SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

Wow, Roche is the type of character who could pop up pretty much anywhere. I predict a visit to Fort Condor will be mandatory, so Roche could easily be a boss for this fight on the Fort Condor hills.

If SOLDIER degradation isn't just a G-Type SOLDIER occurrence, then I could see Roche becoming even more erratic, looking more and more unhealthy for each encounter, until he finally succumbs to the call for the Reunion and dies in the Northern Crater.

Or here's an idea. What if the buggy (that you acquire from Gold Saucer) has an in-built bike that Cloud can emerge from, similar to Batman's Batpod that emerges from his Batmobile? After leaving Cosmo Canyon, the team are on their way towards Nibelheim, travelling across this familiar bridge, then Shinra gets on their tail and Roche is there with them. Cloud uses the buggy-bike in this chase scene, but ultimately the main buggy gets too damaged and that's why Cloud & team has to leave it behind.

Really looking forward to how they'll redesign the buggy in FFVIIR Part 2.
EDIT: Since it makes no sense for the buggy to only be able to traverse shallow waters, I wonder if they'll make it able to cross any body of water. In that case, taking the bridge from Cosmo Canyon to Nibelheim might not be necessary.


None Shall Remember Those Who Do Not Fight
Rosarian Shield
Is it just me or does Roche feel like a meme? I can't take the guy seriously and all of the above proposed scenarios for Roche just pushes the idea further. Although, for some reason, it does make me like the idea of him more.
He deserves to become the official punching-bag of FFVII, a comedy-relief character.

Or Shinra has other plans, and he'll be the annoying Team Rocket trying to sabotage the party and failing miserably at it.


3x3 Eyes
I was actually disappointed that he didn't appear at the end chase, because I was so hoping that he would be redeemed as a character beyond spouting meaningless catchphrases and allusions to his sole trait - biking. Which is a major shame, since the characterization with everyone else in the Remake is incredible.

Now that I mention it, that's probably why I detest Genesis so much as well.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Speaking of Roche in part 2, what about some crazy stunt-flying race when you try to get the Tiny Bronco?

As long as it doesn't end with him flying to outer space with it and becoming the first man in space because he seems to be someone whose head is up in the clouds. The privilege of becoming the first man in space belongs to Cid Highwind, goddamnit! Sephiroth does not count!


Ninja Potato
I never got the impression we were supposed to take him seriously, he's just a comedic relief villain to give Jessie's subplot more of a narrative through-line. He's around for half of a mini-game and a boss fight, and was never touted as a major character. I guess that's why his one-note personality didn't bother me much.

I'm struggling to think of a context for his return though, because at the moment I can't bring my brain to imagine more significance to him than the role he currently fills. I like Shad's idea for the Buggy.

Oh, oh, what if he's in the Chocobo race! He can do sick bike flips but with a Chocobo!, then the Chocobo's legs break and he loses the race immediately.


I must say I'd be immensely disappointed if his appearance was a one-gig-show. Why even bother creating him? No, he has to have a bigger role than simply "comedic relief". If not, the Remake will have lost all credibility it has left for me at this point. You can't create a seemingly meaningful character (he's SOLDIER, after all), make him an opponent on two occasions and then let him disappear for no reason.
I'm certain they have something in mind for him. Maybe even a backstory! :O

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
So we won't get rid of Roche yet? Man the guy just won't disappear, won't he. He's like a cockroach. And he's also cocky. Now I'll call him CockRoche.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting Dyne and getting more into Barret's story. And of course, Seto.

Aside from that, I'm hoping for Gold Saucer minigames at least, just don't make it something be like the frustrating pull-ups minigame. I hope there'd be a snowboarding minigame and we can customize the player's character-avatar's clothing.

Assuming the Gold Saucer part gets included in Part 2, of course. I have high doubts it will. I have doubts we'll be reaching Rocket Town in the next installment so my enthusiasm to see Cid is restrained.
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3x3 Eyes
Alas, I have every confidence Joe Exotic, SOLDIER 3rd Class, will be showing up again.

