Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!


Well I'm on a media blackout when it comes to any more teasers and trailers so I'm bowing out of this thread for now. :monster:

Do notify me when you find a wallpaper version of the poster though :desucait:


Just bought my tickets for the premiere!

Midnight viewing on the 16th here in the UK, got really good seats in the middle of the middle <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

The seats were pretty much already booked out tbh I managed to get those by a random stroke of luck.


Chloe Frazer

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Harbinger O Great Justice
So.... Han & Leia hugging was something I didn't know I needed until now -- same with Han talking about the Dark Side & the Force as being real. Seeing Kylo Ren and his little squad of other knights was badass -- and he's not wearing his mask in that final confrontation scene. There's just enough of the characters to give you a taste, and the lack of Luke is still there to let you know that we know VERY, VERY little about what's actually happening.

Aside from the Empire/First Order managing to largely suppress some specifics about what happened at The Battle of Endor -- which most all of the "Journey to The Force Awakens" content has been very clear about -- there's very VERY little to give much away here about events in the film, aside from Kylo Ren meeting Poe Dameron & Rey losing someone close to her.

Given that Kylo Ren is attempting to, "finish what [Vader] started" and that Rey & Finn get the, "everything you heard is true" speech from Han -- the Empire/First Order's disinformation campaign post-Battle of Endor was overwhelmingly successful in clouding the majority of the galaxy. I have to wonder what the specific legacy of Darth Vader that the Empire came up with was as a part of the suppression of their information that would lead Kylo Ren to follow him, but all ofthat has to do with Luke's diminished presence. I think as the SOLE INDIVIDUAL who was ACTUALLY PRESENT for the fall of the Emperor & Vader -- Luke HAS to be the answer to unraveling the truth and dissolving what's happening with Kylo and his knights, and that's why they're not even giving the tiniest bit of information about his role.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I bought them directly from my theater, 'cause they put them out prior to the trailer dropping.

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
It looks really awesome, but I'm noticing a distinct lack of Luke Skywalker. Is he there and I'm just blind, or what?

He turns to the Dark Side and becomes masked dude, I'm sure :monster:

Considering the masked dude is played by a completely different actor, I find that to be doubtful at best.

Anyway, that trailer was freaking awesome. If this trailer in any way reflects the quality of the movie then we should be just fine.


Pro Adventurer
I haven't read any of the new canon stuff yet but plan to. Either way i could be missing something but ;

I don't buy into the Dark Luke theory lol. It just completely shits all over the original trilogy, he already persevered through the greatest temptation the Dark Side could throw at him it would just suck to have him turn because reasons after that lol.

Midichlorians aside (I believe they are being ignored in the new trilogy anyway) I could buy into a plot regarding the Force "leaving" Luke and him going into solitude after that.

I do like that he is pretty much missing from all promotional stuff. That MIGHT be him with R2D2 but it might not be who knows it would be a really easy trailer macguffin to pull off.

Luke being an unknown factor is neat though. I think since this is a transition movie to get us settled in with the new cast along side the old that a "search for Luke" type movie could go over well. They could spend a good half of the movie searching for Luke as the threat of the Knights of Ren and First Order loom.

I've sort of also subscribed to the idea that Kylo is a failed jedi apprentice of Lukes. He could have started to get the Jedi going again sometime after Endor but was not able to keep Kylo from turning after he learned that Lukes father was Darth Vader. After the failure he just goes full on hermit and we get to episode 7 lol.


My tickets are for the 16/17th so I'm going to be annoying you all so much with my complete lack of knowledge in the extra canon (i.e. anything outside the movies) by posting about it afterward going "that dude... you know the one, with the robes and stuff" XD.

That is unless I get my arse in gear and actually do some reading/watching before then.


That trailer is kinda lame TBF, :monster:. Dull, loads of one-liners lacking context, and no epic movie voice (except for the baddie, maybe).


Harbinger O Great Justice
My tickets are for the 16/17th so I'm going to be annoying you all so much with my complete lack of knowledge in the extra canon (i.e. anything outside the movies) by posting about it afterward going "that dude... you know the one, with the robes and stuff" XD.

That is unless I get my arse in gear and actually do some reading/watching before then.

Luckily for you, the current canon is exceptionally small. Also of the old EXU stuff is now "Star Wars Legends" and there are only a few bits and pieces of things released as current canon - none if which have gotten close to the timeline of The Force Awakens, so as long as you've got the original films under your belt, you shouldn't be annoying anyone with your lack of knowledge.

I just have to avoid the internet for 2 days, since EU gets it before we do. :awesomonster:
(My tickets are for 7PM on the 17th - i.e. our first showing in the US)

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
That trailer is kinda lame TBF, :monster:. Dull, loads of one-liners lacking context, and no epic movie voice (except for the baddie, maybe).

I think we've just been conditioned to watching trailers that reveal pretty much 95% of the action sequences/jokes and spell out the plot or even give away the twist.

Gotta remember JJ Abrams was responsible for Cloverfields viral marketing and trailer campaign. No one knew what that movie was about until they sat down in the theater to watch it. I think it's refreshing to watch a trailer and still be rather clueless about elements in the movie personally :reptar:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
That trailer is kinda lame TBF, :monster:. Dull, loads of one-liners lacking context, and no epic movie voice (except for the baddie, maybe).

I think we've just been conditioned to watching trailers that reveal pretty much 95% of the action sequences/jokes and spell out the plot or even give away the twist.

Gotta remember JJ Abrams was responsible for Cloverfields viral marketing and trailer campaign. No one knew what that movie was about until they sat down in the theater to watch it. I think it's refreshing to watch a trailer and still be rather clueless about elements in the movie personally :reptar:

Really, its the way every trailer should be. Whats the point of going to see a movie in the theater if you already know all the major action scenes/plot points?


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
That trailer is kinda lame TBF, :monster:. Dull, loads of one-liners lacking context, and no epic movie voice (except for the baddie, maybe).

I think we've just been conditioned to watching trailers that reveal pretty much 95% of the action sequences/jokes and spell out the plot or even give away the twist.

Gotta remember JJ Abrams was responsible for Cloverfields viral marketing and trailer campaign. No one knew what that movie was about until they sat down in the theater to watch it. I think it's refreshing to watch a trailer and still be rather clueless about elements in the movie personally :reptar:

This doesn't help make your point considering Cloverfield was such a shit movie :monster:
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