Pro Adventurer
TBH, I have split feelings on this. I mean, yeah, a remake would be good. But on the other hand, some of the original charm would be lost. A lot of people are bringing up the translation problems - hell, when haven't you actually laughed at that? "This guy are sick" is a friggin' meme.
You could always play the original Also, I'd love to see a remake where the insignificant mistakes are fixed (beacause you are a puppet) while the memorable ones are still a part of the game in one way or another. I can imagine Aerith saying "This guy are sick" still, only she gets an odd look or something. Nothing major, just a little hint.
This is just a personal thing, I know, but the only time I ever renamed a character was to change Aeris to Aerith, and that was only because I played FFVII late. To each their own though, I just won't miss the ability to rename characters. I play the games to hear stories of other people, not myself in amazing situations.Also, one of my issues with FFX (and FFVIII) onwards is the inability to rename characters, due in some cases to the voice-acting (the biggest problem with FFX? WE DO NOT NAME "HIM". "HE" MUST NEVER BE NAMED. EVEN IN THE SEQUEL). Having a character turn around and instead of asking "What do we do, Cloud?", asks you by your name instead makes things feel more immediate.
THIS. It's as simple as having something like the bestiary from FFXII that outlined all manner of little details from the world. It'd be interesting, at least to me, and really clear up a lot of little fan arguments. And while Cloud is my favourite character, I want to hear just as much about the other characters, something the original did well.If they do a remake - I want more background info re: characters who aren't Cloud. Like, naming Nanaki's race/species/tribe would be a start. If I read one more fanfic calling them the Gi... Actually, more world background would be good full stop. Like the random quotes or background info on the Key Items in FFIX.
One last thing, why the fuck can't it just be multiplatform? Every game gets to play it, and S-E makes more money. Everybody wins!