Playing FFVII for the first time thread


Pro Adventurer
The reason the date sequence isn't treated the same as the HW scene is because the date sequence is pretty much meaningless to the narrative.

And as an aside. How can the Aerith date strengthen the "clerith" elements of the game? Cloud is clueless.

If you get the Aeris date, it will be the first time in the game a person will comment on a real Cloud who's hidden. It also showed that Aeris was really interested on Cloud as Cloud, not as someone who can substitute for Zack.

Shipping aside, it also points out that Cloud and Zack were so similar in a way that bothers Aeris, thus another clue in figuring out who Aeris' boyfriend was and his connection to Cloud.

The Tifa date is basically... Tifa failing to confess to Cloud.

Thanks Danseru! *glomp* *^_^*


The main difference though is I don't think any Cloud and Aerith or ZaCloud and Aerith or w/e snazz negates Cloud and Tifa/the Compilation.

I will be honest again and say I -think-/personally believe (not going to present/try to reinforce it as fact) that Cloud cared deeply for both girls and I have fond memories of times/scenes Cloud spends with Aerith but at the end of Advent Children Cloud wants to live

I love you too :3

Yeah, I don't believe any amount of Clerith in the game can really affect Cloti or Zerith. I'm against the idea that if Cloud loved, or at least attracted to Aerith, his love for Tifa will be less.

Anyway, 43-ish hours into the game:

Finished Fort Condor
Farmed Gil and bought everthing from Mideel before it gets destroyed
Fell into the Lifestream with Tifa and my wheelchair

Okay thoughts on the LS event:

I've watched it before but of course it's different now. It's less romantic than I had previously perceived it but it't because it's all about Cloud finding his real self who has feelings Tifa. It's not the other way around or "Cloud found his feelings for Tifa and found his real self."

Aside from the Weapon vs Junon epicness, I felt so triumphant and emotional when Cloud took off his helmet and his theme played in the background. I can only imagine the shock of the players back in 1997 when they watched this. It's amazing how they made you doubt the existence of Cloud before finding out he's real, but then they made you see that he's nothing but a lowly grunt. Just when you thought you found out the secret, it turned out that Cloud actually did much more than his illusion- he actually defeated Sephiroth just as he was. The real Cloud was much stronger and his illusions were only keeping him on realizing this. The way he picked him up while he's stabbed then tossed him into the Mako pit was the most awesome and badass moment in FFVII to me.

And then I felt shivers when he's back as the leader in the airship with nice music playing. I feel that I'm in a real adventure. :D

Just talked to Yuffie and gave her some tips on motion sickness. :P


Now going back to Shinra manor to see Zack flashbacks and get emotional again.
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Elisa Maza

I've watched it before but of course it's different now. It's less romantic than I had previously perceived it but it't because it's all about Cloud finding his real self who has feelings for Tifa. It's not the other way around or "Cloud found his feelings for Tifa and found his real self."

Fix'd. :P

And exactly. The real Cloud always had feelings for Tifa. That Cloud was somewhere lost within that place and when he found himself again, he re-found his feelings.

The real Cloud was much stronger and his illusions were only keeping him on realizing this. The way he picked him up while he's stabbed then tossed him into the Mako pit was the most awesome and badass moment in FFVII to me.

And then I felt shivers when he's back as the leader in the airship with nice music playing. I feel that I'm in a real adventure. :D

One of the biggest ironies the storyline offers and one of my favourite aspects, too. Cloud has always been stronger than a SOLDIER, but the rejection from the system made him reject himself too (among other things, namely some green Jenova goo). He made a fake persona, wanting to appear strong, because the others view SOLDIERs as strong, but in the end, his true self is stronger. In a way, he's someone who lost his confidence and himself in the criticism of the others.

Hence one of the many reasons I love CloTi: Tifa will have Cloud, regardless of what he is, but because of who he is. It's the potential that becomes realised later that she's attracted to.


Maidenofwar I replied to you here.

If you get the Aeris date, it will be the first time in the game a person will comment on a real Cloud who's hidden.

Tifa, Cosmo Canyon.

It also showed that Aeris was really interested on Cloud as Cloud, not as someone who can substitute for Zack.

Took her long enough to figure out Cloud wasn't himself. Tifa knew from the beginning. Also this would be important if Cloud and Aerith could actually start a relationship after this.

Shipping aside, it also points out that Cloud and Zack were so similar in a way that bothers Aeris, thus another clue in figuring out who Aeris' boyfriend was and his connection to Cloud.

Which was accomplished by the "date" they had in the park. Or the trip to Gongaga.

