muah ha ha! im finally back using my office internet
anyway welcome akemmi and xaerith
nice aerith avatar u've got there
i do like renoxtifa and renoxelena.. but recently i got another new-found-love for renoxrufus ... in a more humor way tat is lol
happen to see a youtube video made by someone.. i think its something about tseng on a vacation when they had a problem back in shinra.. fangirls invasion (goin after rufus).. they kinda made reno kiss him.. things like tat..hhahaah its freaking hilarious.
anyone saw it? i cant have the link here cos its blocked in my office zzz..
i guess sometimes if so funny to see them together because rufus is so serious.. (same goes to tseng)... and i bet reno's driving him nuts lol
Kinda reminds me of what Reno said in one of his episode in Before Crisis. He would consider joining SOLDIERS if they keep getting all the cool missions hahahah!![]()
Thank you, I made the avatar myself. You're the first person to comment on it. *smiles*
I've seen it! I love how rufus calls Tseng because he is too hot and there is an air conditioning problem because all the turks have crawled into the vent to try and fix the problem and got stuck lol
I have all the videos by scorpicus favourited on my youtube account, xakemmix Tseng's vacation is one of my favourites, I also like presidential problems, if you haven't seen that one I could link you to it?
May I join?![]()
Yes please do link the video!![]()
I approve of the movie. *gives thanks*
yey, I'm glad you do! Thanks for the thanks ^o^
Nice Hinata avatar.
You're welcome!
Oh, thanks. Someone made that for me back when ACF was still around... And I've been using it ever since.
Alot of people from ACF migrated over here, so I heard. lol
I think you should get some one to make you a avatar from here...
*points at self and smiles*
I know. A lot of people did.
I could use a new set. xD If you want to make something, go ahead. The Rei Ayanami set I have is getting old. I want something the has to do with Cloud. (I am a major Cloud fan)
Arent we all? Ok, what style do you want it in? Do you want a happy Cloud, emo Cloud, no emotion Cloud, angry Cloud, shocked Cloud,
I have loads of high quality clouf pics, or I could give you the cool pic of him from the ps3 tech demo of ff7.
Oh and what are you fav colours?
Do you want it to be a funny icon or normal? lol I take this too far.
To be honest, I don't care. XD
My fav colors? Check the color of my font. #BE2CBE (Kind of a light purple.)
Normal icon. And you are taking this wayyyyy to far.
heh heh. I'm sorry! Ok, It shall be ready tonight!
Cool, thanks!
Oh, if you can, actually DISPLAY the image here, instead of a photobucket link or something like that.
I was going to pm it to you so theres no chance anyone can bump it lol
I think that spawned a new fan...
That was awesome.![]()
Of course, here you go:
I know you're gonna love it. I wont give anything away, the end is the best part though. ^~
Wow I haven't seen that video for ages =D
You can also find a lot about him on "finalfantasy.wikia"
And, this is old, but sooo good XD
lol I think there is a thread for parody vids, If any of us find any we should post them there, save us going off topic and pissing off the admins. lol