Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, (and likely others)


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Damn you people and your ability to see this film before I do. I think it opens Thursday here, but I probably won't see it until a day or so later.

Eh, I guess I'm going to see this movie. I'll have to wait until next week though. Possibly Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Then I'll see Madagascar 3 to even out the sleepless nights! :awesome:

1) the edict against false gods predates Christianity, and is present in even pantheistic religions (where false gods are any from another pantheon).
2) Christianity didn't become a political power until the 4th century, so even if it was a reaction to the edict against false gods, they jumped the gun a bit.

I - don't think pre-Christian religions considered other gods 'false'. They did have a habit of demonizing them; or, that is the present belief in many -ology sciences (Near Eastern, Egyptian, Asian, European, etc.)

For instance, the Titans weren't considered false, they were considered outdated, wrong and enemies towards what the younger gods believed. It's like how kids go 'eww' when they're parents like something, be it music, sex, etc.


I just watched this movie today, and as I read the spoiler tags I just couldn't help but feel like a complete loser.

I just came in the theater five minutes late-- which means I missed one of the most vital scenes in the film of the humanoid drinking the liquid. I came in time to catch the scene where something (I didn't even see what it was!) just fell into the water, but that's about it. Just... FUUUUUUUU!!! :@

Anyway, I agree with a lot of the points you presented, and I did find the film to be really good. I loved how it's a completely different film from the Alien series but not necessarily abandoning the question of where the Xenomorphs came from. I'm very used to gore both IRL and in films, so the vivisection scene didn't gross me out as much, but I did not anticipate it and I still felt the intensity. I even thought to myself that I won't ever sleep with anyone who has been to outer space evarr :wacky:

There are a lot of questions left unanswered but the film itself is good enough to stand alone. And I do want a sequel. I need to know why the Engineers decided to get rid of humanity. Otherwise I'm just gonna think that they simply realized that we are a threat. Or maybe they predicted the birth of Justin Bieber.

Yeah David stole the show didn't he? I loved the part at the beginning where he was watching Lawrence of Arabia and then dying his roots to look like him 'The trick is not caring that it hurts' Awesome.

I fell in love with Michael Fassbender in Inglourious Basterds. He is such a promising actor. I watched all of his films (in case any of you aren't aware... he's in 300 :awesome: ) and he never fails to deliver. Which reminds me... he has a very recent film that I haven't seen yet where he did a full frontal... :desu:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I just watched this movie today, and as I read the spoiler tags I just couldn't help but feel like a complete loser.

I just came in the theater five minutes late-- which means I missed one of the most vital scenes in the film of the humanoid drinking the liquid. I came in time to catch the scene where something (I didn't even see what it was!) just fell into the water, but that's about it. Just... FUUUUUUUU!!! :@

Anyway, I agree with a lot of the points you presented, and I did find the film to be really good. I loved how it's a completely different film from the Alien series but not necessarily abandoning the question of where the Xenomorphs came from. I'm very used to gore both IRL and in films, so the vivisection scene didn't gross me out as much, but I did not anticipate it and I still felt the intensity. I even thought to myself that I won't ever sleep with anyone who has been to outer space evarr :wacky:

There are a lot of questions left unanswered but the film itself is good enough to stand alone. And I do want a sequel. I need to know why the Engineers decided to get rid of humanity. Otherwise I'm just gonna think that they simply realized that we are a threat. Or maybe they predicted the birth of Justin Bieber.

I'll fill in the bit you missed the best I can
The camera pans over a barren landscape (actually there might have been a bit of moss) and then a lone hooded figure stands by a waterfall looking up at a departing spacecraft (shaped like a large disc) he takes his robe off, and then takes out a small dish thing - removes the lid and the contents of the dish seem to dissolve- as if eaten by acid. He then drinks the stuff and after a short while his veins go black, he seems to be in a great deal of pain and he starts disintegrating, eventually falling forwards into the waterfall where his body comes apart completely.

