So will Vincent age again?


Alex T
During the ending of DoC, Vincent says that Chaos and Omega have returned to the planet, so I'm assuming that means Chaos is out of Vincent's body.

So I was wondering if it was Hojo's experiments or Chaos that stopped Vincent from aging. I mean, now that Chaos left his body, will Vincent be able to live a normal life?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Why would he start aging when he has the other monsters that were put in his body that give him an immortal body too?

Hojo's experiments gave him a nigh-indestructible body but didn't revive him.

Chaos was what gave him his life and also eternal youth.

He lost chaos but Hojo's unique experiments should also keep him from aging, or at the least, have him frmo age slowly.
You don't seem too sure Makoeyes. Indeed, Chaos revived him and Hojo's experiments made Vincent's body very strong but we just don't know how his aging has been affected since chaos left him. Guess we'll just have to wait for the character profile of a future title and see if Vincent's biological age is the same or not.

This is just a personal thought, but I think that if the "500 years later" scene is ever remade again then Vincent should stand at Red XIII's side. Meh, probably won't happen.
"There can be only one!"


Double Growth
One thing that really bugged me was that the DC Brady Games guide (someone gave it to me as a gift, I didn't buy it) lists Vincent's age as "30 (in appearance)" as though he aged from the point the team woke him.

Obviously that's wrong, but the book starts with a pretty good summary of FF7/Advent Children you'd think they'd get one of the most basic facts about Vincent right.

Kinda like how the official AC website listed Marlene's age as N/A. How?! She was 4 in FF7 and AC is two years later, hm....let's see....

ANYWAY, I guess I don't really know, but since Vincent can still probably morph into Galian Beast and the others, I assumed he still woudn't age. As for the 500 years later. Vincent can still die, just not of old-age. The difference between invincible and immortal. (Although, in DC he healed that hole in is who knows)


Pro Adventurer
[quote author=Masamune link=topic=359.msg9407#msg9407 date=1232385916]
Yes, his age will accelerate and he'll be dead by the next Compilation game.

Such a nice concludion :monster:

The Game guides for DC also listed Lucrecia as dead, so I wouldn't put too much trust in the summaries in the book.


Pro Adventurer
Vince is 27 in appearance, 30 mentally and about 60 technically.

As for the question, I thik yes, he is going to age again. Though SE didn't state anything (as far as I know) whether or not other monsters left Vince's body, but since Chaos was his ultimate transformation, I think those other guys are now gone too.


Pro Adventurer
[quote author=spirit chaser link=topic=359.msg9579#msg9579 date=1232418176]
I think those other guys are now gone too.

The other monsters inside Vincent have nothing to do with Chaos, so they should still be in him.


Double Growth
Yeah the other transformations were Hojo's doing and may as well have just been random (though powerful) monsters. Lucrecia gave him Chaos so lacking Chaos shouldn't cause him to age...but as I said, they could very well make it so that he ages now.

But even if they did, none of them have really aged visually throughout the Compilation anyway. Cloud looked young in Crisis Core, but then they had him looking just as young in the final scene, by which point he's 21, so who knows. Imagine a shot 40-50 years from now, everyone gray and wrinkly except Vincent and Red XIII who look unchanged :D

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
ForceStealer said:
One thing that really bugged me was that the DC Brady Games guide (someone gave it to me as a gift, I didn't buy it) lists Vincent's age as "30 (in appearance)" as though he aged from the point the team woke him.
I've thought on that too, but, really, is there a difference between "looking 27" and "looking 30"? It's not like the difference between looking 4 and looking 7.

Hell, you could write a profile about me and say I'm 20 in appearance, or 24 in appearance. I'm 24, and, to my knowledge, I haven't stopped aging, but anyone who doesn't know my age might look at me and say I'm 20 or even an older teen. Everyone ages differently, so what's the real difference between Vincent looking 27 and someone else looking 30? It's not like you can look at two people and go "Oh, that guy's 27 and that one's 30."

I'm about to touch on this very issue within the next few pages of my doujinshi Redemption (liiiiiink), but I really think it's impossible for us to say either way because SE could make up whatever they want on a whim.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well it's more about Brady Games making shit up and contradicting the creators, than simple age games.

Lucrecia isn't dead and the creators never said Vincent looked 30. They say he looks 27, because Vincent hasn't aged since being 27 years old, at all.


