Should they re-make FFVII?


Double Growth
Thank you Mako, that was EXACTLY the game I had in mind.

And OWA, do you realize how much shit SE would get for remaking FF7 for PS3/360 and it only has PS2 era graphics? Are you serious? If they gave it PS2 graphics it would be on PSP.
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unsavory tart
Unless S-E remembers that a good game doesn't necessarily needs stupendous graphics, they will never remake it.
Not if you're a SE game. Did you see the way people poured over the game's pixel count, even when they were just arguing about the Xbox versus PS3? I mean, it happens, but never to the extent like people did with FF. And the idea that some people are spewing that FFXIII isn't even all that impressive when compared to something or other.

Squenix would be murdered on the spot if they went back to PSII graphics. Especially when handling FFVII.

Which, oddly enough, I kind of agree with you there. I do believe that graphically, it's gotten to complicated to redo in current PSIII graphics. I read an interesting article awhile back that says, realistically speaking, it would be way to costly to do it. With the expansiveness of the game, it just can't happen, and it won't. I'm not even sure how big the JRPG market is anymore to even attempt it.

I have also a purely selfish reason for not wanting to do it, as I don't want them to touch shit. FFVII was fine the way it is and doesn't need a change, and surely not one that would likely screw it up.

I would need to play Uncharted II to have an opinion >_>


Double Growth
I need to play Uncharted II


And, sorry, I simply don't buy that it can't be done. Maybe the White Engine is inefficient and stupid (which is entirely possible, given that they're already making another one) but there is a way to make good graphics in a large world. Hell, FF7's Planet isn't even all that big. It took about as long to get from end of Gran Pulse to the other as I would think it takes to get across FF7's world.


unsavory tart
I need the monnies to do so. Uncharted has been on my WANTTOPLAY list for awhile, but it was between getting the two Uncharted games, BBS, or FFIV on the DS and I went for BBS because at least it's only one game rather than getting two, and I hate the DS

I have a question though, how many actual unique characters are there throughout the entirety of the game? I mean, I guess I could be completely wrong and it's locals/temples/interiors of houses are just as diverse as any old school JRPG there are just as many people that need to be rendered, animated, and lip synced.

It might not take forty years (honestly, someone needs to drop this shit out anyway. I doubt the 30-40 years was meant to taken literaly, they through out an arbritrary number and people took it way to seriously. How many times have we said, oh it'll take X times more work!!), but looking at that cost/benefit ratio. I don't think it would be worth it. Especially since FFVII is a great seller on the PSP anyway.

Besides, I still stand by the idea a remake of FFVII is a stupendously stupid idea. The only thing good graphics is for, is for a cinematic experience (which, I felt FFVII was more introspective than anything) and a more emotional impact to story telling, which it already has.

The only problem is translating this problem to newer games.

Hell, FF7's Planet isn't even all that big. It took about as long to get from end of Gran Pulse to the other as I would think it takes to get across FF7's world.
That open world exploring is not a world map. If it were going to go hd I would suspect that the size would suddenly go much bigger.


I would like to see a comparison to Lost Odyssey to FFXIII in terms of breadth of game though. Just to see how much they were lying and how much they were being realistic with.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Splintered said:
Besides, I still stand by the idea a remake of FFVII is a stupendously stupid idea. The only thing good graphics is for, is for a cinematic experience (which, I felt FFVII was more introspective than anything) and a more emotional impact to story telling, which it already has.

It's not a stupid idea. Can you imagine doing the fucking Crazy Motorcycle Highway Chase in high def, real time?

Or trying to stop the Shinra Train and keeping it from colliding with Corel?

Or climbing the Gaia Cliffs and being able to see the entire Northern Continent and Crater when you reach the top?

Shit like that happens in Uncharted and its hella fucking fun. It's breathtaking how detailed and polished it is.

FFVII injecting that amount of immersion, cinematic and graphical quality would only make the game better.

...But Square-Enix could never handle such an undertaking. They're outsourcing their FF development to China, for fuck's sake.


Double Growth
So the obvious answer is for Square to outsource FF7 to Naughty Dog. :monster:

And in answer to your question Splintered, no, there are not many unique characters. Its not an RPG, its a linear action game. But still, its 10 hours long (which I'll call 1/4 the length of FF7 for sake of argument), has better graphics than FFXIII, and only took 2 years to develop. Keep in mind that 2 years included all the conceptual and planning stages and SE would be able to skip for a remake. It also included the freaking painstaking efforts ND goes through to get believable acting that we KNOW SE would skip

So with this in mind, I would guess that a competent company could remake FF7 in spectacular fashion in 5 or 6 years. That is a pretty long development time, but not unheard of. FF12, 13, and MGS4 all took around that long.
For a PS3 title, could not Square pretty much use the same cg models they do for ACC? Could they save time by living off earlier work like this?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
For a PS3 title, could not Square pretty much use the same cg models they do for ACC? Could they save time by living off earlier work like this?

No, way too high poly. Would take downgrade.

SE obv needs one dedicated art and graphics team, one team solely devoted to gameplay and design, and one for writers. Keep all teams focused, with minimal spread of resources between each department, and dedicated effort towards timed goals.

