I'm extremely disappointed in two things.
First, as has been mentioned, it feels like nothing's changed. Like...at all. All the discussion and debate and arguments and agreement and everything that happened in December, and it honest to God feels like nothing has come of it. This has been expressed elsewhere, so I have nothing to elaborate on.
Secondly, though...twice now - and yes, I realize it's only me asking for it
- I've said that I would really like to hear what the mods think of all this. Feedback, if you will. And not one person has had anything to say. "I read everything and try to do better" isn't really helpful (sorry to put you on the spot here, Tennyo), because it's not constructive. It's like a bunch of kids in trouble in grade school that are just kind of meekly looking at the floor while they think of how much trouble they're going to be in when they get home and blankly saying 'yes sir/ma'am' (whichever gender your principal was, natch).
There's no dialogue between staff and members AT ALL. The whole point of all this is to try and make things better and more enjoyable for everyone. Nobody likes to feel like they're being picked on, or like their lives are being dissected for every little negative thing. RESPOND. Don't just sit there taking things lying down. Give us something to work with. If members have a specific thing that they're not especially happy with, don't NOT reply to that and then later say that you've read it and taken it to heart. Talk to us;, especially here; ask questions to try and see what people are looking for or suggesting, talk to them about the way everything plays out in your mind and your outlook on things, whatever. If we're not talking and trying to understand each other, and then taking that and learning from it so we can actually move forward, not a goddamn thing changes and we hash this out again three months from now when something inevitably occurs.
Well before hand I didn't feel there was much to comment on, but if you really want it, then here it is. Some of this will reflect recent developments in this thread after the above post was made.
This is a fan site that is supposed to be done for fun. This is not your life, this is not some real world nation with a government that impacts your life. This is the internet. People are here for fun, not because it's some sort of job. None of us need to be here. None of us would die if TLS didn't exist.
And you know, some of the people who accuse me of not doing anything have also accused me elsewhere on this forum of over-modding. I'm not even quite sure how that's possible.
I'm not surprised in the least that Mog would decide to leave. As I said before we do this for fun. We don't owe you anything. Not a single thing. In addition to this, people who say that Yop needs to stay out of things forget that HE OWNS THE SITE. It's because of him you all have a forum to come to.
I do my best to deal with issues in a calm manner. Simple reminders of rule breaking without the use of the warning or infraction system have been met with people flipping the shit out at me, threatening to leave TLS forever in a flood of drama because oh no the Mods won't let them spam all over and act like dicks to the people they don't like. I know of at least one person who left TLS because I told them to stop insulting people in the LTD. They freaked the fuck out because of this because I guess I somehow ruined their life for sending them a polite PM about it, and they haven't been back since.
I've had people wax on about how this is all akin to 1984 and we're all Big Brother because having rules on a privately owned website is somehow affecting their personal rights IRL???
I've had people completely ignore me, or even if they replied in private for a bit, suddenly up and stop so they could run off and pout like little children over shit that isn't even that big of a deal.
And this by far is only a tiny sample of what has gone on since I became a mod. I could bring up so much more. But I'd probably only be opening old wounds and causing another round of drama.
So what about you, Omega? I don't even know what you add to this forum. There was a time that I counted you as a one of my good friends on here, but I haven't felt that way in a long while. But you want a conversation? I'm HAPPY to have a conversation if you can be calm and polite and act like an adult. I'm HAPPY to discuss things with ANYONE who wants to.
I mean dang, if people think the communication is so poor THEN WHY HASN'T ANYONE TRIED TO SAY ANYTHING DIRECTLY? I feel like we the staff are supposed to just magically know and do all the work. We aren't servants. TALK TO US, EVERYONE. I'm always down for a chat and PM's do not go ignored. I've brought quite a few issues up in staff over PM's I've received. I have argued with the others and debated things that needed to be changed. I'm sorry that I don't broadcast this everywhere, because I don't feel the need to air members' dirty laundry all over the forum.
And believe me, I've pondered leaving staff before. If I stepped away from this site and never spoke to anyone here ever again it would have zero impact on my life. So why put in the effort? I have other things I can devote my time to.
But Force and Kripey convinced me to stay, because damn it even after all this I still CARE about you. All of you. All the people here. I give a shit about everyone on this forum and I want to make a nice place for you all to come together. I want to stay in touch with all of you. I enjoy chatting, I enjoy your company, I enjoy the good times we have. I like this place and have grown to really love most of the members.
But honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with people who don't give a shit and just don't appreciate anything. Pointless drama after pointless drama, and I ask myself why do I even bother? How is anything actually important to life?
So yes, I can understand why Mog would want to leave. And you know what? I say good for him. He's got a successful life ahead of him, and if he needs to cut out all the negative to make room for all the good that's coming his way, even if that means TLS, then I wish him well.
And if you want to leave as well, Omega, go ahead. I actually know a few people who have left either because of you or events you were involved in, because they see TLS as expendable if all they are going to get is grief from the member base.
So there, how's that for the mod response you so craved? Does it satisfy your questions and concerns?
If anyone actually wants to chat about this in a calm manner, I'd be down. I won't turn my back on anyone who reaches out to me.
But I dunno, I just might follow Mog out the door here, so maybe no one will want to bother...
Sorry if I pissed anyone off with this post. I don't mean to hurt anyone, but I really feel like it needed to be said, especially since it seemed to have been wanted so much.