Okay thoughts on the LS event:

I've watched it before but of course it's different now. It's less romantic than I had previously perceived it but it't because it's all about Cloud finding his real self who has feelings Tifa. It's not the other way around or "Cloud found his feelings for Tifa and found his real self."

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Pro Adventurer


Tifa had always known from the beginning, but it's only later that we learn that she knew from the beginning. I think it adds to the twist, you will think Aerith knew that a real Cloud exist first, but then the Northern Crater event will make you see that it's wrong.

And on Cosmo Canyon:

Tifa: Cloud... Bonfires are funny, aren't they? They make you remember all sorts of things. You know, Cloud. 5 Years ago... ......It's nothing.
No, forget it. I'm afraid to ask... Cloud: What is it?
Tifa: It feels like... it feels like you're going far away... You really, really are...... you... right?
If you don't know anything about the story, you can interpret it as Cloud not being himself, not hiding his real self. It's different. Tifa's line is much more ambiguous if you don't know the story. Aeris' "I want to meet .... you" offers a better distinction.

And the park date offers little similarities between Cloud and Zack, only their position in soldier. The GS date made Aerith point out their specific similarities like mannerisms and then she said that they are still different.

And any more clue about Zack is always plot relevant! :zackball: *Zack fangirl gush*

Vendel why are you so aggressive in any little thing that make defines Cloud and Aeris' relationship? I think I had always made it clear that I'm a Cloti and it's canon.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Hmmm. Might just go on ahead to Wutai. Managed to rack up another 140 GPs but the battle arena slots are still being mean to me. It's not so much I can't win/get to the final fight but I keep screwing up on getting the all materia broke slots for max profit and get something worth less points. Also even more ridiculous than the looping Nibel wolves was this fight with these turtle shell Sahagin things where I lost my materia too early and had no offensive items left, they protect themselves from physical attacks with their shells and greatly reduce damage so Aerith was only doing 1 HP a hit. I did have War Gongs for status items to use but all that did was stop them spamming their Blind status move by making them Berserk so they would only use their own physicals all the time too allowing Aerith to regularly use Great Gospel but the thing was they couldn't beat Aerith but it would have took forever to beat them! :monster:

On the bright side I'm really starting to like the 3D battler for GPs, I think I've more or less sussed out it's gimmick now *^_^* It's also pretty low mantainence/concentration so I don't have to be paying too much actual attention to or think about the game, usually the opponent picks a favourite move to spam so I counter spam with the opposite! :pinkmonster: I don't have to be too awake to do that so I might do it some more. Apparently I need 200~ GP to be on the safe side for the battle arena so I might do that. On the other hand Wutai would be less boring but I should probably sleep first for that ^-^

Or I could just check the North Corel, Gongaga, Costa Del Sol and Junon shops for any offensive items which might be useful in the battle arena too (since I've ran out of the ones I obtained from drops through the game) ^-^

Plus I really do kind of want to Omnislash the heck out of the Wutai section :arr:

Congratulations on reaching end game Danseru *^_^*

Even though you're busy with college are you going to do any side quests at all before finishing, like getting any ultimate weapons or such? =)


Pro Adventurer

I'm going to maximize the story so if any sidequests have story I'll do it :) But gamewise, I'm not going to exert extra effort breeding chocobos, getting the best equipment and all the limit breaks. ^_^


Higher Further Faster
@ Tennyo

I actually agree with you. I believe the Aeris date is the most plot relevant, meaningful and actually strengthens the Clerith elements in the game, if it's canonized I'll be happy.

Clerith or not that's not really the reason why I feel it should be canon.

IMHO Clerith is a red herring.

But let's not make this into another LTD thread. :P lol

In short, for me the Aeris date and the HA HW scene should get the same treatment. Or as an alternative, it's not impossible that all the dates happened. Cloud can be asked as many times as possible :awesome:

haha The idea that all four dates happened is rather lulzy. I think the order would go Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Barret. Cloud must have been tired by the time he got to Barret. especially after Yuffie sucked the life out of him :wacky:

But in all seriousness, Aerith date, high affection Highwind scene. They are the most plot relevant, ergo should be the canon, but in the end it's the writers/staff of the original game who get to decide, and boy do they like to yank our chain in an attempt to remain relevant (and keep sales up).


Pro Adventurer
IMHO Clerith is a red herring.

But let's not make this into another LTD thread. :P lol

You know I actually agree with you, when I said "Clerith" I didn't mean any romance out of it. :P I may be persecuted but I don't believe Cloud loved Aeris romantically and IMHO Aeris is OOC in MWTTP.

haha The idea that all four dates happened is rather lulzy. I think the order would go Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Barret. Cloud must have been tired by the time he got to Barret. especially after Yuffie sucked the life out of him :wacky:

Yeah it's hilarious if SE canonized all dates, and the LTD thread will explode again haha

But in all seriousness, Aerith date, high affection Highwind scene. They are the most plot relevant, ergo should be the canon, but in the end it's the writers/staff of the original game who get to decide, and boy do they like to yank our chain in an attempt to remain relevant (and keep sales up).

