PlayStation 4


My PS4 isn't even three years old yet. I'm good not hearing about another one for now. :monster:

Leaves me time to save up for the inevitable full 4K HDR TV upgrade when the time comes. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
My PS4 isn't even three years old yet. I'm good not hearing about another one for now. :monster:

Leaves me time to save up for the inevitable full 4K HDR TV upgrade when the time comes. :monster:

Thank god some brands are approaching reasonable prices now. Hopefully by the time the PS5 comes out a few hundred more dollars get knocked off lol.


That Man
My thoughts on the PS5 are these:

Nowadays game consoles are becoming largely homogenized where the videogames (in terms of design creativity) can't keep up with the actual technical specs of the hardware they exist on.

Another way to put it: Game design isn't doing anything "new" in a huge hurry. I mean, they DO try to be creative, but there's only so many ideas that can go in to a game before it hits a limit.

I like that game developers like Yoko Taro are trying to shake up the status quo... but it's going to be a while before people start taking those "risks" and expand upon the creative possibilities that games are capable of in the coming era of videogames.

So when Sony starts bragging about PS5 specs or whatever... all I see is a Sega Saturn from yesteryear... a Game console without hardly any games ON it.

The only way that's going to change is if and when game developers get the courage to develop ON that level of technology, and that takes time to adjust to.

Take ARC System Works for example: they only JUST started learning how to mess around with Unreal Engine 3 and 4, and the transition from UE3 to UE4 was actually a big leap to what they were adjusted to doing.

If they suddenly had to jump to PS5 hardware, who KNOWS how long it would take to learn what to do.

And ARC System Works is a SMALL COMPANY... they aren't making Triple AAA blockbuster games like Square Enix or Nintendo do.

So, it isn't just the consumer who has to play catchup here... it's the developers too.

So, I'm not going to sweat it, because:

1. Steam is pretty universal nowadays, and very rarely will you find stuff that exceeds your hardware specs (unless your PC is a fossil).

2. Developers need time to do what they do, and they need even MORE time to come up with something NEW and DIFFERENT, so even with the best specs in the world... some things aren't going to change all that much.

Just my two cents. :monster:

Maybe someday we'll get those VR games like Sword Art Online or Overlord we dreamed about or whatever, Final Fantasy VR or somesuch... but that's a long ways off before it's a perfected technology.


Pro Adventurer
4K is a load of wank though, I'd rather have 60fps at HD than 30 at 4K, an shit.

Yeah. And 1080p gaming still looks great on most monitor sizes.
1080p with a bunch of settings cranked up is sooooo smooth. I've only ever tried out "4K" via virtual resolution options on my old AMD rig so idk how true to form the virtual resolution was to the real thing but honestly I didn't dig it as much as I enjoyed smooth frame rate and cranked up settings.

That and virtualized 4k on a monitor that was clearly not designed for it was pretty jank. Everything was so tiny :monster: That probably hurt the experience more than anything.

I do intend to eventually buy into the resolution probably with in a year or two for at least my TV and then like 30 years from now when 144hz 4k Monitors with decent latency aren't bs expensive I might spring for one on the PC if the TV watching experience is ok lol.

Though I'm not sure what would cost more , a PC that runs 4k with decent quality options at 144hz or the monitor to display it :monster:

In any case my wallet won't be too happy about that adventure.


AI Researcher
keeping it real here, i want to get the psvr set before a ps5 because i'm like 90% sure it won't take off and then it'll end up like the ps/vita tv which i wish i'd gotten but didn't when they were new


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I only got a new PS4 a week ago (I gave my old one to my son). I really don't want a PS5 to come out anytime soon...

I mean, I wouldn't be able to afford it, for a start. Also, I don't really like the nowadays games so much and Final Fantasy VII Remake will probably be the last game I get.

But yeah, I don't really want a PS5 to come out any time soon. I want all of the FFVII Remake to come on the PS4 so that I don't have to get a PS5.