Then we see his DNA strands turning black and dissolving into the water. I'm hoping you saw what happened after that because my memory is hazy! :lol:

RE: Why the Space Jockeys wanted to destroy us. It could be that they decided that humans were a bunch of dangerous psychotic apes, that they've seen how we've conducted ourselves on Earth and think we're far too dangerous to be allowed to space travel? That, and Justin Bieber of course :monster:


RE: Why the Space Jockeys wanted to destroy us. It could be that they decided that humans were a bunch of dangerous psychotic apes, that they've seen how we've conducted ourselves on Earth and think we're far too dangerous to be allowed to space travel? That, and Justin Bieber of course :monster:

I like this idea. I also like Kris's idea of us being a sort of 'illegal project', which also explains the first scenes that I missed. I did my research about it and it raises more questions than answers within fans. Is the black liquid in those scenes same as that found in the capsules? If so, I guess it's safe to think that this liquid's purpose is to disintegrate any being that consumes it, hence the Engineers' plan of bringing it to Earth to eliminate humans?

In line with that, there's one more scene that was left unexplained in the film. In that chamber in the dome where the capsules and the large human head were found, there's also an engraved image of something that looked like a Xenomorph:

Image is too big so I just provided the link, sorry

This implies that at some point, the Engineers have encountered this creature. From my understanding of events, the black liquid turns humans into mindless, destructive beings as seen in Fifield's transformation. I can speculate that after some time it will disintegrate the body of the consumer (if I'm right that this is the same liquid from that the hooded figure consumed). Shaw getting impregnated by an infected Holloway is just an unlucky coincidence. If so, that means that the conception of the octopus-like thing (which is a prototype facehugger, I presume?) is an accident. And that the Xenomorphs, being a product of this turn of events, is not really something that the Engineers have planned to create.

And so by that understanding, I'm really confused why said Xenomorph image is there. Unless it also happened in the past when the black liquid is accidentally consumed by a Space Jockey and then had sex with his wife afterwards! :lol: I'm really confused.

And what are those snake-like creatures lurking in the pool of black liquid? Mutated earthworms (there are small worms seen on the ground, right?) :loopy: This movie is so full of mysteries!

Any thoughts, anyone? And sorry if I'm not making any sense, I ain't getting enough sleep lately :lol:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, that thing in the mural looked very similar to our little friend at the end, so it seems likely that its happened before. To be honest though, the more I think about this film the more frustrated I become. There are so many red herrings or things that just don't seem to lead anywhere - Just like Lost! Damn you Lindelhof! :rage:

Spoilerific interview with Ridley Scott here:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Well, I saw the pictures of the creature at the very end of the movie; now, I would like to know what Shaw's baby full grown looks like.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Just saw it. Loved it. Expect a full review and speculation sometime after I wake up.

X :neo:



Well now we're clear that the Space Jockey at the beginning was indeed making a 'donation' of his DNA. Thank you sirs, I can stop thinking about that now. And now with regards to the black goo..

The movie demonstrates what it does in certain circumstances. So, here’s what it does if it gets on worms; here’s what it does if it gets on your face; here’s what it does if someone just puts a little bit of it in your drink. Now we see that that lots of this is headed to Earth. Now, you used the word “weapon” – you’re extrapolating that based on the theory Janek [Idris Elba] has, because it looks like a payload to him; all these ships are loaded with this stuff, and they’re headed for Earth. The intent has to be to wipe us out, or is it to evolve us, or is it for something else?
That last line actually got me thinking. Sure, it's clear to me that they wanted to destroy us, but there wasn't any mention of completely obliterating life on our planet. Are they going to replace our kind? Or like what Damon said, are they trying to evolve us? So many questions! :aah:

I found another theory about how the black goo works:

However, it’s also entirely possible that the films are, as hinted-at earlier, only loosely connected and the impregnation of Shaw is merely a detour in the mutagen’s journey to its final xenomorph form (instead of an entirely unique mutation) – especially considering a massive carving, depicting a xenomorph-like creature, is plastered on the mutagen storage room wall. This would indicate that xenomorphs pre-date the Prometheus event and, regardless of the host, the mutagen carries certain properties which, after infecting a subsequent series of organisms, will produce new hybrid creatures who (over time) evolve closer and closer to their current xenomorph/facehugger forms.

