Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

That trailer is kinda lame TBF, :monster:. Dull, loads of one-liners lacking context, and no epic movie voice (except for the baddie, maybe).

I think we've just been conditioned to watching trailers that reveal pretty much 95% of the action sequences/jokes and spell out the plot or even give away the twist.

Gotta remember JJ Abrams was responsible for Cloverfields viral marketing and trailer campaign. No one knew what that movie was about until they sat down in the theater to watch it. I think it's refreshing to watch a trailer and still be rather clueless about elements in the movie personally :reptar:
I agree, but the actual trailer wasn't anything amazing really. It wasn't exceptionally well made, or do anything that interesting.

I think people are crapping their pants over it because it represents a hope that Star Wars can be good again, rather than anything it's actually showing us.

Ghost X

^Define an amazing, exceptionally well-made, interesting trailer then. :awesome:.

I think the second trailer was disappointing, the first trailer was average (though exciting to the hopeful, including myself), but this latest trailer was pretty good.

I love all the speculation, re: Luke Skywalker. I'd bet that his story line will be run-of-the-mill and relatively boring though. Gambler's fallacy maybe, but it does always (sadly) tend to be like that. People should write down all the wild theories regarding any popular franchise, and make a movie with an original story constructed out of them though :P.


The second teaser was phenomenal but only because it appealed to nostalgia. I still get shivers when I watch it.

Idk, I don't have a problem with the new trailer, I thought it was pretty cool. As I described to Carlie yesterday - "it wasn't exactly mind-blowing" - but it's a good trailer and at least we're not all sitting here going "oh no look what they've done with [x], this movie is going to be terrible".

As for this:

Ghost X said:
^Define an amazing, exceptionally well-made, interesting trailer then.

It's going to be half subjective isn't it? But if I was to pick an example of a trailer that made me excited for a movie - and I can think of only one - it would be the original hunger games trailer:

Looking back on it, it's a little cheesy. But this trailer was enough to get me to buy and read all the books in the series before the first movie was even released, because I don't go to the cinema to see movies that often and knew I wanted to see this, and because if movies are based on books I like visuals and ideas of the characters in my head before I see the adaptations. I think that trailer is really well done because it gives a good idea of the plot without being too spoiler-y.

Also the Cloverfield chat has made me feel safe enough to say I'm worried for this new trilogy because of the mere fact that JJ Abrams is attached to it, whereas everyone else seems to be having an opposite reaction to that. Everything he's ever done that I've seen - Cloverfield, original attachment to Lost, Alias, Fringe - they all have one thing in common. They're great to watch, but if you like a conclusive well-rounded plot, you're utterly fucked with a mace. There's one thing Abrams likes more than a plot that makes sense, and that's instilling a sense of mystery and "oooo what's going on". I can only hope that it's offset this time by the fact that it's fucking Star Wars, I really hope he doesn't mess with it too much.

Ghost X

@Lex: Sure, value judgements are passé in this day and age, but the reason why I asked Interslicery to clarify what he meant is simply because something can't be bad in a vacuum :P. Something can only be bad in relation to something else. I think Einstein wrote something on the topic :awesome:.

I agree with your JJ Abrams concerns though. Then again, I'm not expecting the films to be spectacular and/or memorable, but above average.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Oh, random thing that I thought of today while discussing Luke, I think that there's further proof that we're only getting the tip of the iceberg: Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill), Maz Kanata (played by Lupita Nyong'o), and Supreme Leader Snoke (played by Andy Serkis) ALL have voiceover parts in the trailers, and haven't been properly shown in the trailers/poster despite the fact that they all seem to be pretty important characters.

Also - insofar as J.J. Abrams is concerned, I have two things that should be reassuring:

1) The movies he makes as a director are visually spectacular. Even though I have a loathing hatred for Star Trek Into Darkness for having an utterly shite plot -- it's damn beautiful.

2) He's not the only writer. The other two are Michael Arndt who wrote Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3 (screenplay), Hunger Games: Catching Fire (screenplay) and also Lawrence Kasdan who worked with George Lucas on the screenplays for The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, (and also the game Shadows of the Empire). So I think that they have a winning team for making sure that the director's creative visions don't ruin the film (like what happened with the prequels).

