Tekken 6


Pro Adventurer
Inconsistent is the perfect way to describe this game, in every aspect.

I don't think I've ever disliked a character as much as Alisa. She's probably as much of a burden and annoying as Sheva is in RE5. Does jack shit, dies easily, gets in the way and eats all my fuggin' chicken.

But otherwise, improved gameplay. The world map tekken force business is nice, but gets very tedious after a while. I find it amusing that a Scandinavian man speaks only Japanese. Nice cinematics as usual. Loading time bothers me a little though.

How fucking ridiculous was the boss fight with Alisa? The game creators are smoking some very expensive crack
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Celes Chere

TLS Tekken tournament y/y?

Amagad, yes please. That would be so fun. :joy: I usually use Xiaoyu, but I am obviously loving Leo. Not for the gender confusion or the weird fish face he/she makes either, but I'm really good at using him/her for some reason. O.o Strangely enough, the only person I can't seem to beat with him/her IS Xiaoyu. I also like using Lili. <3 Btw, Alisa is really fucking random, like I didn't expect her to pull her head off and use it as a weapon, or to produce chainsaws/wings at will... >_>; Not only that, but I find her to be really, REALLY annoying.

Damn you people! I was going to buy it for Christmas but by then you all will have your moves perfected.

Lol, this is also my feeling. :monster: One of my best friends rented it though, and since I practically live there I got to try it out for the past two days. :awesome: I'm already addicted, so... hopefully I can manage to get it before Christmas. Screw that crummy KH game that just came out.

I don't think I've ever disliked a character as much as Alisa. She's probably as much of a burden and annoying as Sheva is in RE5. Does jack shit, dies easily, gets in the way and eats all my fuggin' chicken.

God, I agree.


Pro Adventurer
Online play is a little irritating. I have a really good connection, but I get dropped so frequently and the Namco assholes put that as a loss on my record, even though I won.

Every single person who uses Law, Eddy/Christie, Devil Jin, or Lili is a fucking noob. But the voice chat is amusing, hearing people flip shit when they lose :] It seems like I'm the only Panda user online.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I think it's already established that noobs go to Law, Capoieras and DJ like flies go to shit. :monster: That said, it's easy to recognise someone who actually uses the moves properly and knows the set and plays like a pro. Unfortunately, the way the character works just makes it easy to randomly recycle the same moves over again.

Although Eddy/Christie have seriously been downgraded somewhat, which is aiight.

Also, for a robot Nancy is quite a bitch. :awesome: As for Alisa's really fuckin random moves, I saw the "head used as a projectile weapon" thing in the E3 trailers, so that made me lol srsly. It's a launching move, right?

Celes Chere

As for Alisa's really fuckin random moves, I saw the "head used as a projectile weapon" thing in the E3 trailers, so that made me lol srsly.

Lol, I hadn't seen it at all... so it seriously made me go "Wtf was that!?". I think there's a move she has where she can launch her fists at you too, unless I'm thinking of a different character. xD


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, of course it's easy to recognize a player who knows how to use a character properly. But I've had some many online fights where the person would do the exact same thing over and over again, and the fucking walls would screw me over.

Every time I see decent record, with around 80%, it's rarely a Yoshimitsu, or a Nina, or a King. Most of the time it's Law, and it just gets old. Also, pretty much everyone who use Hwoarang or Baek use only their legs, and also do the same shit over and over.

It's so easy to tell someone's personality just by looking at the way they customize their character. Like, if someone gives Paul a Cloud hairstyle (which I've seen twice), then you can tell they are the biggest losers online, or under the age of 8. But as I've previously mentioned, voice chat is the best feature about online play. Gives me so many lulz.

When I previously mentioned the boss fight with Alisa, I wasn't aware that you could use sunglasses and max out your character's health, hence it took me a good hour to kick her ass =/

I think there's a move she has where she can launch her fists at you too, unless I'm thinking of a different character.

I thought those were missiles....


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I once found an arcade machine while I was in Hong Kong.

I won a couple of games with Lei while I was there - some of them were bare scrapes. The last couple I got absolutely fucking flattened by some random Bob player (heh did u c wut i did thar).

Apparently Bob has this pretty big fanbase with the Tekken players in Asia. Methinks it's probably the Super Sentai customisation :monster:

I loved Lei's customisation in Tekken 5/DR because you could make such big costume changes without making it look ridiculous. I just did a loose hair, grey shirt/black trousers + radio and shotgun on the back and he looked absolutely fucking badass. Although there are some customisations that look plain ridiculous.