Organization can save an assload of time.

PS. Uncharted 2 was made in one goddamn year according to ND. Granted the game doesn't have as much content as a real RPG should, but still it's a phenomenal achievement.
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Waiting for something
Well at the moment the Compilation seems dead to me, theres just nothing in the works and if they can't even give us any new info on Versus XIII what chance does a remake stand?

I'd love to see an FFVII remake and I still have hopes that it will happen by the 20th anniversary. As far as I can remember hearing that's when the compilation is supposed to end (I may need someone to re-check that because I can't remember the source I heard it from) so I guess the best way to end it would be to give what most of the fans want.

There's still 6-7 years until the compilation ends if that's the case so there's plenty of time for them to get crackin' on making the materia look all nice and shiny, the size of Tifa's boobs, Sephiroth's hair with ten different scents of shampoo, finding a way to give Red XIII more screen time because fur is oh-so-costly (spend much time polishing rocks these day SE??) and finally to tastefully answer that all important question......Did Cloud and Tifa really have dirty animal sex under an airship? :monster:


unsavory tart
You may have just sold me on the importance of a graphical upgrade, Forcestealer.

Yeah, I feel like a creeper after saying that.


Pro Adventurer
...But Square-Enix could never handle such an undertaking. They're outsourcing their FF development to China, for fuck's sake.

And that's my point.
Unless S-E change their way of thinking, a remake will never happen. OR it will happen, but it's gonna be a very crapy one.

I really don't think the current S-E is able to do a FFVII remake of quality.


Double Growth
Well, no it wasn't. You sounded pretty sure that there was no way a game could be made with FFXIII's graphics and FFVII's content in less than 40 years/in a reasonable amount of time.

But yes, you're right, until Square gets their crap together, a remake will likely not happen.

Mitch Connor

Its All Good Enough
So the obvious answer is for Square to outsource FF7 to Naughty Dog. :monster:

And in answer to your question Splintered, no, there are not many unique characters. Its not an RPG, its a linear action game. But still, its 10 hours long (which I'll call 1/4 the length of FF7 for sake of argument), has better graphics than FFXIII, and only took 2 years to develop. Keep in mind that 2 years included all the conceptual and planning stages and SE would be able to skip for a remake. It also included the freaking painstaking efforts ND goes through to get believable acting that we KNOW SE would skip

So with this in mind, I would guess that a competent company could remake FF7 in spectacular fashion in 5 or 6 years. That is a pretty long development time, but not unheard of. FF12, 13, and MGS4 all took around that long.

Right. Obviously Naughty Dog believes in quality over quantity. They only worked on one series at a time and made sure the games they put out were good. They only put out 6 games in the last 10-11 years.

SE's business model works on the opposite end of the spectrum. There are so many extra little smaller spin-offs and hand-held ports all being made simultaneously. They are spreading themselves so thin that they are incapable of putting out anything of quality outside of the occasional good psp game. Is anyone surprised FFXIV is already getting skewered?


For a PS3 title, could not Square pretty much use the same cg models they do for ACC? Could they save time by living off earlier work like this?

No, way too high poly. Would take downgrade.

Actually, I'm quite confident they can use models that largely look the same. And do CG scenes with the proper high-def models, :monster:.

And if it really takes 5 years to do a remake, they might as well make the games for the next-gen consoles. You know, the ones with quadruple GPU's and things like that.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— in glorious 1080P with DX11, tesselation, and maybe even realtime raytracing.


Save your valediction (she/her)
It would be way smarter to begin production on a game that a next-gen console would be able to play. If it's gonna take forty bloody years, there's no use making it for the gorram PS3.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
I am for the remake but I wont mind at all if they don't.

The way I see it, I loved FFVII but I don't think I want to play it exactly as it is forever. If they remake FFVII then it will be the same experience, and yet quite different. If the remake is awesome, then I will continue to enjoy the FFVII universe. However, if the remake is awful, then I can just play the original.

In short, if they make it and I don't like it, then I will just play the PSX version.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Personally I think they drew out way to much when it comes to FF7. All the spin offs basically made people confused. Would I like to see a re-make. Yeah. With today's technology I'm sure it would be fucking cool too see Midgar Cosmo Canyon and the City of the Ancients in HD. Would I loose any sleep if they don't? No.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
Oh yeah, and the scenes where Sephiroth flies somewhere should show him using his single black wing.


Pro Adventurer
I don't think that they should. They'll change too much from the original game. They'll probably remove the drag-cloud scene, add in moments of Genesis and Angeal, change Cloud's, Tifa's, Aerith's and Yuffie's personalities to match the compilation, and instead of playing "those who are choosen by the planet " they just beat out One Winged Angel whenever Sephiroth comes by. They 'll mess up the original game, just to match Advent Children complete and Crisis Core. If they just a remake and improve the chubby and blocky graphics and add in orchestra music instead of music, and good voice-overs I won't mind, but knowing Square today. They would mess everything up.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
He had one wing in FFVII folks... am I missing a joke here?
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