^This actually makes sense, I might hold onto this for now.

Yeah, that thing in the mural looked very similar to our little friend at the end, so it seems likely that its happened before. To be honest though, the more I think about this film the more frustrated I become. There are so many red herrings or things that just don't seem to lead anywhere - Just like Lost! Damn you Lindelhof! :rage:
Same here, now that my excitement has subsided I realize that this movie doesn't give any clear answers at all! :lol: Still don't think it's a bad flick though; reading that article you posted, it seems that Lindelof and Scott really wanted people to speculate and debate.

Out of the revelations though, my favorite has to be the Engineers and their connection to humanity, from their intentions to the very structure of their DNA. I didn't expect this but it makes a lot more sense than coming up with some random strange-looking species to explain where we come from in the movie. It made everything a lot creepier too, IMO.

Ghost X

I would've seen the movie tonight, but I feel too ill. Maybe tomorrow night, or Sunday, or something.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok this isn't Prometheus related but we don't have a general Alien series thread yet so. On the way back from the docs this morning I walked past Liverpool Cathedral:


Which bears more than a passing resemblance to the Atmosphere Processor in Aliens

I swear I read somewhere that the design was inspired by the cathedral but I can't find an official source. Anyway, I just thought it was interesting :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
So, first and foremost, I'll address my little issues with the film, just to get them out of the way.
- The pacing was a bit jumpy to follow all the little plots at times. I wish they would've spent a little more time checking back to the ship while the away team was away, like they did in Alien to get better acquainted with the misc crewmembers, and just see the ship (which is DAMN gorgeous). They did this wonderfully with David at the beginning, and I missed seeing more of the interior of the ship in general use.
- (after reading a review) I noticed that the music was often grandiose rather than matching the mood or making creepy moments more creepy.
- While not really a fault, the multiple alien creatures / lifecycles can be a bit confusing.

So now lemme get into what it looks like is happening on LV-223.

To start with, we have the one Engineer dissolving himself to seed life onto Earth by drinking some Black Goo from a Vase.

On LV-223, the Engineers have built a military weapons installation that is attempting to weaponize the same substance. (We're originally lead to believe that this is the place where we were made and designed, but it's very much the opposite). From the holograms, and carbon dating, the first dead Engineer, we're able to tell that at some point (roughly 2000 years ago), most of the Engineers in the facility died. We see them dead in two places. One is the one who dies after getting decapitated by the door - whose head later explodes when it's stimulated back into a lifelike state. This other is the HUGE mass of bodies that the Biologist and Geologist uncover with their heads/helmets blown open. This is obviously a side effect of one of their weapons tests with the Black Goo, which I will address later.

It's important to note that that they all die OUTSIDE of the room facilities. When the crew of Prometheus first opens the room, it's in a pristine state, The Vases are unreactive, the little worms are alive, and even the 2000 year-old dead Engineer's head is perfectly preserved. This is a BIG clue, that the weaponized Black Goo becomes active within an Earth-like atmosphere (that's present outside). This tells us two things: It's likely the presence of that atmosphere caused the incident with the Engineers dying, and that the weapons were being specifically engineered for use on Earth.

The Black Goo has been modified into a tool for creating specifically weaponized lifeforms from existing lifeforms. I would say that the TYPE of weaponization is based around a version of the "Xenomorph Template" which would explain why the mural-like image of the Protomorph that can be seen in the room. The Black Goo seems to work in a series of stages, which are as follows:

• Stage 1: Infection/mutation.
- The Engineers seem to suffer from extreme cranial swelling, eventually leading to death by blowing their heads open. Holloway seemed to begin to suffer from similar effects once his symptoms began to accellerate, but he got torched before they fully manifested. The Geologist suffered from minor facial burns, and faceplanted into the Black Goo. He also had an extremely increased head size (but didn't die from it), and also gained exceptionally increased strength, speed, and durability. All four of these qualities are things that we see in the biology of the Xenomorphs, but it's clear that a direct mutation just from exposure to the Black Goo is almost always fatal or at least incomplete.

