Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!


Harbinger O Great Justice

Well, while she's technically still royalty, that's of a dynasty that's utterly wiped out from a planet that was completely obliterated about 30 years ago by this time. It doesn't make sense to keep referring to her as royalty if she doesn't have any real claim to that position anymore. Plus, while it was indicative of who she was during IV, V, VI since they were all still very close to those events, she's obviously grown away from that type of life in the time since then. She's been a leader for the Rebellion/Resistance during (assumedly) that entire time, so the change in titles would not only make sense, but it stands as a bit of a clear indication about who she is now vs. who she was then -- i.e. less of a political figurehead and more of an actual military leader.

I think a lot of what they're doing with the returning cast is giving a look at a change in who they've become.

Leia's gone from an uppity princess to a worn out general, Han's gone from a smuggler who doesn't believe in the Force to an older pilot who knows that it's a real thing, and Luke's... well, as the articles state, who Luke IS is the important question (not to mention that he's a figure of infamy to The First Order).

X :neo:

Ghost X

Maybe she abdicated, feeling that monarchies are a horribly dated concept when you're pew-pewing on intergalactic space ships. Maybe she married a... commoner O_O.


The news that she's a general made me more excited for this movie. Having just watched them all again, it makes sense given how she managed the rebels in IV - VI. The most exciting thing about Leia's character to me is that she's a bit of a badass.

Into the bargain I've followed Carrie Fisher a little bit in recent years after my friend was diagnosed with Bipolar, so it's amazing to me that she's even managed to be in it at all. She appears in Stephen Fry's doc about having Bipolar and to be blunt, she has a pretty severe case. AND they've allowed her to appear just as she is, without trying to de-age her or cake her in product to make her look younger.

I just can't wait to see what she does with Leia in this movie.


Harbinger O Great Justice
One minute TV Spot - new things!

(I think that you can see Admiral Ackbar at the table with Leia)

X :neo:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Well holy shit they made a generic stormtrooper look badass for once.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well holy shit they made a generic stormtrooper look badass for once.

It's about time. After all,
the Lightsaber-blocking tech has existed for a while, with the Emperor's royal guards using Force Pikes and Grievous' Magnaguards using Electrostaffs. It's about time that they have some more standard troops with that equipment -- especially since The First Order is briefing its troops about the infamous, Empire-crippling Luke Skywalker, it only makes sense that they equip their troops to be able to confront him effectively -- not to mention if you've got someone like Kylo Ren wielding a lightsaber, it's just prudent planning to ensure that he can't go rogue and just massacre your entire army.

There's a figure of them too that looks way awesome.

Additionally, John Boyega is still adorable.

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
The First Order isn't fooling around, that lone trooper with the saber blocking equipment means they're not taking shit from Jedi and the Rebels which will be a good balance with suspense <3. Starting to enjoy this movie's promise already!


Harbinger O Great Justice
Double post but why does C3PO have a red left arm now? I don't understanduuuu

Well from a simple storytelling perspective, it's a visual indication of the passage of time.

Insofar as I'm aware, it's never been directly explained/revealed in any of the "Journey to TFA" EXU content, but really - he's a droid, and if he broke it or something, assuming that the Resistance is like the Rebellion, they'd be more likely to just grab an existing spare part from a protocol droid than go to the trouble of getting him a new custom gold one.

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Looks cool though so I can't complain. I'm just confused how did he break it and needed a replacement lol.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, considering that he got himself dismantled on Cloud City, I don't think it's too far to imagine any of the things that could destroy his arm over the last 30 years. xD

X :neo:

Ghost X

I read an article yesterday, probably on io9, which made me think of one possible alarm bell for Force Awakens. There are scenes that visually pay homage to significant scenes in the original trilogy, and there seems to be a lot of them, and that's just in the trailers alone. The aim could be to simply make things aesthetically similar, which might give this practice a pass, but if they're trying to make the film structurally similar ("You wanted a Star Wars movie that doesn't deviate from the old movies, then here it is!"), that's a bit of creative laziness right there (unless it is MGS2, where it is integral to the plot). A story should be able to carry itself. It'd be nice if they could bring in new iconic imagery, rather than appropriating the old. Of course, the original trilogy was itself inspired by visuals from earlier stuff too, as are all things, but it made these things it's own. I'd like to see this done in the new films.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I've tried so hard to avoid all the hype for months now, but have been unable to now for the past few weeks and the trailer at Mockingjay Part 2 just got me squeeing... internally. My mum's looking into booking tickets for her, me and the brother (and maybe Captain Dickwad too, we'll see), so we were talking about when to go.

We're not going to go straight away on opening night, but we did look into Christmas Eve. Not sure what time I'm finishing work, but the last showing that day is at 7:30pm and I don't think I could find a better way of spending time that evening. :awesome:


Harbinger O Great Justice
You might want to go to google and search:

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

It's quite a good time.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
MPAA Rating: PG-13 which may come as a slight surprise, depending on how you look at it. Despite the fact that Episode III is the only other PG-13-rated Star Wars film (featuring mega burned Darth Vader body), the original trilogy was made prior to the PG-13 rating being a thing and had Owen & Beru's burned corpses and lots of sliced off hands.

Also, a tiny little hint about Episode VIII's casting that's sure to be of interest to some.

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Think this is my favorite tv spot so far. Kylo Ren is starting to look like a really cool villain, and the shot of starkiller base (maybe) firing is really damn cool looking.

See, look how cool this looks.

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