Sony/Anonymous Nonsense & the PSN Outage ... also GeoHotz

Anyone cracks my LIVE and imma cut a bitch.

Seriously, I hope these nerds pee their pants when they are caught and thrown away and see how they like having consequences.

Ghost X

I'm pretty sure I visited the store within the last few days, and I keep getting an error message of varying varieties. I've never had this problem before the PSN downage. I'll try again later just to make sure. I wonder what I do if it continues to fuck up though :P.


I'm pretty sure I visited the store within the last few days, and I keep getting an error message of varying varieties. I've never had this problem before the PSN downage. I'll try again later just to make sure. I wonder what I do if it continues to fuck up though :P.

i was getting errors for a bit to, but if you do it again, like whatever it is that brought up the error, right away it might work. it did for me


Double Growth
Three more arrested in Spain:

Spanish police this morning say they have arrested three involved in the hacking of Sony's Playstation Network, which shut down the Playstation 3's network for a month, locking nearly 80 million gamers out of playing online.

"Spanish Police dismantle the #Anonymous hacker group in Spain. They attacked #Playstation Store," they wrote on their official Twitter feed early this morning. "Police arrested 3 #Anonymous leaders in Barcelona, Alicante & Almería. They attacked governments of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Colombia...

"#Anonymous has thousands of 'zombies' computers infected all over the world."
The New York Times reports that according to police one of the hackers had "harbored a computer server in an apartment in the northern port city of Gijon, from which the group attacked the Web sites of the Sony PlayStation online gaming store."

It is not clear if the three were the only ones suspected of being responsible for the massive hack attack or if this is the beginning of a series of arrests.

Spanish police say the three are also connected to hacking attacks on banks BBVA and Bankia, utility ENEL and the governments of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand.

The investigation by Spanish police in October 2010 after a denial of service attack was carried out on the country's Minister of Culture website.

Anonyops, a site often used for public statements from the group, had no comment posted about the arrest, though the three arrested were freed without bail. The official Twitter feed for the group had this to say:

"Dear @policia, Expect us. #Anonymous."

We have contacted the FBI, who is conducting the investigation into the attack in the U.S., and Sony for comment and will update this story when they reply.

Awesome. And threatening the police? Oh please Anon start hacking government authorities, then there will be even more reasons for you get your asses hauled away. :D

(Additionally, Codemasters, the developers of Dirt, have also been hacked and personal info stolen.)
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Rookie Adventurer
I got Little Big Planet and Dead Nation and a month of free Playstation Plus so it's perfect for me. I just played xbox with my pals to please me while I waited patiently for PSN to pop back up.

(Ooohh, alliteration)


Harbinger O Great Justice

Obvious joke is obvious, but needed to be said.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Can I just say that this Anonymous thing has gone retarded? Whatever admirable aspirations there may have been are overshadowed by stupid shit like this, and the very concept of the non-group makes it impossible for the more noble participants to deny affiilation with the dumb motherfuckers (not to mention, such denial defeats the purpose of being part of the movement in the first place).

I love "V for Vendetta" more than the next person, but there are very good reasons for an emphasis on individual identity -- not the least of which are matters of practicality when it comes to not being lumped in with others' douchery, and, you know, not being indicted.

Ghost X

As far as hacking is concerned, I think we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg of what will happen in future. I think the only thing that'll stop it is the development of quantum computing.


There was a time when hackers were still pure and only interested in good security and the like.

It seems LulzSec are just trying to fuck with everyone, i.e. collecting hacks like pokemonz.
Remember when hackers used to roller skate around the city hacking into payphones to slow down embezzling employees? Those were the days.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
It doesn't end with the arrests:

Spanish Anonymous attack the Spanish Police webpage.

All the bullshit these Anonymous guys spew! I hate self-righteous brats who deem themselves worthy of judging everyone around them.

But keep it up, boys. I hope Companies sue you so hard that you have to be working to pay them forever.
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