Pro Adventurer
[quote author=Makoeyes987 link=topic=359.msg9831#msg9831 date=1232486602]
Well it's more about Brady Games making shit up and contradicting the creators, than simple age games.

Lucrecia isn't dead and the creators never said Vincent looked 30. They say he looks 27, because Vincent hasn't aged since being 27 years old, at all.

A prefic summary on Brady Guides :monster:

Did anyone find any Screw up in the CC brady guides? (I didn't look this time)



Pro Adventurer
[quote author=Shademp link=topic=359.msg9309#msg9309 date=1232343049]This is just a personal thought, but I think that if the "500 years later" scene is ever remade again then Vincent should stand at Red XIII's side. Meh, probably won't happen.
"There can be only one!"
IMO, that would totally ruin the vibe of the ending.

Frankly, I think him starting to age again would be a lot more interesting than him just staying immortal. Especially if they start aging Shelke, too, which I believe the creators said they wanted to do.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
The legendary demon “Chaos”, which resides in Vincent’s body gives him near immortality, and his appearance remains youthful, as if he is still in his 20’s from long ago.

In truth, it was Lucrecia that gave Vincent his immortal body after he was wounded. At first Hojo experimented with monster transformation, however the experiments were a failure because Vincent, though still living, remained in a death-like state. As a last resort to rehabilitate him, Lucrecia inserted Chaos’ DNA into his broken-down body.

Therefore Lucrecia used this element to revive Vincent as he was approaching death and as a result granted him perennial youth.

So, Hojo's experiments with monster transformation didn't have any effect on Vincent's aging process, I guess.

I don't know if removing Chaos will cause Vincent to begin to age again, though. It could just be a done deal, once it happened.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You're forgetting Hojo's lines to Vincent in DC though.

He states that he gave Vincent a nigh-indestructible body as well.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Oh yeah... But, that's weird... Those quotes are really misleading, then.

Vincent got his near-immortal body from Lucrecia injecting him with Chaos' DNA, but he had a near-immortal body already, from Hojo's experiments? Huh?


Double Growth
No, only Hojo gave him the immortal body. Which he NEEDED to contain Chaos. When Lucrecia gave him Chaos that resuscitated him, but his body was already indestructible by that point, he just wasn't...well...alive.

[quote author=Suzaku link=topic=359.msg10228#msg10228 date=1232566883]Especially if they start aging Shelke, too, which I believe the creators said they wanted to do.[/quote]

Well of course they do, ~3 years and they can start to give her boobs which I would wager is all they're seeking to do ;) (*ahem Kairi....)

I just wanna know how they intend to ween her off Mako.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
No, only Hojo gave him the immortal body.

So, what does this mean, then?

In truth, it was Lucrecia that gave Vincent his immortal body

Eh, whatever. My understanding of this won't be clear until I've played the game, I suppose. I've read the script quite a few times, but seeing it could make it 'click' better.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Vincent was essentially near death and unconscious due to Hojo shooting him and operating on him. His body was indestructable and able to regenerate but he wasn't waking up.

Chaos came from Lucrecia which brought him back, and granted him immortality too.

You could look at it as both giving him nearly the same thing.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
No, only Hojo gave him the immortal body.
This is slightly incorrect, which is where the confusion is coming from. Hojo gave him the "indescructable" body. Lucrecia gave him the "immortal" body. Of course, both aren't 100% correct because even with Chaos he wasn't "immortal" or "indestructable," eternally good-looking hard-to-kill motherfucker. :monster:

There are essentially two steps to immortality: being unable to be killed, and being unable to die from old age. Some "immortals" are one but not the other. Hojo made him difficult to be killed (i.e., for his body to be damaged/destroyed), and Lucrecia made him unable to age.


Watching Thee From The Moon
Just Nocturne will do
So he is more like, yes he can be killed, but it's going to take a hell of alot, but he wont die from old age.

So, I think now he could age, but he'd still be hard to kill.

Unless he got rheumatoid arthritis or something in his old age ;)


Moogle Hunter
VictoriaValentine, SirYab
Thing I don't understand is how he heals himself. So is that due to Chaos or just his body? Rosso pretty much screwed him over and he would've been dead if it werent for his healing abilities apparently, so now that Chaos is gone can he actually heal himself if someone pierces another hole in his sayyyy heart? Oh yes and by the way I think he should be able to age now too :p
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