SPOILERS Saying farewells to Jairus/Trying to make sense of it

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Hindsight is 20/20 and the eventual reason for his ban is indeed how disruptive he became to the community, but the focus of staff efforts initially was to reach out and try to help him (and just so everyone doesn't think I'm painting myself as an angel here, I'm going to thank Crash and Tres for that, because I was definitely one of the first staff members to put my hand up in favour of a ban).

This is one of these situations where you can look at it and say this is why we deal with things on a case-by-case basis. Someone who isn't this person, who did actually connect with people on the board, would not have been given so much leeway. It's easy to say now that he should have been banned sooner, but I think it's a positive thing that members of the staff and community wanted to put in the effort to help the guy - as far as I know, the staff didn't even know his personal history.

I had one back and forth with him months ago (where I too attempted to convince him to get help and recognise his unhealthy behaviour) and made it a point to stay away after that because I had made up my mind at the time it would end with a ban at some point. But that's not to belittle the efforts of staff who actually continued to reach out, because everyone was holding out hope he could be helped in some way. The other aspect is that if we'd banned him sooner it could easily have been looked on as tyranny or being unfair to some, but now we can at least say we gave it our best shot (and people really, really did). His story is a sad one to be sure, and as someone who has lost a partner in the past I can empathise with the situation. No matter your condition though, one of the first things any psychologist will tell you is that just because you understand the source of your behaviour, you are still responsible for the impact it has on other people.

This is the difference between us and some other communities. As long as the discourse stays (for the most part) mature and respectful, we're not going to boot people unless there's a good reason to do so and it's well justified. Where places like ResetEra are cities, we are a small town. Everyone kind of knows everyone, and maybe there's a small village pub with an old drunk guy that's a bit of a pain sometimes but you put up with them to a point. On another (larger) board the old drunk guy gets booted the first time he's a pain and never gets another chance.


Pro Adventurer
Jarius, if you are still here reading this, please don't let this destroy you! It is never easy to lose a loved one, but do not let it be your life. There are things in life that just don't make sense, but having a negative point of view on this will only bring more pain to you. What I saw on here was pretty concerning to be honest. Like a lot of people here have already said, there was a repeated pattern involving Jessie and aggressiveness I picked up on quickly after I joined. I always avoided most of these conversations because of it. A lot of it makes sense now, but it didn't before. With that being said, I don't have any ill-will towards you and I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you the best and I hope you can find peace with this.

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
as far as I know, the staff didn't even know his personal history.
@Lex with all due respect... are you sure about that?

Yeah, I remember reading that and putting two and two together with another post about his fianceé. I just never felt like it would be appropriate to mention outright in relation to the Jessie situation for fear of making things worse or just being plain hurtful. That's not something I wanted to do no matter how frustrating this got.

I'm pretty confused right now.


Pro Adventurer
To go further, just 思 by itself just has the inherent meaning “to think.” I think us western people as a whole just ascribe all of the character’s connotations in various words to the character itself, which is how we end up with westerners having tattoos of everyday Japanese words on them. When in reality, just the character itself doesn’t always have some deep meaning.

思 itself is made from the radicals for “rice paddy” and “heart.” So it might as well mean Jessie’s gonna be reincarnated in a rice field.

思う - to think (More like “I think that...” rather than “to ponder.” 考える is to ponder)
思い出 - memory
思想 - thoughts
思慕 - yearn
思わず - accidentally

These all have that kanji, but are just normal as hell (albeit pleasant) words.
Not to dig on him too much, but it’s basically just this:


Ninja Potato
To go further, just 思 by itself just has the inherent meaning “to think.” I think us western people as a whole just ascribe all of the character’s connotations in various words to the character itself, which is how we end up with westerners having tattoos of everyday Japanese words on them. When in reality, just the character itself doesn’t always have some deep meaning.

思 itself is made from the radicals for “rice paddy” and “heart.” So it might as well mean Jessie’s gonna be reincarnated in a rice field.

思う - to think (More like “I think that...” rather than “to ponder.” 考える is to ponder)
思い出 - memory
思想 - thoughts
思慕 - yearn
思わず - accidentally

These all have that kanji, but are just normal as hell (albeit pleasant) words.
Not to dig on him too much, but it’s basically just this:
View attachment 7600



Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
I don't want to be "that" guy, but I haven't played the remake yet and I've done a good job of dodging spoilers...can you use spoiler tags please if it won't ruin the fun? :)
Sorry! I haven't played it yet but I don't care about spoilers so that never crossed my mind. I'll do it the next time.
@The Twilight Mexican can you add a "spoilers" tag to the title please?


It's not quite SY energy as he has never professed to being quite literally married to Jessie, but I really hope it doesn't get to that point. It definitely got worse as time went on, and I probably could have responded more compassionately, but I just got really fed up at a certain point.

Does the what happens at X stays at X rule apply here? It's twitter's problem now.
I don't recall personally interacting with the guy and I'm not excusing his behaviour but I don't think a 4 page dissection is doing anyone any favours. It's all very sad.

If he made a dupe once, chances are he will continue to not accept it. That being said, it's still probably not productive, no.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, going too far in the long run is not ideal by any means. This shouldn't become an Encyclopedia Dramatica-style thread where we dedicate a thread to bashing him, that's just cruel - and doesn't help him in the slightest. So, I'm glad this was brought up, and apologize it wasn't dictated sooner. I had the thought that "I hope this doesn't continue for a while after this" earlier.
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