Well they canonized the HW scene by including it in the story summary, but at least they put clues that the dates might have happened. I think the Tifa date is in both Cloud and Tifa's profiles and the Aeris date is in her profile.

IMHO the Yuffie date doesn't really appear awkward to me (though to Cloud it may be.) To her the whole thing is innocent and she just wants to have fun with a guy she likes in a theme park and nothing more.

Barret's date is really awkward, I mean why would he suspect Cloud of liking his four year old daughter? I don't know what to make out of it.


Dominique Destine
^Personally, I think they would all have boned one another given, you know, less stabbity business from Sirah Longhair of the Premature Silvering.

Because I can't help but think there is a lot of love there and given time to explore it they would have eventually made the love triangle a love triad. And I don't think I'm projecting.

Maybe with some help from the Honeybee Inn.

Anyway, that's my two cents and all I can say for the Great Glacier bullshit is that on my first playthrough a couple of months back I just handed Ite the controller and rolled over and went to sleep while e utilized his ridiculous, encyclopaediac knowledge of the game to get us through it without my sustaining an ulcer.

Also got me his namesake Materia, which was bitching.


Higher Further Faster
You know I actually agree with you, when I said "Clerith" I didn't mean any romance out of it. :P I may be persecuted but I don't believe Cloud loved Aeris romantically and IMHO Aeris is OOC in MWTTP.

Then you and I have something in common. :)

Yeah it's hilarious if SE canonized all dates, and the LTD thread will explode again haha

This would be great just for the sheer troll factor of it. :wacky:

Well they canonized the HW scene by including it in the story summary, but at least they put clues that the dates might have happened. I think the Tifa date is in both Cloud and Tifa's profiles and the Aeris date is in her profile.

Yeah, I know the high version of the HW scene was pretty much canonized, but I kind of felt my heart sink just a smidgen when the Aerith date was pretty much put on the optional burner. It really is the better choice from a story point of view.

IMHO the Yuffie date doesn't really appear awkward to me (though to Cloud it may be.) To her the whole thing is innocent and she just wants to have fun with a guy she likes in a theme park and nothing more.

I found it awkward. I hate imagining Cloud/Yuffie together as a pairing. There's something about it that's just...nails on a chalk board...

Even if it's just Yuffie having a one-sided crush on him. It makes me shudder.

Barret's date is really awkward, I mean why would he suspect Cloud of liking his four year old daughter? I don't know what to make out of it.


When Barret was all like, "Stay away from Marlene," I was like, why the flip is this actually an issue? Ew.


Pro Adventurer

They did not canonize the Aeris date because... they are biased to Cloti! :wacky: But yeah I'll be waiting for the day when it will be canonized as well but that's very unlikely.

Okay 48-ish hours into the game:

Revisited Nibelheim for Zack flashbacks *feels*
Cloud said "aren't we forgetting something?" I still don't know what that is.
I apparently murdered two young Shinra grunts that just wanted to date the elevator girl
The boss I fought after meeting Reno was pretty hard, two of my party members die at a time and I got to use a lot of phoenix downs.
Gosh those poor soldiers that learned the victory pose from me... I took them hostage to atone for my sins.
I brought Yuffie into the submarine. You know what happens right? :awesome: Aww poor Cloud also getting scared.
I am swimming with yellow submarines, yellow submarines, yellow submarines

Bumped into the swimming green gundam underwater :greenmonster:
Failed to save so I repeated the underwater mission
Awesome Cid punching the old guy in rocket town
Rocket action, more grunts murdered
I felt shivers when Cid saw space
Bugenhagen revisit
Forgotten Capital revisit, Bugenhagen is a troll, spent around half an hour searching for clues.
Left the old man all alone there mwuahahaha
Found the sunken ship underwater, defeated Reno and Rude and stole Ziedrich and Touph something from them. Saved and died fighting the monsters. Will come back later.
Found the Key of the Ancients.
Gotta explore the other secret cave and find the Sector 5 key first.

I actually read the guides for the side missions since I'm rushing to finish this before my hell weeks. But for the main storyline I'll be on my own.