Interestingly, this also makes me wonder if Shadows of the Empire is gonna make it as a piece of canon.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
So, it might be time to go on a Force Awakens info lockdown for me. It seems like some a recent Duracell commercial is hinting at some VERY spoilery things… (not to mention they show off C-3PO in full form).

X :neo:


Jar Jar is a powerful Force user. TL;DR: he uses a drunken boxing technique against robots, avoiding getting hit and pwning quite a few, does a 20 foot jump / flip / etc, and uses the force mind tricks (with hand gestures) to have himself promoted to general, then senator, then end democracy. Ahmed Best, Jar Jar's VA, is either running with it or confirming it, too. They possibly changed the plots of Ep 2 and 3 to not reveal Jar Jar as some evil sith lord (the opposite of Yoda, who also hides behind looking insignificant and weak in the original trilogy), shoehorning Dooku in there as a replacement, due to the poor reception of the character. The VA also confirmed that they made some serious changes after the reception, not to the character but to the whole story arc: hear

:trollface: or srs bizness? YOU DECIDE. I mean imagine if it was never pointed out that Yoda was a jedi master - he'd just be a rather silly character going "Hee hee, ho ho, whooooa, can I get another yum yum snack bar, yesss?"


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
It's fucking plot/comedy armour :monster:


I saw the trailer in an actual cinema before Spectre the other day. It was immense.


I made my friend watch Star Wars in machete order (she'd seen and loved the originals but never the prequels) and she thoroughly enjoyed the prequels. We watched The Phantom Menace at her request between V and II since she'd never seen it. I think she might be the worst nightmare of a fan who hated them tbh, because choice quotes are:

"I really liked that one. Is that the one you said everybody absolutely hates?" (Phantom Menace)

"Oh so this is Jar Jar. Why does everyone hate him? He's kind of annoying but it's not absolutely terrible, some of it's funny"

"I hate Hayden Christensen, this is going to be terrible." [later] "He's nowhere near as bad as I remember him from elsewhere, I'm quite enjoying his performance."

[on ending the prequel trilogy] "I'm really sad, that was soul destroying. I thought they were well done though, I felt myself willing him not to go down that path even though I knew where he was going. I'd go so far as to say it was soul destroying"

and what I consider the killing blow: At the end of VI when the CG added-in Hayden Christensen Anakin pops up, she burst out crying. "I wasn't expecting that! AAAAAA"

I tried to explain that basically everything she liked about the prequels are the things all star wars fans apparently hate, but she just said "well that's fucking dumb" and I was like "fair enough lol".

I mean I agree with her assessment, we discussed as we were watching the reasons some fans hate certain things like additions and changes and certain decisions made in the prequels. She was angry about the whole immaculate conception thing which I just told her to pretend didn't happen because that's what I do XD.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Hayden Christensen is an okay actor who was given shitty lines. He emotes best in the films when there's no dialogue and he's just trying to convey emotion by body language.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm endlessly happy with that assessment, Lex. That totally made my day, and because of Machete Order, I am one of the people who also likes the Hayden Christensen Force Ghost since it wraps up that narrative arc WAY better than without (plus I like to argue that if it's not "accurate" that old Anakin's force ghost should have robot limbs, or be a mutilated, floating horror show). I am curious if was she afraid Luke was gonna fall to the Dark Side in Ep VI or not?

Also, my partner grew up with JarJar and enjoys him too, which has pretty much eliminated all my prequel grudges.

In current news, the Episode VII character posters for Rey, Finn, Kylo, Han, & Leia are awesome, and I hope that Carrie Fisher's quote on her Twitter is from the film:

X :neo:


I am curious if was she afraid Luke was gonna fall to the Dark Side in Ep VI or not?

She had seen the original trilogy a few times in her life but had a hazy memory of them, so no, she wasn't afraid of that because she kind of knew how it all ended.

She's a movie buff and particularly likes older movies, so when I was nudging her to watch all of them originally she was defiant in that she really wanted to watch the original trilogy first, then the prequels. She "didn't believe in all that "episode retcon crap". But I convinced her to do it in machete order and we're both glad she did, because ending on III is pretty horrific.




Dark Knight of the Red Wings
Have you all seen the Asian trailer that was recently released? Lots of new footage shown! I am so amped for this movie!!!

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