Cat Rage Room
Great Old One
- Mog
Or just the one with the strongest will?
From VinCon1
From VinCon1
1. Sephiroth is never actually stated as being the strongest being in FFVII. He's only stated as being stronger than Cloud (Which certainly puts him up there, given that most people on a First Class SOLDIER level are above pretty much everything but certain monsters, such as WEAPON), and being the strongest SOLDIER during his days in SOLDIER. They did state that his "will and existence" is unsurpassed, but again, that's referring to his willpower...Which is obviously unsurpassed, considering the crap he's pulled off with it (Dominating a being that seems to be more of a virus than anything, resisting the flow of the Lifestream, creating multiple avatars of his spirit, restraining Holy, etc, etc).