SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)


Pro Adventurer
Nomuras comments about giving every small section the Midgar treatment have me kinda doing a worriedlaughter.gif

Are we gonna spend 30 hours in Junon or something man :sweatsmile:

There was an article I read that talked about that. The only reason why they expanded that much on Midgar, is because of how much Midgar means to all of Final Fantasy. When talking about the most known cities/towns in Final Fantasies, it's usually at or near the top of the list.

Junon will probably be 1 or 2 chapters worth


Pro Adventurer
Seems perfectly plausible. He does choose between 3 women. One is his sex slave, one works the register, and one is used to recruit.

Geez that's bad!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Hopefully, we'll also get more Deep ground stuff in part 2 as well. Maybe show some of the Tsviets being experimented on

That would make no sense, though.

They're supposed to be top secret and unknown to all, until they bust out and raise hell 3 years after FFVII.

I enjoy references to Deepground, but I would prefer them to not just go overboard and undo the framing they established for the place.

If we were to have to face off or fight anyone from Deepground, I'd prefer it be the actual Restrictors who are technically SOLDIERs. The best of the best of SOLDIER who are essentially the wardens of the underground prison there. On the return to Midgar, they could easily be dispatched to try and contain the madness that was going on with Shinra going into shambles and the like.


Pro Adventurer
That would make no sense, though.

They're supposed to be top secret and unknown to all, until they bust out and raise hell 3 years after FFVII.

I enjoy references to Deepground, but I would prefer them to not just go overboard and undo the framing they established for the place.

If we were to have to face off or fight anyone from Deepground, I'd prefer it be the actual Restrictors who are technically SOLDIERs. The best of the best of SOLDIER who are essentially the wardens of the underground prison there. On the return to Midgar, they could easily be dispatched to try and contain the madness that was going on with Shinra going into shambles and the like.
It wouldn't have to be Cloud and company seeing it though. I definitely don't want us to fight them.

There could be a scene of Heideggar, Scarlet or Hojo being down there. That way we can see what they're up to when they aren't interacting with our characters.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It wouldn't have to be Cloud and company seeing it though. I definitely don't want us to fight them.

There could be a scene of Heideggar, Scarlet or Hojo being down there. That way we can see what they're up to when they aren't interacting with our characters.

Ahh, so a cameo.

I dunno if an entire scene devoted to characters the main characters will never meet or interact with would be good directorial skills but something that shows them or references them indirectly could be done well.


That Silver-haired Lady
A Deepground cameo would be nice, that would show us that it is definitely there and that something will happen much later (Dirge of Cerberus) even if it's not necessarily added to the Remake per se. They said they want to use elements from the whole Compilation, so why not? It'd be nice.


Pro Adventurer
Ahh, so a cameo.

I dunno if an entire scene devoted to characters the main characters will never meet or interact with would be good directorial skills but something that shows them or references them indirectly could be done well.
I'd totally be fine with a little cameo. Maybe Heideggar and Scarlet could be walking through the halls to go check on Proud Clod or something. And in the background the Tsviets are shown for a few seconds being experimented on.

I honestly have no idea how it could be done, but I think something like that would be cool


Pro Adventurer
I see the theme going forward being what it was establishing in part 1 which seemed to be a progressive revelation / knowing the future before it happens theme with Aerith. Sephiroth also seems to really be ahead of the game too so I see those two things playing out in part 2.
Small prediction for part 2 or part 3:

In the original game, Shinra arrives at Rocket Town to confiscate the Tiny Bronco to help them in the search for Sephiroth. In the Remake, war with Wutai will either be on the horizon or have broken out, which is why Shinra will come to confiscate the Tiny Bronco (and any other useful machinery) for the war effort, rather than as an aid in the Sephiroth hunt.


Pro Adventurer
You mean the basement room that was conspicuously not in the remake?
Aye, sector 7 not being completely obliterated and us never seeing it has me wondering. Especially if Biggs and co are going to be surviving and Avalanche is being played up a whole lot more than the original.

Small prediction for part 2 or part 3:

In the original game, Shinra arrives at Rocket Town to confiscate the Tiny Bronco to help them in the search for Sephiroth. In the Remake, war with Wutai will either be on the horizon or have broken out, which is why Shinra will come to confiscate the Tiny Bronco (and any other useful machinery) for the war effort, rather than as an aid in the Sephiroth hunt.
Honestly I can't see the tiny bronco being a factor for shinra at all anymore. The notion that the most powerful, heavily armed and hideously wealthy corporation on the planet really needs one guys rickety little plane is kinda silly.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wedge and Jessie are more than likely dead, given the outline and explanation of how the Whispers made sure Wedge "followed destiny."

That was basically shorthand for, "you were dead before, so now you must die now." Unlike Biggs and Zack, they didn't tease any possibility or hint of survival.

There's no tease or ambiguity with him. Aside from the fact they sanitized the scene by not showing him plunge to his death, there's no tease or hint at his survival. The Whispers did what they wished, and made him a casualty.
While I'm not sure what people desire with a "Wutai war game", my intuition is that any outbreak of actual conflict (that the players personally witness and participate in) will be brief.

In Part 1, a running red thread was the Whispers and this was "paid off" with the battle against the Whisper Harbinger.

With the Whispers no longer active agents, I expect Part 2 to choose a different red thread which will pay off with a Big McLarge Huge boss battle at the end. The red thread I see being the ready-to-explode political situation between Avalanche cells, Shinra, Wutai and our main protagonists.

Cloud & team will follow Sephiroth around the world, but they will also encounter Avalanche cells along the way and we'll get to see multiple perspectives on what is currently happening at Avalanche HQ, Wutai and with Shinra. We might also see some timeline fuckery (alternate universes bleeding into each other or what have you) but I see that being a mystery to be left until at least you get to the Temple of the Ancients.

I take mostly at face value what Biggs said about Avalanche HQ promising Wutai all the materia in Midgar. Although Biggs words it as a deal that has been made, I reckon the leader of Wutai, Godo, has not fully agreed to anything yet. Avalanche HQ has presented an offer that Godo has not yet accepted, but they expect that once the materia is delivered, Godo may be motivated to accept the deal.

My speculation remains that Avalanche HQ wants war to arise between Wutai and Shinra, since a war where Wutai wins may lead to the mako reactors being dismantled. The reason Avalanche HQ deemed Barret's cell too extreme is because Barret's actions might kick off a war too early, before Avalanche HQ has stolen enough materia for Wutai. Indeed, FFVIIR Part 1 showed us how Shinra took advantage of the situation and were on the cusp of using a conspiracy to start war with Wutai.

Had President Shinra remained alive, war would have started pretty gosh darn soon. Rufus Shinra will slow down these developments, much to Heidegger's frustration, if only because Rufus still needs to determine if they can come out of this conflict with enough profit.

One way to have this end with a Big McLarge Huge boss battle is if another rogue Avalanche cell ends up summoning Zirconiade. I don't necessarily like the idea, but it'd be simple enough to declare in FFVIIR canon that Zirconiade has never been summoned yet and instead move its summoning to FFVIIR.

Part 2 might then end in Wutai, where we see the climax of the Wutai/Avalanche vs Shinra war plot but ultimately have it defused by convenient plot points (such as a rogue Avalanche cell summoning Zirconiade). The plot will then remind us that Sephiroth is still a threat and that we need to find the Black Materia.

Not the most beautiful outline but I can see them doing some interesting stuff with this. I look forward to seeing how Yuffie will play into all this and how they might change her events to fit the new plot.


Fire and Blood
You may be damn right about this. To me Wutai is the likely place they'll change the most, by adding a ton of things to do there. By design, since Yuffie will no longer be optional, I feel that this is where we'll recruit her then (she may or may not steal our materia at the beginning of the game). Her arc will also be changed a little, and probably expanded on too. So they need to expand that place, and with the heavy hints with the propaganda that Shinra is doing, I feel that the war was indeed ready to re-start in a way or another.
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