As a sidenote, some of the third-party designed customisations look really really cool. Apparently there was one for Jin designed by CLAMP. I lol'd at Lili's one though.
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Pro Adventurer
Bob has an awful wardrobe, it's hard to customize him without making him look like a fat fag. His moves and speed are really good though.

I'm also liking this Miguel character, simply because he can laugh or blow kisses. Otherwise he's a little slow, and crouching attacks are suicide.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Bob has an awful wardrobe, it's hard to customize him without making him look like a fat fag. His moves and speed are really good though.

I thought that this was pretty much the basis of the whole character :awesome:

Also, I've been noticing a trend that a greater proportion of the characters are getting joke-like or self-parodic ending FMVs. This is merely just an observation. Sometimes I wonder...


Pro Adventurer
Although there are some customisations that look plain ridiculous.

The campaign will force you to have one of those ridiculous customizations. Making your character look badass is different from going all anime on Paul.

Yeah, they are also still really short and quite random. I feel like the game creators get lazy. Like, giving Eddy/Christie, and Panda/Asuka/Lili pretty much the same endings. The opening movie was pretty good, but I liked the one in tekken 5 better.

Do you own a copy of the game?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
One of my friends got the game recently for the 360, I've been hanging around his place an awful lot :monster: Lei's end cutscene makes him look like a bit of a goof like he did in T5 :awesome:

I much prefer the Tekken 5 opening, simply because it seems to involve more people, while the opening cutscenes in T6 seem very character-story specific. It's not necessarily a *bad* thing overall, it's just a change. And the OP music had much less of an impact on me than the T5 music did. Some of the stage tracks are ace though.


Pro Adventurer
The graphics on the 360 are so different, they seem smoother. The ps3 ones are very inconsistent. Like, the face will have amazing detail, and the collar on the jacket will look like shit back from the ps1 days.

Lol how ridiculous is that stage with the sheep?

Celes Chere

Lol how ridiculous is that stage with the sheep?

Omg, I love that stage. :lol: It's really distracting with sheep being thrown around everywhere... and even more distracting with the weird yodeling music in the background. x'D


We have come to terms
We were rofl'ing about sheep stage as well, especially since, in our random matchup, I was playing Kuma against my friend's short old guy whose name escapes my remembering atm. You know who I mean <<

Put in an hour or so in the game with my friend Shelby, both of us just picking different characters and trying them out. Shelby is a tournament-level player (he uses Jack), so I basically got my ass whupped more or less every time. But I've not played Tekken in ages, either, so with a bit of practice I'll be back in e-shape again =D

Also, wtf @ Azazel

Ed: And I know someone who'd better get their wallet ready when I beat them. :3
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Pro Adventurer
It's amusing to see the sheep fly away though, and the music is just wtf. My favorite stage is the fountain one, nice nighttime city setting.

Never use Kuma again, I want to be the only bear user online. I once got a freestyle along the lines of "chillin' in my crib in Atlanta, getting my ass whooped by a Panda", made me laugh.

Azazel irritates me. All he does is block and send some random ass spikes through the ground.

If you guys also play online then let me know.

Celes Chere

Ed: And I know someone who'd better get their wallet ready when I beat them. :3

Woah, that is like SO weird! I know someone like that also!

I'll be playing online once I actually own the freaking game instead of mooching off of my friends. :awesome: I don't know what my favorite stage is yet... which one is it where you can fall through the ground?


Pro Adventurer
Ed: And I know someone who'd better get their wallet ready when I beat them. :3

Bring it >=D

Buy the game now. Why wait till Christmas? I wonder if 360 users can play with ps3 ones. If you own both consoles, then I suggest getting it for the 360. PS Network makes me want to slit my wrists, it's just horrible.

There are a few stages where you fall through the ground, I think that's pretty neat.

Celes Chere

I have no money. -sobs- I might soon though, and T6 is definitely on the top of my to buy list... along with paying certain people back

Oh, really? That only happened to me once, so I thought that maybe it was just that particular stage. xD

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
PS Network makes me want to slit my wrists, it's just horrible
Playstation Network is fucking fine.

It's the game that blows. It has awful load times on PS3. They're both identical save for that. Online play is a shitty lag fest on both consoles.

The load times are reason enough to get it on 360 if you can.


Pro Adventurer
Funny, I heard the game plays better on 360. But playstation network does suck, it randomly signs me out even though my router is in the next room. Microsoft just has better servers, sony is still fairly new to that shit.
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