her field model. These models will appear in the center of the church first, before being moved into place. Also, Reno will be at the bottom of the screen in these scenarios before being removed when the screen is fully loaded. Aeris is the last one to load and therefore she is seen in the center last. This is not a ghost, this is a glitch.

The loading of the place is slower when the Aeris model is set to appear tending the flowers, so the loading glitches will be far easier to see. If you run past a certain point of the church (the line where walking over triggers Aeris's ghost to disappear) before the field area fully loads, you can run past it because the line hasn't yet being activated by the game.

After having seen Aeris's ghost and deactivating it by running past the place on the floor, you will never see it again. Also, when re-entering, Aeris will no longer load into the middle, or at all (from my experience). You may see someone briefly in the middle though. That person will be the girl.

EDIT: In the Nibelheim flashback you can ask the innkeeper one of three things. The third option is "How is the town?". That changes the flag that means Aeris's ghost will never appear.

EDIT2: The game has two checks to know whether the play the scene.

If the GM, or PPV (the variable that increases with story progression) is 673 or more (which it becomes after defeating Jenova LIFE), the game will know it is allowed to play the Aeris's Ghost event. THEN, the game checks whether a certain boolean variable is TRUE. This bit becomes TRUE when the player has moved past the line in the church to deactivate Aeris's Ghost AND by asking the guy about the town in the Nibelheim flashback. If the variable is FALSE, Aeris's Ghost will appear, if it is TRUE, Aeris's Ghost will not appear.
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Pro Adventurer
Got Omnislash! :wacky: Now Champiot Belt then I'm all set!

I actually used Tifa: Premium Heart+ Deathblow resuls into an range of 8000-9999 damage per hit in the later battles. Gave her Ribbon and Ziedrich then Enemy Skill, Counterattack, Restore Lvl 4, Exit, Time. So basically I cast Haste at the start of the battles, very useful, then case Regen every now and then. My only problem is whenever my weapon is broken because of the handicap... I exit right away.
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Excellentness ^^ Well done Danseru and Tifa! :moar:

Yaay. Now you can finish off the game in style =)

Thanks for all the info about Aerith's ghost peeps ^_^ Heh I actually found a thread from 2009 about it which I'd already posted in and more or less said the same thing I did this time (yaay short term memory loss? :wacky:) :doh:

I remember going back to the church in the beginning of the game and telling the kids they could take care of Aerith's flowers =) I also remember talking to the innkeeper in the flashback event though >_> I guess Aerith's ghost won't be appearing this time? :( Oh well ... at least her flowers are getting taking care of I guess, the kids probably default to their the flowers are so purty dialogue in this case. There's still Aerith related stuff at the Icycle Lodge, the return to the Forgotten City and at the end of the game for me to look forward to =) I like how the game doesn't forget about her.

So yeah -

*Trained outside Wutai till Cloud learned Finishing Touch (set Aerith back to Fury Brand to help w/th usage towards this too)
*Taught him Omnislash, 'chievo get! =)
*Tackled Wutai
*Saw the Turks - the beer went off =(
*Stocked up on Fire3 and Bolt3 items from the store - nice!
*Kept annoying the little kid in the house w/th his grandpa - hey kid I just want to speak to you, have something of your own to say, don't just speak everytime your grandpa says something >_>
*Kept pestering Godo in his house until he got peeved off and went on a rant, then Yuffie appeared and they ranted at each other.
*Played Hide and Seek w/th Yuffie - I knew where to go but I played along with the townspeople, talking to them for clues.
*Except for the hidden room after hitting the gong - I have no idea where the clue to this one is, I guess it's just randomly just deciding to hit the gong for any new players <_<
*Don Corneo has some new chickies!
*Nooo, poor Shinra grunts!
*Stalked Reno and Rude through the Mountain
*Was amused by Aerith and Tifa having a go at Don Corneo
*Had Aerith use Fury Brand at the start of the Rapps fight (randoms in the area didn't manage to fill up Cloud/Tifa's bars on the way)
*Omnislashed the hell out of Rapps
*Go Rude!
*Amused by Aerith thanking the Turks, yeah thanks Reno, yeah I'm kind of nonplussed too but we're good right?
*Obtained all my materia back from Yuffie, thanks for the MP Absorb too!
*Yaay cat house! Kitty heaven! Oooh look, shiny HP Absorb materia ~
*Oh yeah I also picked up the treasure chest weapons for Yuffie and RedXII earlier and opened the treasure chests in the hidden room as well.
*Bought some weapons and stuff from the shops
*Trained outside Wutai again for a while, this time I put RedXIII in to start building up his limit breaks - had him Beta spam for the enemy defeated count ones and Aerith Pulse of Life to restore MPs
*Bought the rest of the weapons from the weapon store and a Chocobo Feather from the other store just because <_<
*Bought more Fire3 and Bolt3 items
*The Turtle Paradise dude wouldn't hang over any swag, I was reading all those darn posters but I must have missed one after all <_<
*Oh yeah learned Magic Hammer and Death Force for my two Enemy Skill materias while I was here
*Also stole three Adaman Bangles from Adamantoises
*Red XIII actually picked up Howling Moon on the way back to the Tiny Bronco, so I kept fighting till he picked up Earth Rave, then taught him Cosmo Memory, 'chievo get! =)
*I tried out the Howling Moon + Peace Ring + Earth Rave trick, niice! :awesome:
*Left the Wutai area w/th over 50 X-Potions, plus a bunch of other stuff like Swift Bolts, dozens of Phoenix Downs (<_<), Hi Potions and moar Gil! :awesome:
*Remade my Aerith/Cloud/Tifa team back up before heading back to the Gold Saucer =)


Pro Adventurer
Right now my main party is Cloud (magic/materia and healing), Tifa (physical offense + Time), Cid for his high HP and good offense or Yuffie for her steal success rate. I'm an offense person :P

Just got Final Heaven from Nibelheim. After this Gelnika and...