In the non-human mutation of the worms from the chamber, we can see the manifestation of the other key Xenomorph-like traits. They mutate into the long white snakes-like creatures, who have the molecular acid in their blood, and also burrow down the biologist's throat.

• Stage 2: Hijacked Reproduction.

When Holloway & Shaw sleep together, he transmits the mutation to her directly, and due to its nature, it's already in a state of mutated growth, and begins gestating inside her, despite the fact that she's infertile. In typical Xenomorph fasion, it's able to undergo an extremely rapid growth cycle - 3 months of growth in about 10 hours (or from something the size of a sperm into a significantly sized tentacle fetus). This growth speed explains why the mutation requires a getation period to work correctly, or why the Black Goo is typically fatal when altering a living host directly because of the speed of the growth literally destroying the biology, expecially when it starts rapidly growing their skulls.

What's interesting is that in this case, the growth KEEPS MOVING pretty much unchecked, resulting in producing our enormous Lovecraft-Hugger. The Lovecraft-Hugger attacks the military Engineer, and gives us the first time that we see a familiar facial impregnation, although on a COMPLETELY gigantic scale. The gestation runs much longer (possibly due to the size of the Engineer), and we see a chest-ripping birth of our fully developed Protomorph. If this is anything like the Xenomorphs we see later on, its biology may also be specialized to the Engineers' traits, making them slightly different from the ones we know, even though their genetic biology is very similar to our own.

• Alien's LV-426 Engineer

I assume that the Engineer who set down on LV-426 had been performing more in-depth experiments on humans (which they could have seeded on other worlds). Prometheus takes place in 2089, and Alien takes place in 2122 which allows for a gap, but when the crew of the Nostromo finds the Engineer, I believe it's already petrified. There's also the point that the facility on LV-223 is already a couple thousand years old, and we're looking at an ANCIENT version of their technology from what it actually is in either case. What is clear is that at some point a ways prior to Alien, they had developed the Xenomorph lifecycle into a stable weapon designed from the Prometheus Xenomorph Template. The advantage is that the Alien lifecycle could be used with complete effectiveness, wereas the Black Goo they're testing in Prometheus is much more of an experimental engineering tool. They had also started transporting the Xenomorph Eggs rather than the Vases on their weapon ships. (which also explains why the Engineer in Alien had a small chestburster exit wound, rather than a full-grown Protomorph exit wound).

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
One thing I was wondering
We know that Shaw can't have children, (though we don't know the particulars of this) does the parasite somehow kickstart her ovaries or whatever? Or is it just a straightforward implantation? Did the wormy thing/things in Holloway just uh....hitch a ride on the spunk train? Or was his sperm mutated itself? What I'm really asking is does 'Cuddles' have DNA from Shaw and/or Holloway? We know from subsequent Alien films than Xenomorphs take on characteristics of their host, I dunno if we can count that here though.


Harbinger O Great Justice

I assumed that it was actually Holloway's sperm that was developing inside her without miraculously curing her. This covers a few things- why they'd be having unprotected sex in the first place, why the fetus looks like a four-tailed sperm, and why the Lovecraft-Hugger is an organism that forcefully implants itself into a host to gestate a new being. Since the Facehuggers are always pure, it's only the Xenomorph that takes the DNA of the host, it makes sense that it would only be developed from half of a sexual process, rather than a complete one. Although it needing to lay an already viable organism into a host for gestation works, I don't believe that the speed that it grows at would allow for that to happen.

As for the thing in his eye... that only appears after their night together, so one can assume that it's related somehow, but all the solutions are equally terrifying (like Xeno-sperm wriggling through your whole body).

Also- lots of super spoilery concept art appears to reinforce my previous post's theories.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Hey X, whats your opinion on
the location of Lv223 in relation to Lv426? I was under the impression that they were both moons of the same ringed planet (Calpamos) but I'm not sure?