Cloud is currently my party healer with Cure+All. Tifa is my favored fighter and I equipped her with both Ziedrich and Touph and GODHAND, I would have equipped one to Cloud but he has Ribbon and Ziedrich has no materia slots.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Bumped into the swimming green gundam underwater :greenmonster:

It's not a Gundam. It's the Neue Ziel. Ironically, not a water based suit like the Hygogg, which is the basis for the Desert Dwelling Ruby.


Cloud is currently my party healer with Cure+All. Tifa is my favored fighter and I equipped her with both Ziedrich and Touph and GODHAND, I would have equipped one to Cloud but he has Ribbon and Ziedrich has no materia slots.

Godhand Deathblow or Flash-All with a Ribbon for protection. Tifa now clears enemy encounters. Pair with sneak attack, it happens before they start.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I am of the belief that at least all four gondola rides happened. And I think the Tifa date happened last, because one of the official sources contains a picture of Cloud and Tifa discovering Cait Sith is a traitor, which is the last event that happens in the date sequences.


Save your valediction (she/her)

Best moment of the game imo. When the main theme comes back from its tomb as he takes off his helmet. EPIC.


Pro Adventurer
We've discussed that moment - and quite a lot of the other things which are coming up here - in the FFVII Community Playthrough thread. I guess it must have felt too closed to outsiders, because we never got this level of participation in our conversations. Something to work on for future playthroughs :)


Pro Adventurer
Okay, 48-ish hours, lazy to get the real time

Gold Saucer GP farm fail, will get Omnislash when I'm motivated
Watched Lucrecia's flashback twice because I failed to save after the first one
Finished Wutai Pagoda and entered the burning cave there
Saw Aeris' ghost in the Sector 5 church
Got Premium Heart
Running around farming Gil

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
What was Aerith's ghost doing? :pinkmonster: Was she in the ailse or tending flowers? =)

Yaay Premium Heart *^_^* The more Tifa's limit bar fills the stronger it gets. Limit bar max w/th Deathblow <3

Finally amassed the BP required to obtain the Omnislash manual. Cloud finally learned Meteorain on the way to Wutai too so he just needs to learn Finishing Touch and he's set. I'll teach him Omnislash when he does and with the girls at his side he can show Corneo who's the real pimp in town :neo: Also to Omnislash the rest of disc one away in style too. If I were the remaining disc one bosses I'd be scared ;)

Aerith worked her butt off for BP to get Cloud's Omnislash, Great Gospel was immensely useful, so I took her and Tifa to the Gondola and treated them to half a dozen rides each. If you don't look out the window and mess around with the action button with Cloud, the other character will stop looking out the window and turn into the gondola too. Tifa will look around smiling and raising her arm to the window and Aerith plays with her hair/ribbon. So cuute *^_^ *

I'm currently saved outside Wutai. Since I have no materia I'm using the strongest special weapons I have for the characters, Cloud with Yoshiku (sp?), Aerith with Umbrella and Tifa with Powersoul. Gonna put Champion Belt on Tifa and and Sprint Shoes on Aerith too (which a nice lady gave me for winning eight battles at the battle arena ;))

Probably going to use Wutai area for training for a while. Cloud needs to finish off learning his limits and I still need to build a character up for taking Aerith's place.


I saw the community playthrough thing and I wanted to answer the Chapter questions for the Chapters but I wasn't sure whether it was finished for new people to start taking part and answer the questions or not? Regardless great work there from those who ran and took part in it :)


Pro Adventurer

Tending flowers :pinkmonster:

I'm currently in Gold Saucer farming GP's so I can get Omnislash. So far, Cloud and Tifa both have their Level 3 limit breaks already. After Omnislash, I'll get the Final Heaven in Nibelheim.

After that, I'll try coming back to the Gelnika so I can get the remaining chests there. After that I'll return to the Forgotten Capital.


Pro Adventurer
Say, newbies, do you think that you will go thought Chocobo breeding?

Nope... my goal is to be able to visit all places (that means defeating Ruby Weapon to go to the flower rock near Cosmo Canyon.) But if that needs Chocobo breeding I won't do it.

Just earned 230 GP playing submarine and highway chase where I suck. I also can't get past 88 points in snowboarding. Hey at least I was able to let Tifa play :D

Gold Saucer already ate 3 hours of my time which is not really my plan but I wanna get Omnislash...


Save your valediction (she/her)
Chocobo racing is the easiest way to GP farm.

Also you don't need to breed chocobos to get to that flower thing by Cosmo Canyon. But Ruby Weapon isn't how you get there. I would avoid Ruby and Emerald weapon if you're not planning to over-complete the game. Ultima Weapon is the only optional weapon you should hunt (and hunt and hunt) until its dead.

If you want to go to all places though, you're going to miss some cool looking materia caves if you forego Chocobo breeding. Also, it's fun.
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