Podcast planning


Pro Adventurer
Any idea what might come up besides FFXV? I should be available but I never really have anything to say on that subject, so my place would probably be better off going to someone else.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I foresee no problems with being ready at the usual time, but if my schedule wonks up I'll let you know.

Any word on the FF Retrospective podcast?

We'll be recording the first episode in the Retrospective series once everybody is finished. I haven't heard back from Ryu or Carlie yet on their progress.

Any idea what might come up besides FFXV? I should be available but I never really have anything to say on that subject, so my place would probably be better off going to someone else.

I actually have the agenda all ready to go. I'll send it over to you via PM. Let me know if you want in. :monster:


Chloe Frazer
I'm up for it, though I'll only be available for the first part of the podcast.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Just wanted to let everyone know that we recorded the first episode of the Retrospective series on Friday. That will be what will be used for the new episode. We will record episode 9 in 2 weeks.


Chloe Frazer
I'm for up for doing it tonight or tomorrow, though I think tonight would probably be better so we can get it up as soon as possible.


Pro Adventurer
As the Bahamut Fayth told me, "you can't tonight".

Tomorrow would work, but go ahead and record if you can get it organised.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
As I PM'd I could do it tomorrow usual time so long as it's a minisode.

And yes I'm aware my planned hiatus isn't going so well, but I do NOT want to miss out on this Pod.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Lex said he wouldn't be able to do it until like 3 am UTC/10 pm ESD. If we want to do the show, I'd say it's probably not going to be until around then.


I'd vote for recording tomorrow :monster:

Mostly because I'm going to go to bed now. I can't fuck up my sleep cycle, gotta get up early again next week.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Damn. Count me out then alas.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Lets just hold off until tomorrow then. I'll see if I can make time for it. Odds are I won't have a lot of time to do one tomorrow. Maybe 20 - 30 minutes tops.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Hey, I sent a Facebook PM to all of you except Tets (I'm not friends with you FB, friend me Tets and I'll add you to the message or PM me your Facebook name and I'll friend you). I'd like to try to do this podcast before 6pm EDT. Let's set the time limit for 20-30 minutes. Let me know when works best.

We'll be recording at 5pm EDT. I'll send out Mumble server info through Facebook PM.
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I assume the next podcast will be recorded next week? It would fit coming fresh off the Uncovered event and such :monster:
Also, for once I'd be available again too :wackymonster:


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I assume the next podcast will be recorded next week? It would fit coming fresh off the Uncovered event and such :monster:
Also, for once I'd be available again too :wackymonster:

Tets I'll be posting part 2 of the FFIV retrospective tomorrow. We will be due for a podcast not next week but the week after. However, we do plan on doing a mini episode for the Uncovered event. We'd love to have you on!


Pro Adventurer
Hey vader,

A suggestion: when you link to our iTunes page on the podcast posts, use the URL


rather than itunes.apple.com/nl/... so that we don't send people to Dutch iTunes. :monster:

100% of our audience speaks English while I'm guessing that only 1% of it speaks Dutch, if that. :P Also, at the moment we have reviews on /nl/, /us/, /gb/ and possibly other locales - while there's nothing we can do to stop that, we might as well try to guide people to the most popular one, which is /us/.


Pro Adventurer
Huh, I thought I tried that and it didn't work, but I must have screwed up. Might as well use that one, then.


The Pixie King
Someone sent this message on the facebook page
How come no new podcast episodes since the 15th of October? And how come their aren't any episodes from FF1, FF2 & FF3? I'm sure you all have actual lives to live(Lmao)just love the show and wondering what's up. Thanks for the content you guys put out. Peace!

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Well first off if he's referring to the retro pod - well obviously we do have those episodes but the user might not be seeing them. Perhaps a separate playlist for the Retro Pod might make visibility a bit easier for the user?

As far as the podcast hiatus there have been some personal delays with Vader and Tennyo but that's about all I can really say for my end.
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