Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, (and likely others)

Ghost X

Who wants to see a PG-rated Alien movie, honestly? They'd definitely get more profit from an R-rating.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Who wants to see a PG-rated Alien movie, honestly? They'd definitely get more profit from an R-rating.

Profit is actually the number one reason why studios tend to push hard to get a lot of movies to PG-13. (Though I'm not sure what studies this is based off of or where the figures come from, aside from the fact that more people can attend it).

I'd certainly RATHER see an R-Rated Alien film, but that's why the first AvP film got pushed hard into being a PG-13 film based on two R-Rated franchises.

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
It makes me rage that studios do that. It makes me want to get these people and skin them alive slowly with rusty implements.

Its really fucking sad, its probably only directors like Scott, with clout and an established reputation that can stand up to them.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Man who hired that asshole to make AvP? it had alot of potential to be R-Rated, and good in the concept without failing so hard.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Man who hired that asshole to make AvP? it had alot of potential to be R-Rated, and good in the concept without failing so hard.

It really had setup to be R, and it was the studio forcing months worth of rewrites that killed it. On top of that, there're a decent number of directors that've written much, MUCH better R-Rated scripts for an AvP setting movie in space, but none of them get greenlit, because they don't happen on Earth. AvP being taking place with SO many human characters was one of the main reasons that it got greenlit, and then the studio cut it down to the PG-13 shit they wanted to put out. Put the blame with Fox for being a terribly overpressuring studio that churns out shit because of the restrictions that they put down before you put the blame with the director for making AvP bad. Plus, when it gets bad reactions, all you get is audience backlash, and a kneejerk reaction that lands you with AvP:R.

Really, I'd blame it even more on the fact that the US only has PG-13 and then an R rating with nothing in-between that'll give a better middle ground for wider audience films. Our rating system really blows goats (on top of being insanely corrupt), and it affects films because so much of the domestic gross is what films studios look at for success, international bedamned. A 15 rating would at least limit it to a high school audience and fix the issue a little bit, imo.

X :neo:


Finally got to watch Alien :arr:

I have to agree with some of your sentiments, Ridley Scott had a different, more realistic approach which worked well and made the movie a lot more eerie. Granted it's the last of the Alien movies I saw and still it managed to creep me out a bit. I still can't say I dislike the movies that followed but they kinda veered away from being a horror film

Needless to say I'm more excited about Prometheus, it's coming here on June 7 :sadpanda:


Harbinger O Great Justice
This. kicks. ass.

Here's a small quote:

"I thought [Spaihts' script] was really cool. It was not at all what I expected it to be. But obviously they were giving it to me for a reason. And this is one of those situations where you're given no advance sense of what they like, what they don't like, you just have to walk out on the plank and say, Here is my fundamental reaction to this thing. So when I finished it I went into my office and I wrote an email to Ridley and his producing partners. And this response was basically my job interview.

I wrote maybe a four or five paragraph email saying here are all the things I love about it, I think there are some incredible set pieces here, I love the fundamental idea behind the movie, I feel like it's a cool think piece. BUT I think it's relying a bit too heavily on the Alien stuff that we've seen now five or six times in different movies. Chest-bursting and face-hugging and xenomorphs and I just feel that your idea is so strong and the characters can be made so strong that we don't need any of that stuff. We can present iterations of that stuff in different ways.

That isn't to say that this isn't a movie that should be set in that universe, but I look at it more like a story that is running parallel to the original Alien, so that if there was a sequel to this movie, it would not be Alien, it would be Prometheus 2. And then Prometheus 2 is parallel to Aliens. And here's how we could do that. And so I sent off that email and I got into my bed. I didn't sleep at all. And at 10 a.m. the next morning, my agent called me and said, 'Whatever it is you did, they liked it. Can you go in and meet now?'"

X :neo:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Is it me or is the subject of is this going to be a proper Alien pre-quel still fuzzy.

It sounds like (reads like) there is Prometheus, which is set 30 years before Alien.
A different planet, a different creature...

What would come after Prometheus is Prometheus 2, which would then lead into Alien.

Is anyone else reading that? Anyone else thinking that? (From the latest article as well as other information out there.)


I always understood that this is a prequel only in the sense in that it takes place in the same universe and happens before Alien chronologically, but is pretty much a separate story.
It's probably more appropriate to call it a spin-off.

Ghost X

^This. If Prometheus 2 would then run parallel to Alien as mentioned in that thing X-SOLDIER posted, then its not prequel =p.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I wish Ridley Scott was my dad. That is all.


Angelina Jolie was going to be in it, because as far as I am concerned she's a guarantee of a shit film
Listen, Hackers was one of the best and most fun films that came out in the 90's about 90's cyber culture. And she was fucking sexy in it.

Ghost X

If there is a sequel to Prometheus, I don't think it should be connected at all with Alien or Aliens, beyond the roots described in the first movie. It would be better for it, anyway (as awesome as the Alien franchise is).


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
If there is a sequel to Prometheus, I don't think it should be connected at all with Alien or Aliens, beyond the roots described in the first movie. It would be better for it, anyway (as awesome as the Alien franchise is).

Perhaps. I just wish that we could learn why and where of the Xenomorph.

Also, how and why Weyland Industries found out about the creature.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Xenomorphs are already heavily established on earth from the birth of human civilisation thanks to the avp movies. Weyland industries are also the ones who assume control over the predator tech in avp2.

All in all it's safe to assume weyland industries know more than any other humans.


Xenomorphs are already heavily established on earth from the birth of human civilisation thanks to the avp movies. Weyland industries are also the ones who assume control over the predator tech in avp2.

I wouldn't be surprised if the people working on Prometheus don't give a single fuck about continuity with AvP. No one really should imo.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Xenomorphs are already heavily established on earth from the birth of human civilisation thanks to the avp movies. Weyland industries are also the ones who assume control over the predator tech in avp2.

All in all it's safe to assume weyland industries know more than any other humans.
Wasn't AVP supposed to be in a seperate continuity from Alien?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people working on Prometheus don't give a single fuck about continuity with AvP. No one really should imo.

Ridley says he only considers Aliens to be a proper sequel to Alien, and only those two movies are of proper Alien continuity. This would throw anything dealing with Alien 3 onwards, including the Predator series, out.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Regardless if he doesn't believe in them or not the fact of the matter is that they HAVE been introduced. Sure enough they were nowhere near as good as alien but unfortunately he will still have to adhere somewhat to them now that the company linked avp to the alien saga.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'll look for official sources, but I'm fairly sure that the Alien and AvP are separate continuities (as I've suggested earlier at some point in this thread).

X :neo:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I think its possible for Scott to continue with his own storyline without alluding to the stuff mentioned in AvP. I fucking hope so anyway. I mean, I don't feel like AvP fans are the type to really give a shit about stuff like...continuity...and...logic :monster:

What I am saying is AvP fans can go screw :p
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