Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, (and likely others)

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I really am wondering now if Yautjas and Engineers coexisted or
were possibly another part of their creations elsewhere?
Damn these Engineers may look Uncanny Valley-esque but their origins intrigue me.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I enjoy the AvP films, but as I've said before, I tend to think of them as intrinsically connected to the Predator mythology, and that Aliens also exists within its own continuity as well.

For the purpose of the AvP mythos, it's unclear if the Engineers created both humanity and the Xenomorphs, or if they only attempted to reengineer the Xenomorphs from a lifeform they discovered. If the later is the case, they probably don't get along too well with the Yautja, as they'd probably be at odds and hunting / experimenting on each other.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I will say the first AvP was better than both "Alien 3" and "Ressurrection" (not an amazing feat anyway), but the second was utter shit. The franchise is better off with the new continuity.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah the first AvP was pretty enjoyable, Requiem was just a load of crap strung together in the mind of a 13 year old boy. :monster:

Like I prefer to think of the AvP films and Ressurection as a comic book offshoot type thing, because they just don't work in the context of the other films. Its like....I dunno...trying to say The French Connection and say..... 2 Fast 2 Furious exist in the same universe. My brain just will not process something like that :lol:


Harbinger O Great Justice
This is now my favorite discussion on the Alien franchise. Their opinions on the films are pretty much exactly the same as mine for all the Alien Quadrilogy and Prometheus.

As for AvP & AvP:R, here's where I stand on them:

They tie in really well to the Predator Mythologies, and then by extension to the Alien Mythologies, but I'm not sure right now how I'd connect them with Prometheus (for reasons I believe I mentioned earlier). AvP does a good job of expanding on the larger interaction between the three races, and creating a setting where everything comes together. It's got the Aliens being smart, and the Predators showing some early phases of their hunting. It's also a good setup of the Weyland Corporation & its interests, especially in life tied in to Ancient civilizations.

AvP:R (while a little bit of a kneejerk reaction to the first film), is still one I found to be rather enjoyable, particularly because it gives us a better look at the Predator culture that isn't matched until Predators. There's an Elder Predator who's doing something other than hunting for trophies, he's there to take care of a failure - which is something I'd wondered about (Wolf is honestly my favorite predator from any of the films). You also get the partial transformation into a Queen (flat head and direct impregnation), which is an interesting idea although it'd be just as interesting if it weren't a Predalien. Also, you've got the Yutani 's military interests brought up. It tries a lot of things, and touches on a lot of small pieces of mythology. I think it's got the better details, but the worse film.

I do love the AvP universe & games, but Prometheus doesn't seem to fit with them. This biggest point (aside from the ambiguity of the Xenomorph's origins and interactions with Earth), is that AvP's Charles-Bishop Welyand & Prometheus' Peter Weyland both seem to overlap the "Weyland Corporation" role, but not in a way that allows them to easily interconnect:

In my mind, in the AvP universe the W-Y merger happens really early on, when the two corporations start to pool over mutual involvement in their extraterrestrial goals, and basically become the evil corporate douchebags that become obsessive about the technology, and run all the crazy experiments that you see in the AvP Games, etc. that always consider human life negligable.

In the Aliens universe, they're both legitimate corporations with their own interests, one private sector one military. The merger happens a few years after Prometheus ends when Weyland Industries' ownership is weakened. W-Y doesn't actually get any of the specific goals involving the Xenomorph until they know what happens with Ripley after the corporate meeting in the beginning of Aliens. They have a goal that VERY strongly involves obtaining alien lifeforms after what limited information they were able to obtain about the Prometheus mission, and it's this non-specific directive that what leads to the Alien.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
W-Y doesn't actually get any of the specific goals involving the Xenomorph until they know what happens with Ripley after the corporate meeting in the beginning of Aliens. They have a goal that VERY strongly involves obtaining alien lifeforms after what limited information they were able to obtain about the Prometheus mission, and it's this non-specific directive that what leads to the Alien.

X :neo:

That reminds me
There were a few bits in Aliens that seemed to imply that other alien lifeforms had been discovered (at least by the point Ripley was picked up) like when the Weyland exec says:

Insurance dude: Are there any species like this 'hostile organism' on LV-426?
No. It's a rock. No indigenous life.

and then later:
ECA REP To be perfectly frank, we've surveyed over three hundred worlds and no one's ever reported a creature which, using your words...etc etc

Like that kind of implies different kinds of creatures have been found?

Plus all that stuff about 'is this another bug hunt?' from the marines?

I mean, a bug hunt suggests that they've at least been hunting for aliens of some sort.....but it kind of seems weird that they'd send in Marines first, without knowing anything about the aliens theyre looking for. Obviously in the case of the xenomorphs they had reason to believe that firepower would be needed, but sending in military as a matter of course seems weird?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd always figured that this was implying that they'd encountered other hostile lifeforms, which could be indigenous animal-like extreterrestrial life that they'd be used to (even something like the general Starship Troopers-type bugs that'd survive in more hostile environments and might be a threat to terraforming-type missions). There was a long period of time where some type of alien life on other worlds was assumed to be the norm, and not something explicitly unique to Earth (I still feel inclined towards this general view). Overall, in colonizing other worlds, you'd probably run into some things that were already present, but nothing NEARLY as crazy as the Xenomorphs.

