"Oooh look at me I think I'm being funny by making a review in a funny voice and making stupid jokes about something that came out nearly 6 years ago, score one for me!"
Totally unfunny, ridiculous and I'm sorry DLPB but you actually expect us to take him seriously and be educated by THAT!? What exactly are we supposed to be educated in because all I saw was a lesson on how to be a dickwad...
If you don't mind me saying DLPB actually no you probably will mind, I'm sorry that I do have to say it but your behaviour on this forum most of the time is downright appalling.
Why do you insist on belittling everyone on this forum who has an opinion different to your own? Why do you always think you're right and can't take what other people say into consideration at all? Why are you constantly talking down to everyone and acting like your the be all, end all, superior of everyone?
Do yourself a favour, it's a forum not a bloody "I'm better than you" area, you're meant to enjoy yourself here.
Grow up, start listening to what other people have to say and stop thinking only your opinion matters. Before you start telling people they have to earn respect from you maybe think about earning their respect also because the people on this forum are great and they deserve to be given more credit than you obviously feel they deserve.
If you loosen up and start having a bit of fun on this forum you might actually get on well with everyone here.