SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
This may seem out of left field but I think there's a possibility that whatever form the OG story is going to take will be resolved in the next game. The level cap being 50 in this one is fucking with me.
Like, you think there will only be two parts to the Remake series? Or you think the third installment will just go altogether Bananas Town?


I think they might want to wrap up whatever story they're telling in two games, and we've already had one. This is based entirely on the level cap being 50. It's also entirely possible that the level cap is meaningless and they made it 50 rather than 99 just because it made sense for them to do that.

With Square Enix's track record I wouldn't be surprised if the next game in the new VII saga is a Switch exclusive or something.

VII:R duodecim 358/2 whisperoth coming to a mobile phone near you in 2027

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I wouldn't be too shocked. I've pondered that notion myself, especially if the overall response to this first installment is as lukewarm as it has been around here.
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I wouldn't be too shocked. I've pondered that notion myself, especially if the overall response to this first installment is as lukewarm as it has been around here.

I don't think it is. As far as I can do an internet temperature check, more people seem to like it than not - though the vast majority seem to be agreed it was very poorly executed. I could still see the sequel being much smaller in production quality though. The closest Square have ever come to doing a direct sequel of the same level of quality is FFX/ FFX-2 or the FFXIII trilogy, and they always feel like they need to reinvent the wheel every time. I'm sure everyone would just prefer a direct sequel with the same battle system (with additions and innovations of course), but history works against them in this regard.


Pro Adventurer
I don't know what to think until SE explain their time travel mechanism.
If Arbiters of Fate transcend space & time then killing them would mean all their interference was rewritten.

Barret was death, Reno was beheaded by Cloud, Turks never dropped the plate etc...
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Ninja Potato
I'm pretty sure the level cap is meaningless and we're going to be back down to level 6 or 7 come part 2. I don't think this is a case where equipment or stats will carry over. Part 2 will be it's own game with it's own goals, not an extension of this one. I'm still betting on three games.


I don't know what to think until SE explain their time travel mechanism.
If Arbiters of Fate transcend space & time then killing them would mean all their interference was rewritten.

Barret was death, Reno was beheaded by Cloud, Turks never dropped the plate etc...

That isn't what happened, though. After they were "defeated" (were they really defeated?), the plate was still felled and I believe Barret was still there.

It has me wondering if all of the changes made to this game were due to an actual AU situation rather than simple retconning, like Prez hanging off the side of the building and later being killed in front of the party.

Another thought: if the whispers are/were guardians of canon, how were they defied by Wedge, etc? Maybe in the mechanics of the new canon, there is an element of randomness (as stated, "the future is not set in stone"), and even if there was not any outside influence exerted, the simple act of replaying the past would change bits and pieces of the future, with the exception of things that were simply non-negotiable (eg. Wedge could survive, he just wouldn't be able to influence major events), reminiscent of Attractor Fields in Steins;Gate. And maybe Sephiroth tricked the party into defeating the arbiters of fate so that he could win a non-negotiable battle against the planet's will this time (not my idea).

I'm going off on a bit of a tangent, though. With each point I make, more assumptions on the ambiguous ending are made. Theorizing seems fruitless, considering anything that could be used as evidence of anything is ambiguous. Did Zack survive now? Were the whispers actually killed? What was the sparkly shit? Did Wedge die? Was he replaced by Biggs? Why was Rufus surrounded by whispers that only he could see? Why did they make the effort to spotlight a Stamp that looked so different?
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
I'm pretty sure the level cap is meaningless and we're going to be back down to level 6 or 7 come part 2. I don't think this is a case where equipment or stats will carry over. Part 2 will be it's own game with it's own goals, not an extension of this one. I'm still betting on three games.

Yeah. Remake had a level cap of 50, because that's what they just chose for Remake and balanced everything around that. The progression curve was pretty good actually. Honestly, I don't want the equipment and materia to carry over. I don't want to start with firaga, curaga etc. Even if they do that Yuffie thing at the beginning and you would get your gear and materia later back, I still don't like it. I don't suddenly want 50 new fully developed materia on my inventory. They are also going to make sure that each game has a system that it's possible to start a new game without importing anything.

