To be honest theman, people like you really irritate me, because you try to convince people that everything in the universe is opinion when it isn't
I love how you just tell me what arguments I've made. Except that I've never actually made that argument. I've
never claimed that everything in the universe is opinion. There are plenty of things that are a matter of factual record. Claims about
literature, however, are opinion. Unless they're made by the creator, in which case they
can be factual. Everyone else is making interpretations of the creator's work.
and you try to use opinion as an excuse as to why 1 position can never be true. Well, that's nonsense. Opinion based arguments are often stronger on 1 side than the other, and often include many facts to make up their conclusion.
Um this is a whole bunch of irrelevant bullshit that has nothing to do with any argument I've ever actually made.
You need to learn this as well. Plot holes and such, are things you can point to as facts. They are not opinions. They never were.
Except that interpretation of plot holes can be based on erroneous or differing interpretations of plots. You act as if there is only
one valid interpretation of a plot. There isn't. Unless a creator has come out and stated exactly what he or she meant by writing a particular work, everything is open to interpretation.
Watch that guys reviews and it will become clear.
Appeal to authority. Noted.
For example, if you are in a room with poison gas you do not wait 10 seconds before you head for the exit. That is bad storytelling. It isn't an opinion that that is illogical and looks stupid, it just is.
The characters might have a good reason for waiting ten seconds, such as having been hit on the head, or not realising there's poison gas, or just being morons. I have no idea if you're referring to a specific scene in AC or not and I don't really care.