Should they re-make FFVII?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
The one wing was always Sephiroth's thing, then they gave one to Angeal & Genesis, and now it seems dumb.

Maybe not dumb. But it's not unique anymore so it's less cool.

I can come up with a really long list of shit in FF games that mean nothing and serve no purpose :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time
Came out of nowhere? What are you talking about, it came out of Kingdom Hearts

Exactly, came from nowhere, Cloud had a wing in KH for the purpose of representing the power of darkness or something like that, which is bullshit because no one else in KH ever grows wings when they use darkness, and then Sephiroth got a wing to show his connection to Cloud, and it carried over and got extrapolated into some bullshit about Jenova cells. In reality the wing never did anything and never served any purpose except to look cool. Which is why it's so fitting for Sephiroth, the villain that's all flash and no substance. :)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm not sure if you're serious, lol. There's a pic for that but I cba.

Sephiroth had a wing in the OG. He was the one-winged angel.

Or did I miss sarcasm and now look really dumb?


The Wanderer of Time
Uh huh. What happened to the other six? And even then, the wing replaces his right arm and is clearly purple-green whereas his "trademark" wing is just the cliche black angel wing. And if the wing is meant to allude to Safer Sephy, explain Genesis and Angeal.

The REAL explanation for the wing thing - Rule of Cool.
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Double Growth
I think its fairly obvious that that wing is different from the others. Its the same wing that Jenova has. It's birdlike now but Jenova's a shapeshifter, it could look like anything. They weakened its impact by sticking it on other character's in Crisis Core, but there's nothing inherently wrong or 'out of the blue' with Sephiroth's.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Cloud also used to be made up of a serious of blocks. And his SOLDIER outfit was blue/purple. And other things.


The Wanderer of Time
I think its fairly obvious that that wing is different from the others. Its the same wing that Jenova has. It's birdlike now but Jenova's a shapeshifter, it could look like anything.

Uh-huh. And when did Jenova ever have a wing, save for the Jenova Doll which was made by Shinra and can hardly be considered an accurate representation of her appearance.


The Wanderer of Time
Then I suppose the big red blob on her hip is her nutsack and the red colon-looking thing on the other side is her dick?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Cloud also used to be made up of a serious of blocks. And his SOLDIER outfit was blue/purple. And other things.

The blocks weren't all that serious.

ITT: Drake hates on Sephiroth far beyond the reasonable standard.

So, to Counter, I will say I like Kefka better when he's playing alongside Batman instead of in FF6.


The Wanderer of Time
The blocks weren't all that serious.

ITT: Drake hates on Sephiroth far beyond the reasonable standard.

So, to Counter, I will say I like Kefka better when he's playing alongside Batman instead of in FF6.

Yes yes, I hate Sephiroth for no real reason. I'm sure the moderator of the FF7 fansite is in no way biased in this assertion -_-.

Answer me this then - what does the wing actually do? KH and Dissidia are alternate continuities, they don't count. In its sole canon Compilation appearance in AC/C, what does the wing do, what purpose does it serve besides looking cool?


Double Growth
What kind of question is that? What purpose do Kefka's six wing's serve except to look cool, or does the god of magic simply require that much lift? What purpose does the Walking-through-the-fire scene serve except to look cool? The Buster Sword's size, a gunblade in any incarnation, fighting a battle while falling down a waterfall in VI, anything.

It's a symbol of his lineage - as Jenova has a wing. In fact it looks like she had two and they've been broken off. Why would they have just invented wings on the doll? But yes, primarily, its for looks.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
BTW Drake, maybe it's not an actual wing but it resembles one. I mean what would you call it?


The Wanderer of Time
What kind of question is that?

A valid one. If you are going to introduce this aspect of Sephiroth's character and hammer it home as another of his iconic traits, I expect some sort of purpose to it. If say, they start dressing Aerith up in bright green tights and it becomes a part of her image, I would hope there's a reason they did this except "we thought it would be cool."