The military only got sent in to LV-426 because the whole colony went silent shortly after Burke sent them to a specific location where Ripley said that she'd picked up a specifically dangerous lifeform with the crew of the Nostromo.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, maybe up until that point they'd only encountered 'sea sponges' with attitude problems :lol:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
This is a wild speculation about the Xenomorphs and those like them/preceding them, etc.: I wonder if their heads hold all of their vital organs, and they have arms and legs to be mobile. The queen being bigger to include egg producing capabilities. Again, totally a wild speculation. Also, the worms look like sperm according to those pictures. Huh, the humans were the eggs and the result was the Trilobite which carried the Deacon?
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
For the purpose of the AvP mythos, it's unclear if the Engineers created both humanity and the Xenomorphs, or if they only attempted to reengineer the Xenomorphs from a lifeform they discovered. If the later is the case, they probably don't get along too well with the Yautja, as they'd probably be at odds and hunting / experimenting on each other.

X :neo:

I was always intrigued about a small bit of AVP crossing over with our handsome squidwards. Disregarding AVPR but including Predators, they might have co-mingled or dealt business with rogue handsomes (Engineers) before. There's also my theory that they have been hunted down as well by rogues (like Mr. Black from Predators or young ones like Scar or those looking for fun like City and Jungle Hunters respectively) Yautjas. Generally, I don't think the handsomes ever made the Yautja as they might have grown and functioned on their own.

reason why I call Engineers Handsome Squidwards is because of this:



How can you not see it?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^I thought the engineers had a sort of sculptural appearence, like Michelangelo's David. But yeah, handsome Squidward all the way :lol:

This is a wild speculation about the Xenomorphs and those like them/preceding them, etc.: I wonder if their heads hold all of their vital organs, and they have arms and legs to be mobile. The queen being bigger to include egg producing capabilities.

The queen does seem to have a bigger head, but I think a lot of it is just 'decoration' - looks like the back 3rd of her head is a thin shell/covering. Then we have the whole ovipositor thing, from what I can tell the eggs go through a considerable amount of development inside the ovipositor- they seem to start off transparent and only take on the leathery appearance prior to being laid.
So maybe the eggs are initially quite small when theyre inside the queen? I dunno.

The other thing I was thinking is what do xenomorphs eat? The dead bodies of 'hatched' victims? They must be eating something to be able to secrete all that resin for the nests. Also if I hadn't seen Aliens first before seeing Alien I would have thought that the chestburster would have killed Jonesy for sustenance (except of course Jonesy is badass!) I guess it must have found some other source of food? Maybe in an ideal situation the chestburster gets to eat the corpse of its host, but the ones we've seen have always been disturbed before they got a chance? Doesn't explain why the colonists bodies were intact though hmmmmm

X said:
ULTRA-SPOILERY, and really REALLY pretty concept artwork:

Again, this stuff looks a hell of a lot scarier than the designs used in the film :/

Also, Clash of the Titans' Stygian Witch = Me post-childbirth :lol:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd also say go with a hybrid, but "Woody Squidwards" makes me think of the Lovecraftian Facehugger. XD
(Although "Woody Squidwards and the Deacon" would be a fuckin' SWEET band name).

Incoming AvP Game-based mythology whatnot:

The flat head is one of those "royal" traits according to most Xenomorph mythology that's detailed in the AvP Games and other Alien books, etc. etc. Essentially the Dromes have the smooth heads, the Warriors get the ridges, the Praetorians develop a flatter head (like the AvP:R Predalien), and then there's the Queen. Also, in the latest AvP Game, it's shown that the Praetorian is a pre-Queen stage, where it molts into a queen.

Fun Fact: The Chestburster was supposed to have raided a food store on the Nostromo in order to get so big so fast, but that wasn't ever filmed, which apparently just ended up with the crazy fast biological growth cycle. :monster:

Also, they're carnivorous (they eat people in all the games), as they do kill the threats that they can't capture for impregnation.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Also, they're carnivorous (they eat people in all the games), as they do kill the threats that they can't capture for impregnation.

Actually I do remember the dog/bull Alien spending a good while munching on that prisoner in Alien 3.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
They are creatures created from leeching the DNA of a host body.
Stands to reason that in order to sustain themselves they ingest even more DNA.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Why can't they be omnivorious to be extra dangerous?

Ironically if they're omnivorous they'd be even more dangerous, cos then theres the added danger of starvation.

Even though its not as scary to imagine a Xenomorph eating Coco-Pops right out of the box :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I decided to have some fun with MS Paint...

Would this be an appropriate image for a poll? :monster:


X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yes that is an ideal poll image. It reminds me of Regretsy Math :lol:


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Inter: I'll try to check that footage out on my break. I'm really intrigued by it.

I'm tempted to use that poll image as a sig.

When are we starting this? :desu:

You totally should. XD

I think we'd need a new thread, but I think we'd need to iron out if we'd use hybrid names, etc. :awesome:

I think that there should be a sub-poll about what type of music the band Woody Squidward & The Deacon should have for their Liquid Black album. :monster:

X :neo:
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