Harbinger O Great Justice
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Except the rest of it, all of which was poor, is STILL IN THERE. That does not make the movie that much better. But regardless, I will be watching the ACC tonight, and from what I have read, they even extended fight scenes. That isn't a good thing.
Again, wait until you see it before baselessly hating on something you haven't seen. If you're not going to watch it objectively, and are just seeing it for the purpose of hating it, I don't really see the point in doing so at all, just so taht you can continue on your whimsical "bad fiction" rampage without blatantly being ignorant of what you're talking about.
The Lord of the Rings was FULL of fighting. If you watch the LotR Extended Edition, a LOT if not all of the fights are MUCH longer. If you then go watch the fight scenes in the theatrical release, you'll realize that those ones are choppy and terrible in comparison. Just because you seem to be against the flashy anime-like fighting style, doesn't mean that it's a bad thing for them to have extended the fight scenes.
Again, even if you didn't like AC, go into ACC without the need to subjectively pick apart everything as you see it added in. Watch it as if it were an entirely different film, and base your conclusion on the WHOLE thing, without making comparisons to it and how AC handled the story.
Can't you make ONE post to reply to everyone without re-editing everything?
NO. NO. NO. That is a weak argument. All films have to stand by their material and work. You don't need to watch Terminator 1 to understand most of Terminator 2. FF7 AC is fanboy nonsense.
No. It doesn't compare. AC was made as a DVD-only released sequel to a 40+ hour game. The introduction summarizing the basic concepts was there to give the audience who didn't know the game some background. T2 recaps all the basics of T1 in the introduction, because there's barely anything to recap. If you made a DVD sequel to a 40+ hour TV series, and ONLY saw the DVD film, you'd probably be missing a lot of the character developments and motivations.
Another reason you should watch Plinkett reviews, he explains why telling people to read novels about the film is ridiculous.
Having them exist to understand all the minor intrate details of the film isn't ridiculous. Hell, StarCraft 2's story has lots of little intracasies that are enhanced by the content of the novels, but they're not NEEDED to understand the story. The story makes sense on it's own. The same is true of ACC. The fact is that they're details that don't NEED to be told, but they exist for the fans who are curious. AKA, if you are unfamiliar with the original 40+ hours of the material, it's doubtful you'd read novellas on it.
Also- that youtube link was basically 8 mins of annoying bollocks just to hear, "Bending the physics of real life causing the audience to disconnect with a character and breaks tension." Again, this only applies if the characters are interacting in a normal environment to begin with. The reason that YOU disconnect more from it is that you're expecting a more real-life physics environment, rather than something like a CG anime "realism" that AC(C) (and FFVII) has, although I'm certain you'll attempt to debate that point until you're blue in the face. While I understand that SOME people have issues with a ton of things on screen, I've never had a problem keeping track of focus to retain tension in scenes like the ones mentioned in that review.