Tekken 6

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Ed: on the topic of tekken, I hope the final boss is shiny gold like the arcade version.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Noobs love those characters cause they hit random buttons and do mad combos. Or the same thing over and over again, and it works because they are fast as shit and the walls are in place. You would assume that if you're good then you can defend, right? wrong. It's like trying to block Kazuya's roundhouse kick every single time. Once I bother uploading some of my replays then you'll see the kind of cheap shit people do, especially with Law and Lili.

And most of the pervs use Lili simply because a lot of her outfits are very revealing.

Eh, that sounds kinda scrubby, dude. Don't blame the supposed n00bs for beating you, just beat them back. If they're inexperienced and just repeating the same moves, they should be more than easy to overcome once you see their pattern. Blaming the characters as being ZOMG CHEAP is silly. There is no honor system. If you keep thinking that, people are gonna keep being "cheap."


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I think the whole cheapness issue would have been solved by punishing penalties on the scoring system, eg. docking some G from the score if using the same moves over again. It could be unfair on occasion, yeah, but it would force players to mix up their moves more.

Also, Lili's outfits aren't toooooo bad. Her player 1 default costume (or player 2? The one with the pants I'm talking about) is pretty modest compared to the other ones. However, her player 3 costume is downright pants-on-head retarded. At least a lot of the costumes in Tekken look like you can fight in them, I don't understand why she has to have a costume that specially reveals her ass being ridden up by her bikini at the back :monster:
I have to say Zafina is probably the most retarded looking character out of the new ones. Her idle stance is ridiculous, it makes me want to snap her fucking limbs off :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think the whole cheapness issue would have been solved by punishing penalties on the scoring system, eg. docking some G from the score if using the same moves over again. It could be unfair on occasion, yeah, but it would force players to mix up their moves more.

That's ridiculous. Why would that be a penalty? Where in the game or its design is it stated or shown that you should not do the same move over and over again? If someone is okay with being stupidly predictable and that's their win condition, then so be it. Why would the game penalize you for playing it as it was meant to be played? It's not a cheat or even a glitch. You either rise above it or get punished.

Players are forced to mix up their moves if they don't want to be completely predictable and punished for doing the same thing over and over again. Which is just common sense.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
All I can say is bring Kunimitsu back, plz?


Pro Adventurer
I mean finding an exploit and then abusing it over and over again. Once you hit a wall, 99% of Lili or Christie users will keep repeating the same shit until you're ko'd, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it cause you're bouncing off a fucking wall. I could play like the fags do, but what's the point? I'm not playing to win, just for fun. So standing and blocking for an hour then throwing a punch every now and then is plain retarded. Their penalty system is ridiculous. I win a battle, all 3 rounds, then at the end as the options are about to pop up, i get a communication error and a loss on my record. This exact scenario has occurred at least 20 times, and it's irritating as fuck cause I'm trying to reach god level with Panda.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
A lot of the time moves in Tekken are calculated on their ability to be punished (ie. how open the character is once they're blocked.) There are a few moves in the game that are simply unpunishable, due to circumstances here and there (knockback, duration of knockback, knockback animations control player for too long, etc) and noob players will often abuse them with unfortunately good results.

The penalty system I suggested would be similar to the N64 Smash Bros version, where the use of the same pattern of moves for lengthy periods of time would incur penalties of G (like in Smash Bros, you get docked a certain amount of points as per Cheap Shot). Yeah, it's definitely a reasonable point that predictable players can be beaten when repeating moves, but there are moves out there that not only cannot be countered very much afterwards, but ultimately only slow the game down to a turtling match.

And in Smash Bros the penalties were only enough to chip a bit off your points. Likewise, it could have just been used to slow down the amount of G you gather in game.

EDIT: Kunimitsu was a royal bitch. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
How many people posting in this thread actually own the game/have played it versus just poking their noses in?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm not playing to win, just for fun.

Then that's the problem right there. Don't get pissed then if you lose, because your opponent's playing to win and isn't playing by the self imposed house rules you seem compelled to go by. Everyone else is playing the game as is, and trying to win. Them pinning you against a wall isn't an exploit. That's a consequence. Don't let them get you up against the wall, man. If they're spamming the same move over and over again, wait for them to whiff it, and then punish them. Players who repeat the same shit over and over again are the easiest to destroy.

The game penalizing the person who didn't d/c however, is pretty fucking stupid. Most online games penalize the person who left and give them the loss. