SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

I'm pretty convinced that fans like me (except that they are competent in making stuff happen) ARE working on this game. My impression from interviews over the years has been that many of the people working on Remake are fans of the original game. The way that Midgar was so enriched with world building makes me fairly confident in how locations will be expanded and re-imagined, moving forward.
...Aaaaaaand the lore potentially just messed up my picture. In the short story found in the FFVIIR World Preview book, a passage referring to events from 15 years prior to the game mentions Fort Condor.

「あの日はふたり乗せていた。目的地は、ひとりはコンドルフォート南方で、グレンはコスモキャニオ ン近郊だった。俺の当時の拠点はジュノンだった。気象状況なんかを考えて、まずコンドルフォートを 目指した。なんの問題もなかった。指定された座標でひとり目を降ろした。機内は俺とグレンのふたり きりだ。すると奴はー」​
Google translate:​
“Two people were riding that day. The destination was south of Condor Fort and Glenn was near Cosmo Canyon. My base was Junon at that time. Considering the weather conditions, I first aimed at Condor Fort. There was no problem. I took the first off at the designated coordinates. The plane was only me and Glenn.​

This could mean multiple things. Maybe Fort Condor went by a different name back then and didn't actually have a giant condor, but the speaker (Jack Klein) refers to its present-day name for recognition. I very much doubt that a condor has been protected by villagers, or even Avalanche, for fifteen years so this makes me consider a boring possibility: Maybe the fort (EDIT: in the Remake world, that is) doesn't actually have a real-life condor, but just a giant statue of one (for raisins). I hope they don't go with that direction.

Anyway, I love your idea @LicoriceAllsorts about the Phoenix Down. Giant feathers must be falling down from the condor and surely these could be used to create Phoenix Downs, Phoenix Pinions, Phoenix Down+, Phoenix Up or any other variation of the precious item!
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's 100% a real Condor, because if you remember, the condor eventually reveals itself to be a sort of phoenix that gives its life in a fiery explosion, leaving behind a huge, yet adorable chick who flies away and leaves the Phoenix materia.

So no, the "condor" of said fort is a living being.
The FFVII Remake World what now? Why have I not heard of this? Where can I get it? Who the hell is Jack Klein? Who the hell is Glenn? Why is Glenn with two -nns a popular name in JRPGs right now? Why don't any of them have Japanese names? Why is the only character with a Japanese name in FFVII the evil mad scientist? I don't understand anything.

I want Nojima to get off my lawn. Oh, wait, I'm on his lawn. Fuck....

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Why did the condor choose to nest here? Did it choose an arbitrary high point? Or is the mako reactor active and the excess heat is good for the egg? If the latter, I hope it's not at risk from mako/radiation poisoning

Maybe it chose to nest there precisely because there was mako? Lifeblood of the planet, Phoenix-like creature, etc.?

Who the hell is Glenn?


Lic said:
Why is Glenn with two -nns a popular name in JRPGs right now?

Because that's the right way to spell it.
Prediction: Domino will play a role at the beginning of Part 2, helping out Cloud & team one final time and breaking the news that Wedge is dead. After this, Domino will either be executed by Shinra because of his connections with Avalanche or he will in some other fashion leave the story and not return until way later.

In the original game, Rufus Shinra's speech about controlling the people with fear isn't followed up upon until the attempted execution of Tifa and Barret in Junon. Even then it's debatable how much of an actual follow-up it is to the speech from when we first meet Rufus.

I could write half an essay about why I think it was a good choice to cut the speech from FFVIIR Part 1 and how it, in its verbatim form, is difficult to use in any scene without making Rufus Shinra look like a cartoon villain. Instead, I think that the qualities of this speech will be translated through Rufus Shinra's actions and strategies.

Rufus Shinra isn't wasteful, unlike his father. The time of sabotaging reactors and dropping plates is over. IF the game wants to follow up on fear tactics, then Rufus will promptly have Mayor Domino killed. The Turks will be competent enough to learn that Domino was helping Avalanche all this time and Rufus will not waste time letting a traitor remain alive. This will also have the effect of keeping Heidegger in line. Rufus Shinra is not afraid to have higher-ups of Shinra executed, so Heidegger better know his place. Having a higher-up executed this way will shock both Rufus's close subordinates and the people. That'd be one way to honor the omitted "fear" speech.

Problem is though... I am not confident this scenario will actually play out. Rufus Shinra, both in the OG and now in FFVIIR, feels like an enigma to me. He keeps his cards close and the game (or even his OtWtaS chapter) doesn't give me a good idea of what goes on with Rufus during disc 1 and disc 2. I feel it's 50/50 whether Rufus Shinra will have Mayor Domino executed or instead quietly monitor Domino's activities so that they may know in advance what Avalanche is planning. The former has shock value that tows people in line while the latter is a longer, strategic game.