EDIT: Upon seeing that concept art, I'm quite frustrated. I really like the murky look of a lot of that stuff, whereas the film was very shiny. I particularly like the concept art of
the protomorph, the white version, much scarier than the one in the film. The two topmost left images hint that Fifield was going to transform into that at some point? I don't know if any of you guys are familiar with Sean Harris' work prior to Prometheus, but hes a brilliant actor, particularly when portraying darker characters (he played serial child murderer Ian Brady) I really feel like he was wasted in Prometheus though :(
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Hey X, whats your opinion on
the location of Lv223 in relation to Lv426? I was under the impression that they were both moons of the same ringed planet (Calpamos) but I'm not sure?

I figured that it stood for something like "Live Viable (planet/moon) #223" so it'd be surprising if they'd be named so far apart. With it being a viable terraformable location, if it was in proximity to LV426, they'd have tossed up a shake 'N Bake colony there prior to LV426 (unless the world was destroyed or something).

EDIT: Upon seeing that concept art, I'm quite frustrated. I really like the murky look of a lot of that stuff, whereas the film was very shiny. I particularly like the concept art of
the protomorph, the white version, much scarier than the one in the film. The two topmost left images hint that Fifield was going to transform into that at some point? I don't know if any of you guys are familiar with Sean Harris' work prior to Prometheus, but hes a brilliant actor, particularly when portraying darker characters (he played serial child murderer Ian Brady) I really feel like he was wasted in Prometheus though :(

More spoilery concept/production scans:

I dunno how I feel about the white Protomorph, but I like it overall in the film. This image may clarify some more about that.

Also, Super transformed Holloway looks too much like Resurrection's Newborn to me. (Related to that, I think that in a fucked up sorta way, Prometheus actually makes a lot of the experiments in Resurrection a lot more interesting in the grand scheme of things). I think they were playing with differing degrees of his mutation in concept, but they didn't want it to mutate him that far, because in the form that they used, it matches the fate of the Engineer a lot more (plus, it makes the whole "needing a proper gestation cycle" a lot more significant). I will agree about Sean Harris' role though, same with Benedict Wong (see my "wished they'd develop the misc crew" in my first review post).

Also -
Since Peter Weyland came on the trip, and Vickers was supposed to be running the company in his absence, it's not surprising that Weyland Industries became merged with the Yutani Corporation (who have been shown to be spying on them in the viral ads).

New Viral Video

X :neo:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Okay, I finally saw the film. I just got home. :joy:

First thing, if I can see this film, well, it's not that bad (scary, gory, etc.)

Although, it does make me wary of drinking my soda... :shifty:

Has anyone thought of the Greys conspiracy? This makes me think an awful lot about them, only the greys - instead of having huge heads, small spindly bodies - are muscular, large bodied; more in proportion. - this starmap - was given to her by aliens when she and her husband were abducted. - Their story here. Sorry, Wikipedia; you can look for yourselves if interested though. Anyway, I think the starmap looks eh - somewhat similar. It could be based off of this information from Betty, true or not.

Okay, I just remembered that Ridley Scott did mention something about the area being based in Zeta 2 Reticuli. This system is in the faint constellation of Reticulum, which is in the Southern hemisphere.

I have a lot of feelings and a lot of thoughts about this movie and it's ties to the creature in Alien. I just am not sure how to put them into sensible, coherent sentences. I will say that I can see this as a prequel to Alien, more so than just that it happens 30 years before Alien.

I can say this, about the goo
it looks like what it does is destroy the genetic code and then rebuild it. Still, this thought still leaves questions because of the creature that comes out of Shaw.

Perhaps water is a key to controlling the creature in the goo? Maybe also a very controlled climate, which was interrupted by the investigation

whatever was in that goo is the master of fate with whatever comes across it.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I figured that I'd toss my non-spoilery review of Prometheus up.

Your feelings about Prometheus is a nice parallel to how the crew feels on the mission:

If you don't know what it's about it will wrap you up with some rather out there concepts, and then get rather terrifying.

If you think you know what you're in for and hoping to get some questions answered, you'll find out that you get questions that you didn't think of answered instead, and then get left with even newer, more perplexing questions.