Eyes of the Lord
You can't prevent tech from getting outdated (we are talking about a late 2013 hardware that at most was slightly more powerful than mid tier pcs at the time) and needing to evolve.


You can't prevent tech from getting outdated (we are talking about a late 2013 hardware that at most was slightly more powerful than mid tier pcs at the time) and needing to evolve.

And yet I use and enjoy it more than my PC which isn't much older than that (atm). I just hope the next generation will do HD at a stable framerate. for once. urgh. Yes I'm aware of the existence of the PS4 Pro.


Eyes of the Lord
Versus Nintendo: 3rd party support, probably.

Versus Microsoft: built brand loyalty before them during the fifth console generation, probably. Plus more exclusive games in recent time.

In general: I don't know? A mixture of the two above. Another thing I would add is that over the last six years Sony has been "rellying less" in stablished IPs than them and has a higher output of new IPs with overall broad appeal.
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What is it about Sony that does so well in the UK, anyway?

It's considered a top-tier brand TV wise etc., I think people just associate the name with good product. For example my dad knows very little about technology but he was asking about my TV the other week and when I said it was a Sony he cut me off and said "A BRAVIA!? How did you afford that!" and his eyes lit up like it was Christmas. It's a really well respected "premium" brand here, even though (IMO) their tech range outside of Playstation is a tiny bit overpriced.

This generation I think Sony's real hammer has been UK-specific marketing. A lot of the PS4 ads and gaming ads have been UK made and have had UK voices, so it "feels" a bit more like a home brand (i.e. the dude saying "for the players" has an English accent) - I've also noticed a lot more short PS4 game ads during breaks on actual TV, which means they're everywhere because I never watch normal TV. I've also seen ads for PS4 games in the cinema, which tbh is something I never remember happening prior to this generation. So the short answer could just be marketing.

XBone has done well in the UK though, better than some other Euro markets. PS4 has still managed to outsell it by something ridiculous like a factor of 3.

All that said, Playstation has been successful in the UK since the beginning. Even at its lowest point (which we'll unanimously agree is the early years of the PS3), it managed to outsell the 360 within a year of launching even though the 360 had already been out a year and was about £150 cheaper.

The UK market is both fickle and simple. Sega outsold Nintendo in the UK during the 16-bit era because Sega marketed properly and Nintendo didn't really give a shit about the UK market. A lot of brands will also just port their American branding and marketing over and assume it's fine (Nintendo during the 16-bit era) not recognising that while we share cultural similarities, the consumer market is incredibly different. Playstation understands this and always has - see the regional box art differences etc. Sleek/ simple design is preferred here over flashy stuff that's made to stand out. I still don't understand why that is but I know that I prefer the more "boring" (simple) box art and branding style that Europe uses. Companies that know how to market always do that - even down to books (Harry Potter cover art).

Yeah it's probably just marketing :)


Double Growth
We've had this discussion before, but I agree with you on basically all of them except FF7.

That's not loud or flashy and grabbing for attention. The washed out looming Shinra tower does a really good job of capturing the atmosphere of the game, at least at the beginning. One character, facing away, looking up at the tower. It's really good, I like it a lot.

VIII's, IX's, and XII's all suck. And IX's boring busy-looking cast-facing-forward one weirdly excludes Freya. In favor of Amarant?

X's and XIII's I have no strong feelings about. The one character is better, at least.

XV I like the JP one better than NA's.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
So my PS4 just randomly cut off completely, and will now not turn on. Beeps once, then dies again. It turned on successfully when I plugged it directly into the wall socket, and started doing its whole reboot process, then died again, and now won't turn on when a HDMI cable is plugged into it.

Denizens of TLS, I implore you, lend me thy knowledge such that it might save me forking out 400 yo yos for a replacement...or failing that, bury me softly with a consolatory message about how my poor little console has gone to a better place...

Seriously though...this is a major pain in the hole... :closedmonster:
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