I'll stop playing for a week, I've got so much work to do :'(
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I've come to the conclusion I can only handle so many "old school" random encounters in a day! :pinkmonster:

The entire Snowfields/Great Glacier sections had me :headbang:

Tackled it over the weekend, kept getting lost looking for stuff, Cloud kept fainting and ending up in dat guys house! :monster:

Thankfully it's all over and since I went out of the way to get all the most important treasures I could think of there before proceeding with the story I won't ever have to go there again this file :pinkmonster:

Currently on the Highwind with Tifa as my leader. Awww yeah. Freeedom!~


Pro Adventurer
Because I can't use the computer to do my school work I played and finished disc 2 already.

I think that even without AC, Rufus and Tseng dying is equally ambiguous. Anyway, I put Vincent in my party because that fits.

Got the HA HW scene haha, and I really don't think they did "it" but the HA version is undeniably romantic. Really want to write an LTD article now.... but maybe it will be next week.


Got the HA HW scene haha, and I really don't think they did "it" but the HA version is undeniably romantic. Really want to write an LTD article now.... but maybe it will be next week.

Why are people so against the idea that they had sex that night? Having massive blue balls us no way to enter the final dungeon. :closedmonster:


Pro Adventurer
I'm not against the idea, it just didn't see at it that way. My headcanon is kisses and cuddle.

Well everything I know about sex is from movies, fanfic, academic writing and hentai fanarts popping out of nowhere so I might not be a reliable source of opinion in this matter.

But I think it's all because of the graphics' limitations, if ever FFVII remakes the scene, I hope we can see more details.


Pro Adventurer
Forgot to post this but I though I heard Yuffie's voice after she defeated Godo. When she's lying flat on the floor I think she laughed which sounded like the death cries in FFT.


Yuffie for her steal success rate. I'm an offense person :P(

Yuffie doesn't have a higher steal success rate than anyone else. The only variable that affects a successful steal is the character's level. It's basically the higher you are level wise than the monster you're stealing from, the more likely you'll be able to steal.

Which usually makes Cloud the best person to have steal, since he's in the party the most and generally has a higher level than everyone else.


Pro Adventurer
Don't forget to defeat Ultimate-Weapon(the flying one). It will give you Cloud's strongest sword, and open a passage to the Ancient-Forest.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

They can't show us the sex in the HA Highwind scene without getting an M rating. And I actually don't find it unbelievable that Rufus survived what he did, considering the things FFIV characters have survived.


Pro Adventurer
Currently Cloud is my mage, Tifa has 9999 damage per hit and Yuffie morphs big time *_*

Also, I caught 4 chocobos but the whole process is so tedious I'm really not motivated right now.

I know this is shippy but when I took RedXIII to Cosmo Canyon the other patry member was Tifa and at the bonfire scene she and Cloud are sitting so close together! I looked at other videos with Cid and Vincent and they're sitting far from Cloud. Can others confirm if Tifa is the only one who can sit so close to him? XD

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Currently Cloud is my mage, Tifa has 9999 damage per hit and Yuffie morphs big time *_*

Also, I caught 4 chocobos but the whole process is so tedious I'm really not motivated right now.

I know this is shippy but when I took RedXIII to Cosmo Canyon the other patry member was Tifa and at the bonfire scene she and Cloud are sitting so close together! I looked at other videos with Cid and Vincent and they're sitting far from Cloud. Can others confirm if Tifa is the only one who can sit so close to him? XD

That's quite interesting. They probably did that on purpose to show that Cloud and Tifa are a couple now or something.
You know what you should do: return to Cosmo Canyon without Red XIII in your party after Bugenhagen dies, and try to visit Bugenhagen.


Pro Adventurer
That's quite interesting. They probably did that on purpose to show that Cloud and Tifa are a couple now or something.
You know what you should do: return to Cosmo Canyon without Red XIII in your party after Bugenhagen dies, and try to visit Bugenhagen.

Nothing happens....

Now I'm hunting the giant gundam above the lake but I feel so bad because it just wants to live but I'm killing it to get the loot...

Also, I tried putting the Chocobo in the Highwind I kept on pressing O but nothing is happening ughhh How do you feed a chocobo? The process baffles me.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Well remember that the WEAPONs aren't exactly "alive" so much as "bio-mechanical constructs created to destroy threats to the planet." Which apparently includes people living in a totally rural area that doesn't even seem to use mako energy, like Mideel. So don't be overly guilty :monster:

Also, you feed chocobos greens in the stables, rather than the Highwind. Put it back in the stable and go talk to either Choco Bob or Billy, I forget which, and they'll give you the feeding options.


Pro Adventurer
Will take a break from playing and will be banned because choosing acads over FFVII is a heinous crime in TLS :wacky:

If you didn't get this, I asked for a ban :monster:

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Nothing happens....

Now I'm hunting the giant gundam above the lake but I feel so bad because it just wants to live but I'm killing it to get the loot...

Also, I tried putting the Chocobo in the Highwind I kept on pressing O but nothing is happening ughhh How do you feed a chocobo? The process baffles me.

Hmm, I see. I heard a rumor that he would turn out to still be alive, but I never bothered to test it. I now see that the rumor is false.


Pro Adventurer






You know in getting those crappy screenshots, Bugenhagen's death became my third most watched cutscene after Zack's death and ACC

And I've defeated Ultima Weapon... I thought it was super strong but it was pretty easy. Entered the Ancient forest. Now I've tried entering the Northern Cave and still thinking where to put my save point.
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