Should they re-make FFVII?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ahh well I didn't play Dirge of Cerberus all the way through, so I didn't know much about Tsviets/deepground and I never got past the first Genesis fight in CC. :monster:

I do remember a lot of the character designs in DOC were a bit odd. Bahamut SIN I can almost forgive.


Saint of Killers
Genesis can somewhat fly without a wing, as can Cloud.

Sephiroth can as well, those wings are merely a symbol of Jenova's inheritence and because of CC the "monster" plot-point. It's purely aesthetic.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I don't think that's flying so much as it is... jumping really high for a really long time. I don't know if it's related to Jenova or just something of the abilities of the FFVII world.

Or as Woody would say, "That's not flying! It's falling with style!"

I'm under the impression that Sephiroth is a special case.


Saint of Killers
I don't think that's flying so much as it is... jumping really high for a really long time. I don't know if it's related to Jenova or just something of the abilities of the FFVII world.

Or as Woody would say, "That's not flying! It's falling with style!"

I'm under the impression that Sephiroth is a special case.

I agree, in CC and AC It seems they have some gravity defying powers(like Cloud dashing through half of Midgar in one moment, Sephiroth right behind him) that I would probably attribute to Mako, which is of the lifestream which in turn gives everything in the planet life.

The only time where I definitely saw Cloud fly and completely ignore gravity was in FFVII before he gives Seph the black materia and when he is performing OmnislashV6.

Sephiroth in ACC would definitely be a special case. Considering his new state of existence, newfound power and newly created Negative Lifestream enhancing him, much stronger than ever before.

He can clearly fly, even with no wing.


Double Growth
Sephiroth could always fly, that's nothing new. He was flying all over the place in FF7. In AC, as stated, Cloud is technically just jumping very long distances. Outside of Limit breaks, he seems incapable of changing his direction while airborne (that is, flying).

Masamune said:
I think what finally killed it was Hollander growing a tiny black wing, as well. As if he didn't look stupid enough already.

Agreed, I wasn't CRAZY about the wings at any point, but at least Genesis and Angeal had been born under similar circumstances to Sephiroth, so it made some kind of sense. And Lazard was at least a total copy (looked identical) to Angeal, why Hollander got the little wing, I dunno. It actually kinda looked like Cloud's wing from Kingdom Hearts 1.

As for things fitting, Dirge of Cerberus definitely looked very out of place in FF7's world, but I can't say I saw that with Crisis Core. I thought Crisis Core had a very similar aesthetic and color palette as FF7. Most of Angeal's copy monsters were monsters from VII like the Sahagin. I'm not sure why they you think they didn't fit.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah shape wise they were quite similar to the sahagin, but that whole face thing under the neck was just fucking weird. Reminded me of some of the monsters in Ultamecias castle.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
As Force pointed out, Sephiroth has been able to fly ever since Nibelheim. He's never needed the wing for that.

Genesis on the other hand has never demonstrated the ability to fly at all without his wing. He can jump real good, like msot characters with SOLDIER enchancements/hihg spirit energy.

Speaking of, the only time Cloud has been shown to actually fly without some external influence is when his spirit energy goes berserk during Omnislash ver.6.


Saint of Killers
Probably because of his merger with Jenova, that Sephiroth is able to fly.

It's without a doubt in Jenova's abilitites.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Probably because of his merger with Jenova, that Sephiroth is able to fly.

It's without a doubt in Jenova's abilitites.

Its possible. But its equally possible that his flight is the result of his five year voyage through the lifestream granting him far better control over his spirit energy than other characters posess.


Double Growth
I figured it was an extension of his telekinetic abilities.

Octorawk said:
shape wise they were quite similar to the sahagin, but that whole face thing under the neck was just fucking weird.

You might need a refresher course on some of FF7's enemies. There's are some trippy freakin enemies in that game.

Two random examples:



Higher Further Faster
Don't forget the triceratops tank!!!

I can't find a pic of it, but it must be mentioned!

Also don't forget that in the slums you get attacked by a freaking HOUSE that's ALIVE.

FFVII has never had a shortage of bizarre enemies. :P


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I like the guy in the Shinra Mansion that swings around on the scythe. I forget what he's called. But sometimes he would fall off during battle. Hilarious.

And yes, Tenny. HELL HOUSE. The strangest of all FFVII enemies.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Crisis Core is full of shitty decisions and art design.


CC's style was compliant with AC's, which seemed to be the main goal, I'll forgive that (save as mentioned, Hollander), DoC's guys looked stupid even without context.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
You might need a refresher course on some of FF7's enemies. There's are some trippy freakin enemies in that game.

Two random examples:


You forgot Magic Pot and all the weird shit in the crashed Gelnika :P

I just think that the Angeal monsters were too FFVIII-ish.

I guess its a bit like Star Wars eps 1-3 thing, much of the designs in those looked more futuristic than eps 4-6. I can understand why creators want to tweak things when they have access to new technology, but there has to be a limit, otherwise the original feel becomes lost.

Also having one of those monsters hanging out in the Church was stupid beyond all belief, but that's old news.

CC's style was compliant with AC's, which seemed to be the main goal, I'll forgive that (save as mentioned, Hollander), DoC's guys looked stupid even without context.

So that means that if we do have a remake, we've got a lot of that to look forward to. :(

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
CC's style was compliant with AC's, which seemed to be the main goal, I'll forgive that (save as mentioned, Hollander), DoC's guys looked stupid even without context.


CC's characters look downright moronic.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That's disappointing, but unsurprising really. They just can't leave things alone.

All I would want from a remake, is a graphical overhaul that stays faithful to the spirit of the original (ie: dont replace all the details of the wreckage in the slums with nondescript piles of rubble) No more lego characters. Translation errors and plot inconsistencies ironed out properly. The original music redone using real instruments. Ability to save anywhere. Maybe a few more subgames and sidequests. Stuff like that.


The Adept

Lv. 1 Adventurer
Justice D. Zac
Square Enix would make so much money, plus Miss Cloud would be something to see. Maybe he'll look like a blonde Lightning.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Square Enix would make so much money, plus Miss Cloud would be something to see. Maybe he'll look like a blonde Lightning.

It would be worth having my dreams raped just to see that.



The Moogle

Lv. 1 Adventurer
just this one
cloud in a dress in Hd would probaly look more femmine the lightning lol

any way square are anouncing a new title in the next famitsu magazine next week so maybe we get our remake you never know

......What? Not in THAT way of course :awesome:

Give us a title that involves ONLY the Wall Market/Cross-dressing event, and I'm a happy guy. An evolved version of the sidequest, with HD graphics and everything, and nothing else and I would still be satisifed.
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