Suicide Squad (film)


Pro Adventurer
Long live the Longcat :awesome:

But yeah I have it too. For some reason the gfycat player options got stretched and placed super far below lol. I'll spoiler tag the gif to avoid long scrolling for others lol.


Spoiler tagging may have broke it lol. Can anyone confirm?


Works for me; the gfycat plugin only works on the 'load' event of the page, replacing some codez with a player. It's not like the youtube plugin, which inserts an iframe into the page, which also works when editing posts.

Why do they not just respect standards / why did web videos never settle on a standard video format, :monster:. Then I could just implement a [mov] tag that just gets translated to <video> and be done with it. simples. You know, like images.
So.. People are enjoying this trailer? I... Don't get it. Everything about the movie we've seen has hinted at the opposite tone ofwhat this trailer has. It comes across as Warner Bros saying "dem marvel movies do good and they got funny trailers, cut one of those"

Like.. Just... People are enjoying this? Can you imagine Leto's line "I'm not gonna kill you.. I'm just gonna hurt ya really.. Really.. Bad" in the movie this shows? No, because its lame false advertising.

And Queen doesn't fit this thing at all.. Just.. I... I don't get it...


Pro Adventurer
TBF the first trailer was never meant to be seen outside of comic con and was just created to generate buzz. It was only released because of the leak and WB basically said fuck it if your gonna watch it anyway watch it in HD.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Marketing overall for it seems like it's trying really, really hard to jive with the crowd.

Put a hashtag on the poster! Kids love those these days. The Bohemian Rhapsody will really appeal to the older comic book readers, they're into that kind of shit.

I dunno, maybe that's being too harsh. But the whole source material is already strong as hell on its own without needing to push pop culture that hard, and they've been really pushing that tone.



with shit like


AKA "how do I movie", :wacky:. They probably got a wakeup call from that other movie tanking, too. I'm guessing they were assuming that if that one did well, people would automagically come watch this one.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Oh man. That is seriously awesome. I can't think of anything other than a Japanese horror film that would've used something like that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this movie is gonna finally pull the DCCU into gear the way that it so desperately needs.

X :neo:
Has some nice elements, but ultimately feels pretty thrown together, with sudden tonal changes, first 30-35 min is just introducing who people are, and really I just didn't care about anyone outside of Diablo. Overstuffed, too. No reason for Katana to be in there. Like, at all. No idea why she would be on the team either, given her backstory, mindset, and their explanation for her being there is "this is Katana". She does nothing and just balloons the cast.
Leto is just playing a sociopathic gang leader. If it wasn't for the Joker dressing, you wouldn't have thought Joker at all. I also dont think Harleen would have become obsessed with this version of the Joker at all. He has zero charisma or manipulation skills, or anything like that. He's just a dude with face paint that you wouldn't wanna deal with cause he'd probly fuck you over in one way or another.

Biggest strength is the art department, they had some cool looking visuals and effects in there. Especially one point near the end where 2 characters are going at it while being cheered on by the rest of the squad.

Edit: Throughout the first half they shove in a ton of songs, upbeat classic rock and whatnot. Same tone as the trailers, and it just doesn't fit. Feels very shoehorned in.
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Movie was enjoyed. At the very least it had humor, which was sorely missing from Man of Steel (and probably from Batman v Superman, which I am yet to watch but I already know everything that happens).


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I really enjoyed it, might be one of my favourite films to come out this year.


Harbinger O Great Justice
• Did anyone else miss huge chunks of the villain’s skillsets because the fancy descriptive text flew by? (The weird subtitle font didn’t help either).
• Why is there a slow build to a character redemption arc in a movie where we’re introduced to every villain as though they’re a lovable rogue?
• The cover of “You don’t own me” used in the trailer & soundtrack is exchanged for the original in the film that doesn’t fit the tone of Harley’s scene nearly as well, because…?
• Why cut out the bar scene from all the trailers that gives context to that whole interaction and makes that moment believable?
• The lack of grimdark tone in introducing the villains made every one of them less believably intimidating than the rest of the cast of heroes OR villains in the DCCU, despite apparently being in that same universe and supposedly billed as, “the worst of the worst” – At NO point do I find any of them even remotely more sinister than Batman’s been, and Enchantress and her Brother are… just the worst.
• Tons of plot armor for the Squad when we’ve watched the antagonists melt through people, tanks, and military helicopters with little to no thought, but not this “band of baddies” for god knows why.
• Jared Leto’s Joker was a disaster, but the way his character was used in the film was really good.
• Powered-up Enchantress just looks so atrocious, I’d rather have watched Green Lantern’s worst VFX instead.
• That light comical sound when Harley hits people with her bat doesn’t mesh with the tone when she’s brutally killing people with it.
• They apparently decided to have no fight choreography in the final fight and just use mid-range slow-mo shots in the rain…?


I mean… Margot Robbie is decent as Harley, and Will Smith is Will Smith. I have precious little else to say about the film. I don’t believe that any of them are nearly as intimidating villains as they should’ve been to make the film matter the way it should’ve. Hell, the Guardians of the Galaxy seem more morally ambiguous most of the time, and they’re not even ACTUALLY bad guys.

X :neo:


As much as I was looking forward to this I'm just gonna wait until it's on Netflix :monster:
Cba with spending money on yet another divisive DC movie.


Harbinger O Great Justice
io9 has a massive list of spoiler-filled suggestions that would've made the film better, and take that along with all of the deleted/modified scenes, and you've got the picture that this film COULD'VE been very different, which just annoys me more than just the GotG-izing that they did with it.

&#8226; Why WAS this the mission that they decided to use the Suicide Squad? Their "throw them under the bus" niche doesn't really make sense here, and as an idea for a debut for the no-accountability team of government non-involvement, a Metahuman (building a gigantic 3D CGI Fractal... machine to destroy humanity for reasons utterly obscure?) dealing catestrophic damage to a major city seems like very much the kind of thing NOT within their skillset (especially since most of their team seems to just have the ability to fire a gun semi-decently). In fact, that incident just mysteriously clearing itself up is even MORE problematic.
&#8226; Why the hell was all of the Joker & Harley's shitty awful abusive stuff cut out? The way they portrayed only the semi-positive sides of their relationship annoys me to no end, because their relationship is fucking awful and it should ALWAYS own up to being all of that through and through, such that the end of the film makes you feel TERRIBLE about him busting her out.
&#8226; Why can't you let them BE badguys FFS? If Batman's a murderer/torturer and you had everything set up to make most of these people just the worst, you ought to just've owned that and left it in place. Knowing that they had all the stuff there but cut it to make them a band of lovable rogues drives me nuts.
&#8226; If the whole scenario was the work of the Joker and he was only rescuing Harley because it would've made his work of destruction seem less of a complete victory, I'd've like that more (because his wanton anarchy and destruction would've made him notably WORSE and more dangerous than the rest of them as an introduction to his character). Even if that still doesn't make a damn bit of sense as to why the Suicide Squad was being utilized.

X :neo:
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