X :neo:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Yeah that makes some sort of sense
but I guess we won't know until the sequel. The beginning sequence did have some sort of pseudo-religious vibe to it, with the monklike figure sacrificing himself. One thing me and Mr Octo didn't get, is that if the Engineers/Titans have the same DNA, and are supposed to have seeded life on earth, then how does that explain Dinosaurs and stuff that didn't evolve into humans. I'm wondering.....and this is a huge IF, that perhaps the engineers DNA would match any other DNA you could find on earth. Otherwise theres a bit of a hole there.

The other thoughts we had, was that the cave paintings and stuff were designed so that if humans got to a certain stage of advancement, they would come and destroy order to maintain their dominance?

:lol: So many questions!

And as for our little friend, I was thinking proto-morph? But he isn't the only one who needs a name, we have our tentacled friend and the little snake like creatures too (didn't think they made much of them, they attacked that guy but then they ran off and didn't attack anyone else)

Something I've thought after digesting things is that you can see Lindelof's fingerprints all over this, there are a lot of red herrings and stuff. Like there were too many ideas being thrown around and they kept too much in.
I think that
the Titan-Engineers must have visited Earth at a specific point - the fact that there's so much recognisable vegetation pretty much proves that it must have been some time past the KT boundary (ie, after the dinosaurs died out - IIRC, grass only developed during the Cretaceous period, and most trees at that period were like monkey puzzles).

Hey, maybe the Titan-Engineers were responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. :monster:

And yeah, that makes sense - that they would tolerate development to a certain point, but interstellar travel and AI development is way too advanced. It would be interesting to know what David has said to one that was awoken, because that's when it got physically violent. Maybe their organic technology is a reaction to having gone along a mechanical tech route only to find AI is a Crapshoot.

I think the squiddy-thing ought to be called a bodyhugger, as it acts like a facehugger, but at full body scale.
I - don't think pre-Christian religions considered other gods 'false'. They did have a habit of demonizing them; or, that is the present belief in many -ology sciences (Near Eastern, Egyptian, Asian, European, etc.)
Well, for the obvious one, the original Abrahamic religion, Judaism. :monster: And for the purpose of my argument (and what I understand of the original statement), demonising is pretty much the same as referring to other pantheons as false gods - which is to say, it has the same end effect of hostility towards the rennounced deity.

There's also the huge clusterfrag that is Atenism, but thinking about that sets up so many tangents in my mind, I could drag the thread off-topic discussing it.
Egyptian pharaoh personally dennounces the Egyptian pantheon and supports worship of Aten as a sole deity (Aten was previously viewed as Re's aspect of the solar disc). He dies. His successor goes fanatical Atenist and destroys temples to the traditional Egyptian gods. He dies. His successor is Tutankhamun, nee Tutankhaten, who promotes both Atenism and traditional Egyptian pantheism. He dies. His successor destroys all the references towards Atenism and the pharaohs who followed it he can.

Alex Strife

It will only be released in Spain in August, I've just seen. There's been so much hype I'm probably going to watch it. I don't know absolutely anything about it, and this is good because the experience will probably be from zero.
So excuse me if I'll stay away from this thread for a further two months :sadpanda: but I don't want spoiler, thanks.



EDIT: Upon seeing that concept art, I'm quite frustrated. I really like the murky look of a lot of that stuff, whereas the film was very shiny. I particularly like the concept art of
the protomorph, the white version, much scarier than the one in the film.

I agree.

Also that
protomorph at the end of the film really reminds me of some cartoon I've seen. I just can't put my finger on it. I don't know.. something like a Pokemon..?:huh:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I agree.

Also that
protomorph at the end of the film really reminds me of some cartoon I've seen. I just can't put my finger on it. I don't know.. something like a Pokemon..?:huh:


I'd have to watch it again, but it did remind me of something else I can't put my finger on.
Im not going to go into any big theory of what it means, or anythign along those lines. But I will say: It was great. And
we were created by a race of buff Woody Harrelsons.
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