And since you brought it up - the Gunblade, Nomura designed it that way to give the player a way to control the weapon directly in combat, and has even commented it's a weird-looking weapon. Kefka's wings tie into the Divine Comedy parallels of the final battle in FF6 by portraying him as an angelic god-like being. The Buster Sword, ya got me there.

The fire-walk scene, see also: "the villain that's all flash and no substance"

It's a symbol of his lineage - as Jenova has a wing. In fact it looks like she had two and they've been broken off. Why would they have just invented wings on the doll? But yes, primarily, its for looks.
When you think about it, why did that doll exist at all? I never got that, it didn't seem to do anything but look ominous. As for the symbol of his lineage again I don't see any wings on Jenova, if you do okay, but this doesn't work for me. Genesis and Angeal can fly with their wings, ok, but Sephiroth can fly without his so why suddenly sprout it in AC/C's climax?

BTW Drake, maybe it's not an actual wing but it resembles one. I mean what would you call it?
I wouldn't call it anything, Jenova is just one fucked-up looking squid, not every bit of her body has to be something, as you guys point out she's a shapeshifter, and an alien to boot, who knows what that thing is. What would you call that eyeball for a nipple, or that lump of flesh on her hip?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I wouldn't call it anything, Jenova is just one fucked-up looking squid, not every lump of flesh floating around her has to be something. What would you call that eyeball for a nipple, or that lump of flesh on her hip?
You missed my point, my point is it LOOKS like a wing. It resembles one at least so people will call it that to be simple. At least that's what I'm getting.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The wing also seems to serve as an identifier for those people who have over-and-above Jenova traits. Genesis has that huge double-jointed black wing (it's bigger than Sephiroth's) and can make copies. Angeal has a large double-jointed white wing and a smaller single-jointed white wing and can both make copies and copy beings onto himself. Sephiroth has a single-jointed black wing and can call for a Reunion of both his cells and Jenova's cells.

It could be worse. At least SE isn't giving them to every other random character in the FFVII world.


Double Growth
Yeah, they certainly overdid it, there's no denying that. But at least the characters with them share a common trait.

And Drake what else would it be? It's some sort of growth coming out of her back that Safer Sephiroth's wing seems to match pretty well. Yes, his wing now is more "natural" looking, but again, that whole shape-shifting thing.


The Wanderer of Time
The wing also seems to serve as an identifier for those people who have over-and-above Jenova traits. Genesis has that huge double-jointed black wing (it's bigger than Sephiroth's) and can make copies. Angeal has a large double-jointed white wing and a smaller single-jointed white wing and can both make copies and copy beings onto himself. Sephiroth has a single-jointed black wing and can call for a Reunion of both his cells and Jenova's cells.

Yes, that's a definite connection. But I still don't get how Jenova Cells = wings, since I still don't see Jenova herself having anything resembling their wings.

It could be worse. At least SE isn't giving them to every other random character in the FFVII world.

Oh, give them time, I'm sure Aerith and Zack will pop out a couple in the next Compilation entry. Oh, and Reno will get a bright blue wing. He'll get a bright blue wing, and bright blue horns, three of them. No reason but it'll look cool so hey, why not?


Double Growth

Not a single part of those makes you think wings, huh? Well then I'm forced to agree with Ryu that you don't want a reason. Because there it is. Jenova has wings, if you are sufficiently merged with her, you can too. I guess the only having one thing stems from being a hybrid?


The Wanderer of Time
In THAT screenshot yes, they're wing-like. But in the two images posted earlier they're much shorter and are differently designed.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Drake. Can you honestly say that no video game ever had shit that served no real purpose except to look cool?


Double Growth
Not really, the one on the right is longer with the swirly thing in it, though the colors are more washed out. And the left one is shorter. And they definitely appear to have been broken off, the "pattern" cuts off rather abruptly, and their uneven-ness. I guess done by the Cetra that defeated her.
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