An image is stuck now in my head though of Elena's introductory scene being her walking into Domino's office, Domino only having time to say three or four words before getting a bullet in his head. What an intro that'd be. Okay I don't actually think they'll do that but it'd be a neat display of Turks efficiency, wouldn't it? I definitely think that the game will omit much of Elena's comedic role and instead show her as a competent member of the Turks who is not to be taken lightly.

Whether Domino gets executed or not, I think it likely that he will send out help to Cloud & team at the beginning of part 2. From his point-of-view, Avalanche DID give President Shinra his "comeuppance". I doubt the former President would have given Domino access to any security cameras from the 70th floor (assuming that floor even had security cameras), so he has no idea that Sephiroth is the one who killed Shinra senior. Domino does make sense in the narrative as the person to break the news about Wedge's death though, because we already saw them interact and Domino could easily have confirmed Wedge's death over multiple security cameras. It just feels more organic than, for example, the Turks meeting Cloud & team later and confirming "That fat guy what-was-his-name-again? Oh right, he's dead."

Domino will send out either Hart or the "Collaborator" (from outside the battle simulator) to meet up with our main characters outside Kalm, a city that is currently heavily guarded by security officers. Domino will confirm the latest with Avalanche (+flower girl +lab rat dog) over video. Hart/Collaborator will then help ensure that our team gets phones and supplies for their journey. Maybe this is also how our team might get a new vehicle to help them travel from Kalm to the Chocobo Farm at a decent pace.

I stress the security forces at Kalm because in the original game Shinra's security appears overly relaxed after the highway chase in Midgar. After having spent all those resources chasing down Cloud & team, why does it suddenly stop? At the very least there should be security officers in Kalm searching for any potential Avalanche members. For this reason I also don't see our playable characters casually entering a public hotel, not unless it also includes a door to a hidden Avalanche meeting room or some such. All this makes me think that exploration of Kalm will be severely limited in FFVIIR Part 2, which will save Square on some resources in designing the area.


Ninja Potato
I don't think Domino will be executed, I think he's actually going to become a somewhat recurring character. There'll be a point where the party regroups with the other Avalanche cell and he'll be there along with Biggs, and maybe those other members of Barret's Avalanche that he mentions during his scene with Cloud in the garden. If Wedge is dead, this is where the party finds out, and then I think that Domino and Biggs and whoever else will be running some side op kinda removed from what the main party is doing. If I had to big brain where the expanded role of Avalanche is going, I think the huge materia quest will be re contextualized into an all out war between Avalanche and Shinra. If Biggs is going to end up dying anyway, it'll happen while helping the arty secure one of the materia.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Hojo's Pokemon is 100% Deoxys. Don't know how anyone would miss this fact. :monster:

Scarlet uses Steel type. Her Pokemon of choice is Genesect. The cyber-modified weapon Pokemon with a plasma cannon on its back.

Heidegger shares this type and Pokemon with Scarlet. He's also a fan of Magnezone.

Palmer uses Sinestea. Because of course he does. And his is a knock off. But he doesn't know it.

Reeve loves Normal types and his favorite is alolan Meowth.

Rufus Shinra's pokemon of choice is Houndoom.


Kaiju Member
Hojo's Pokemon is 100% Deoxys. Don't know how anyone would miss this fact. :monster:

Scarlet uses Steel type. Her Pokemon of choice is Genesect. The cyber-modified weapon Pokemon with a plasma cannon on its back.

Heidegger shares this type and Pokemon with Scarlet. He's also a fan of Magnezone.

Palmer uses Sinestea. Because of course he does. And his is a knock off. But he doesn't know it.

Reeve loves Normal types and his favorite is alolan Meowth.

Rufus Shinra's pokemon of choice is Houndoom.
Oh my god I can't believe I forgot the Sinestea line, that's perfect! (they are a tea cup pokemon from the most recent generation for those who haven't kept up with Pokemon).


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Hojo's Pokemon is 100% Deoxys. Don't know how anyone would miss this fact. :monster:

Scarlet uses Steel type. Her Pokemon of choice is Genesect. The cyber-modified weapon Pokemon with a plasma cannon on its back.

Heidegger shares this type and Pokemon with Scarlet. He's also a fan of Magnezone.

Palmer uses Sinestea. Because of course he does. And his is a knock off. But he doesn't know it.

Reeve loves Normal types and his favorite is alolan Meowth.

Rufus Shinra's pokemon of choice is Houndoom.
gsus... sigh Pokemon x FFVII crossover incoming...
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