Now where did I say you did? They said it would be and I was responding to that. Remember how the PS2 was going to have Toy story 2 graphics? lol.
Where precisely are they claiming that it is as powerful as the PS3, that's something beyond a media grab. I don't see this being claimed anywhere, and since it's not true, it's a moot point, especially since there were playable models of them that showcase what their real capabilities.
It's not a misconception at all when this came from the mouths of developers themselves, not to mention the nature of their products, bro.
It's still a misconception on your part, when the development reasonings for this new system, and the games therein aren't for that reason. Again, splitting PlayStation Suite into a hardware-less model, and the NGP are looking at focusing on two very different types of games, that aren't what the previous handheld market has been doing.
These things just ain't gonna pull off the same level of quality console games do, and my problem is that there's been a real huge focus on handhelds this entire generation, even titles that a lot of people would have wanted going to them, and winding up less than they could have been as a result.
I have to agree with your second point here, and that's actually why I'm so excited about the NGP, because the development considerations for it and the PS3 are supposed to be so similiar and so easy to go between. That means that even if they stay NGP focused, there's going to be much less effort required to make it into a PS3 game as well, plus as the teams get more efficient at making games for NGP, they're also learning things that will help them to develop for the PS3, which isnt' the case with the current generation PSP. That's one of the main things that the game developers brought up. It's encouraging developers NOT to shy away from the PS3 by forcibly introducing them to a handheld system that's essentially going to have them be doing the same type of development requirements that they'd be looking at for a PS3 game. I highly doubt that SE will start primarily developing towards non-platform PlayStation Suite games, and instead of just working on PSP titles that will take their dev teams away from developing for the PS3, both of those teams will be able to work side by side.
I'm hoping that this eventually means that a good number of PS3 games will be able to transition from the PS3 to the NGP almost seamlessly, with a slight change in the graphical requirements. Just like gaming differences on a Desktop and a laptop, but one that you could seamlessly transition between by syncing the devices. Plus, the development methods should be similiar enough to allow something like this from what they've been describing. I'd much rather play parts of a good PS3 game I'm in the middle of at a slightly lower quality while away from home, than just being relinquished to another game entirely, and having no option but to put that game on hold. The lack of a seperate media format also supports this type of interaction. While not discussed greatly outside of Kojima's statements, I think that this is something that the NGP would really be able to benefit from. While it's not an option for ALL PS3 games, because of their sheer size, it's something worth considering.
It doesn't matter if they use the same models or data if the data is significantly lesser than what they could have been on a more powerful machine. They simply are not capable of the same feats.
Again, what I adressed above.
Yeah I'm gonna chalk that up to bullshit too. The likelihood of this actually happening is minimal. There will still be PS3 games only for the ps3, and psp games only for the psp2.
Except that the NGP is specifically NOT equipped with a separate form of media for it's games, so selling a physical disc and the cost associated therein is gone, plus the development similiarities between the systems are so close that it won't cost the game developers a lot more to develop for both systems simultaneously. Everything about this system seems to be reaching towards more completely utilizing the PS3 partnership that the PSP was working with.
They said the same interconnect ability bullshit about the original psp and never pulled it off.
Except for Remote Play, which works as described, and I've used several times. There's no reason to believe that the NGP won't have a much more powerful version of that relationship, especially given the reasons listed above.
Ps3 development has always been split from PSP development and that is not likely to change. This might change something in Sony's internal studios, but third party development won't change, if it doesn't it won't be anything significant.
All I see them doing here is improving graphics and control schemes.
Again, see my aforementioned points for the reasons why there is a lot of effort for the NGP to change and vastly improve this relationship. The last thing Sony needs to do is spread themselves thin in game development, which was what the PSP was doing to them (though they probably won't come right out and say that). The PlayStation Suite and the NGP are in place to build that bridge back, and fix the problems that you seem to have with portable system existing alongside consoles. The lighterweight developers are being pushed towards systems that are less focused on hardware, and PlayStation 3-specific development, whereas the NGP and PS3 development are as close to being hand in hand as I can imagine, without it being a TRUE handheld PS3.
That ain't the post you responded to is it brah? Nor does my post refer to my previous posts, but my general stance on handheld gaming and that post in particular.
I was responding to your general stance on handheld gaming, and not seeing the differences with the NGP that I've rather extensively listed.
Assumptions make an ass out of you, and me bro. I've watched videos and read the articles. It's the same sensationalist bullshit sony always pulls claiming they'll do this and do that, and guess what, they don't.
Let's look at their history:
The Ps2 will have Toy Story 2 level graphics! never happened.
The PSP will usher in a new general of portable media and interconnect ability in games on ps3! never happened.
The PS3 will blow the 360 out of the water with new graphics technology and 4D graphics! never happened.
Sony is full of shit when it comes to these conferences about their products and outlining their features.
A bold claim, but one that I don't believe was demonstrated, unlike the current features of the NGP.
Interconnectability between PS3 & PSP games is possible with Remote Play.
Even you said that the consoles yet haven't been used to their fullest potential, so it seems a little early to call that.
You're making a fine amount of assumptions yourself about what the NGP
won't do.
I like owning something physical because then I can buy used games for cheaper, and also sell games that suck/I'm done playing.
I mean, why would anyone want to get rid of that? :/
Probably because of development costs, and other things that I mentioned before, plus it ensure that the money paid for the game goes to the game developers, and not to Gamestop.

They still discount downloadable games at random, and over time. Happens all the time on the Playstation store.