- Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Ya know people keep bringing up the point about a lack of new themes for the characters, but I feel like both Kylo Ren and Rey had clearly recognizable music that was consistently associated with their characters. Hell, in Rey's case its even called Rey's Theme on the soundtrack.
I just feel like there wasn't an incredible abundance of themes being thrown into the spotlight. John Williams' Star Wars music feels like it either follows the scene, or that the scene is built for the music.
I haven't studied musicianship in any degree for a while, so I'm mostly talking out of my ass, but even The Phantom Menace has a lot of quiet, slow scenes (maybe excessively so) that focus almost entirely on the visual aspect of it, which lets ones like Anakin's Theme take the fore with a lot of subtleties. Apart from the beginning (which I really, really enjoyed, btw), it feels like there aren't a lot of opportunities for the music in The Force Awakens to set the pace for the scene.
Also conspicuous is the absence of a central, main theme, though not exactly a mandatory thing.