The fact they're only comfortable with making an FFVII remake if they can cut corners and shovel it out in a year is indicative of their current business practicum and lazy development that anyone with one eye open can see with FFXIII. It's pretty damn obvious.
First its too hard because of towns, and then it can only be done within a year. It's just so sad...or are you going to defend that?
Couldn't agree more. For years there has been a systemic failure by Enix to take the time to make something decent rather than churn out anything on the back of what is now "a brand". They don't seem to see FF as a revolutionary series that shows originality and leads the way. No. Now it is a cash cow, and they know that come what may the "Final Fantasy" name will see them through no matter how rubbish the actual story or gameplay content.
I first became concerned after FFX-2, and since then we have had nothing but FF7 spin offs and gimmicks. Now that "couldn't care less" attitude as well as the graphics obession is actually eating into gameplay and basic RPG elements. No towns because "That was too hard to do with HD" of all the lazy statements, that one must be at the top!
Now they want to "remake VII" as long as it can be rushed out in 1 year? I think it is time people stopped hoping for a remake. The closest you are going to get to one, is by people who are already updating the PC version, such as myself. All you will get for a remake is this:
Sephiroth and Cloud flying through the air cutscene battle X100 (lasting 10 minutes a pop)
Cutscene. Cutscene. Cutscene. And probably dumbed down game dynamics. I still don't trust them to keep to the actual script.
So no, I am not in the least bit hopeful for a re-release. The way thing are at the moment, Enix would cock up running a bath.