You've just reminded me why the disappointment I felt was so huge. He is the first face that we can put to SOLDIER (outside of Cloud, but we all know how sketchy that is, and Sephiroth of course), but not only does he get zero backstory, which in itself can be fine, but he just disappears, with no resolution, follow-up or development. I feel like he was hyped up in the trailers as well. LOOK! A SOLDIER! ... However, it just wasn't handled particularly well IMO.

Obviously, the following installments can correct this, but in the segment focusing on Midgar and Shinra, that was a particularly big fail.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Not so much a prediction, really, more just a possibility. But, assuming she's alive and given how Part 1 has caused her popularity to skyrocket, I would say it's not impossible that Jessie might get a promotion to being part of the playable cast. It would be just the kind of change and surprise that no one would expect but which a lot of people would like. People assume that if she and the rest of the trio are alive and return, they'll just be secondary crew like before. But making Jessie part of the main cast would be just the way to subvert that expectation and bring her back in a way no one would see coming. She could have a second gun to go with the one she already has, with both of them modded to hold materia. Between them, her grenades, and her martial arts skills, she'd have the combat ability to stand alongside the others. She could potentially become a complete bada** like Cassie Cage from MK11 (who shares Jessie's VA, btw - Erica Lindbeck), but of course with her flirtiness still intact.

Also, by the end of FFVII's traditional story route, there are only two women left in the group. Tifa has only one female friend left, Yuffie, but the age difference and her brash personality might not make it easy for her and Tifa to ever be very close. Letting Jessie join the group ultimately adds another girl to the endgame cast, someone Tifa can relate to more easily because she's already been friends with her for a long time, and allows us to still be able to have a choice for Cloud's love interest after Aerith's gone so that it doesn't feel like the only reason Tifa may have ended up with him was because she just happened to be the last woman standing.

I admit it's a long shot, but I don't think it's as huge a stretch as some people might think. Part 1 already gave her a solid foundation for this kind of thing. She has the reasons (her parents and atonement/redemption for what she feels she did with her bombs) and the connections (her history at the Gold Saucer and her contacts in Avalanche command) to make a journey outside of Midgar. And now the popularity within the fanbase for SE to be able to make it a reality. Also, consider this exchange between Jessie and Cloud:

Jessie: Relegated to stagehand once again. I'm starting to think I'll never get a starring role...
Cloud: There's always next time.

Now, it's possible that Cloud encouraging her was all there was, but what if it wasn't? What if it was also a subtle hint to her future role in the series? SE has already used foreshadowing with Jessie on at least two separate occasions - when her legs are pinned by rubble in Reactor 1, it foreshadows her fate in the pillar when she's half-buried by debris. And when she flirts with Cloud in Reactor 1 about him being the first to know if she couldn't walk, it foreshadowed that very thing in Chapter 4 when she really couldn't walk and he carried her into the bar. So it's possible this exchange could be another bit of foreshadowing as well.

Considering that it's the first thing she says when you talk to her and that if you talk to her at all before leaving for Reactor 5, you can't miss it, makes me think it might be. Also that it's Cloud, the main character of the series, giving her that encouragement, as if he were a stand-in for SE. I could be wrong, but then again, I might not be. This isn't to say that I mean she'll be center stage all the time and basically take Cloud's place in the series. I know that's not going to happen. What I mean is that this bit of possible foreshadowing might just be saying that she'll have a larger role in Part 2 and beyond, whatever that might be.


Pro Adventurer
I must say I'd be immensely disappointed if his appearance was a one-gig-show. Why even bother creating him? No, he has to have a bigger role than simply "comedic relief". If not, the Remake will have lost all credibility it has left for me at this point. You can't create a seemingly meaningful character (he's SOLDIER, after all), make him an opponent on two occasions and then let him disappear for no reason.
I'm certain they have something in mind for him. Maybe even a backstory! :O

I want to see a final showdown between Roche and Shinra Middle Manager. Maybe with Johnny in the mix there too.

Replaying the game recently, it seemed to me that SMM was in the lighthouse at Costa del Sol when Rufus arrived. Now that might just be me hoping for more appearances from my 2nd favourite NPC, but the grunt you speak to does call him "Shinra Manager".
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