I could see them keeping some of the levels, but even that isn't necessary. But they could do something like starting at level 30 in the next game and level 80 is cap and then starting the last game on level 50 and level 100 is the cap. But there's no need for that. There's a ton of trilogies etc. that just start from the beginning every game without any proper explanation and people don't really mind. All these might be standalone games.
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I've given up speculating about the Arbiters of Fate, timelines and AUs because it's mentally exhausting and seems pointless.
I like SpacemanZero's ideas. :monster:

The nonsensicality of Shinra needing to rely on borrowing Cid's little plane will surely be resolved in the Remake. I mean, the Remake has its fair share of WTF moments, like Cloud being unable to jump across the sewer, but they have also made a real effort to put right some of the more unbelievable elements.


Pro Adventurer
So, my older sister has finished playing the Remake yesterday evening. For some context, she had played the original all those years ago and loved it, but unlike me and my younger sister she isn’t really aware of the Compilation as a whole; she watched AC with me once when it was first released, and that’s about it.

I was dreading this moment because I was afraid she was going to be upset and I’d have to relive everything all over again BUT

That didn’t happen, really. While the execution was pretty bad, all she got from the ending was that they want to make us this incredible gift, by tweaking everything in a way that can enable us to relive the game as if we had never played it before – which is a popular take even here. It didn’t even cross her mind that there might be alternative timelines or that they might attempt to change anything major; she got sad when my younger sister told her about some of the theories, I really wish she hadn't lol, but was still unconvinced. It made me wonder if a problem that we have here is that we just… think too hard about stuff and possible ramifications?

I guess for me it would be easier to trust them if I hadn't been burnt so many times before :P I just wish we could have the whole thing for us to judge, instead of who knows how many years of uncertainty.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It made me wonder if a problem that we have here is that we just… think too hard about stuff and possible ramifications?

I guess for me it would be easier to trust them if I hadn't been burnt so many times before :P I just wish we could have the whole thing for us to judge, instead of who knows how many years of uncertainty.

That's pretty much the jist of it. It's like pessimism versus optimism. If you feel more trust and optimism for what's going down, you're mind's not really going to wander to the worst case scenario that'll happen.

Likewise, if you feel like the FFVII Series is batting 50/50, then it's like the Sword of Damocles ominously hanging above the story :monster:

I'm really not worried about it, but for those that are, well. At least it'll be a pleasant surprise when it doesn't turn out that way?

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
So, my older sister has finished playing the Remake yesterday evening. For some context, she had played the original all those years ago and loved it, but unlike me and my younger sister she isn’t really aware of the Compilation as a whole; she watched AC with me once when it was first released, and that’s about it.

I was dreading this moment because I was afraid she was going to be upset and I’d have to relive everything all over again BUT

That didn’t happen, really. While the execution was pretty bad, all she got from the ending was that they want to make us this incredible gift, by tweaking everything in a way that can enable us to relive the game as if we had never played it before – which is a popular take even here. It didn’t even cross her mind that there might be alternative timelines or that they might attempt to change anything major; she got sad when my younger sister told her about some of the theories, I really wish she hadn't lol, but was still unconvinced. It made me wonder if a problem that we have here is that we just… think too hard about stuff and possible ramifications?

I guess for me it would be easier to trust them if I hadn't been burnt so many times before :P I just wish we could have the whole thing for us to judge, instead of who knows how many years of uncertainty.

That is an awesome story! Thanks for sharing. It’s a great mindset for your sister to have. It goes to show you that sometimes we need to just relax and enjoy the ride. :) Some of us could benefit from having her mindset.


Pro Adventurer
I… tend to agree with her too, with my head. My feelings are all over the place though and I can’t make my fears shut up completely, so I still feel kind of confused and uncertain :P My younger sister is by far the most negative, so it looks like my household has got all the bases covered!

All of this is even more ironic considering that the last time I spoke to my older sister in person in February, she was the only one of us that thought that the Remake was going to be absolute SHIT lol How the tables have turned.


All Materia Peddler
She was assessed, she was staggered, broke to her limits.... but she was loyal. Until the very end ? rest easy girl you were the real party leader.
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