And any SOLDIER 1st Class could take AVALANCHE? Rofflecopter. Sure. Okay. Care to cite any type of reasoning there? Barring their strongest SOLDIERs, their 1st Class members had trouble with fucking AVALANCHE in BC and monsters in the Shinra Building. I doubt they'd have a cake walk beating down the heroes themselves. Save for maybe Cait Sit h who's just a plushie.
Materia occurs enough naturally for Avalanche to have found it all over the place, and I've never of Wutai not producing it's own materia.I don't think it's a special skill inherent to only certain people. While of course, one person can be better at materia and casting spells than the next, I figure it was something that took either special training or talent to really be worth something.
Also, Wutai and such didn't mass produce Materia like Shinra did. Before Shinra, Materia was a very rare thing.
Materia occurs enough naturally for Avalanche to have found it all over the place,
and I've never of Wutai not producing it's own materia.
There's no way Wutai held Shinra back without having it's own supply of materia.
Wow, BC really portrayed SOLDIER as being so weak to the point where 1st class SOLDIER's had trouble fighting normal monsters in the Shin-Ra building? Wtf. that's news to me... I mean SOLDIER, especially 1st class, are supposed to be the most powerful fighters known to the world and they are having trouble with THAT? I know CC made 3rd class look like a joke (how the hell does someone who doesn't like fighting even join SOLDIER?) but I always figured there was a relatively large gap in abilities between 3rd class and the other 2 classes. Honestly the way the compilation has made SOLDIER look, how can they even be referred to as "elite" anymore...
Food for thought, if indeed Shinra has all this good materia (from what I remember the player had Summons and whatnot in BC) why didn't they give anything decent to Reno, Rude, Tseng and Elena? After all they were fully trained professionals unlike your everyday MP (Elena is a newbie yes, but she has been through the shinra academy so that would still give her a lot of training, plus she fought at Reno and Rude's level when you battle them in the midgar subway). I mean if those guys could've called out Bahamut or used ultima they'd have given AVALANCHE a run for their money.
I never thought that just anyone could use materia.
I mean if they could, then Wutai and several other militias would have devastated Shinra.
I don't think just any random schmuck couldn't pick up a mastered Bolt materia and start orchestrating a huge thunderstorm.
I think its somewhere in between. I do think that anyone can use materia, in the sense that its not some innate ability that you either have or you don't. But at the same time, I think it would take training/practice to really know HOW to use it (feeling its power and focusing it and that kinda stuff). I always kinda thought of the in-game materia tutorial was Cloud actually training Barret on how to cast it. And then of course people could be more adept at it than others.
Also, although its the MATERIA that grows in power, not necessarily the person, I don't think just any random schmuck couldn't pick up a mastered Bolt materia and start orchestrating a huge thunderstorm. (I always thought it'd be kinda funny if instead of throwing that materia at Loz, if Marlene cast this little static shock)
I know this tugs us further off-topic, but the world's creatures/monsters. They have magical abilities (sometimes Enemy Skills), do they just have these skills innately or can they also use materia? I guess they would have things innately just like humans have often-magical limit breaks. But could your cat summon Ifrit in the middle of your house should it come across the materia?![]()
Well, there are intelligent monsters.
And Yuffie miscast in BC? Interesting, I didn't know about that.
She blew up an AVALANCHE base in Wutai by accident while playing with the Turk's materia.![]()
Intelligent monsters? Okay, maybe you're referring to those humanoid Jemnezymy, Snow, and Pollensalta ladies. I wouldn't really call them "monsters." They're more cave witches that want to kill you and take your shit.
Can't think of any monsters that are particularly smart.
And then there's those joker things with the cards by Gold Saucer, and the Weapons![]()
And I would have thought even robots or remotely-controlled machines could cast magic due to Cait Sith. But I suppose that's not the case with that stupid "Inspire" stuff.
WEAPONs are more than just monsters, I'd say.
Machinery can somehow be made to use materia. We don't know the specific, but remember, the VR training facilities use biorhythm materia and VR materia to generate all those enemies and locales to test SOLDIERs. And in Before Crisis, the Shinra company had that "Copy" materia that was able to make clones of people and shit.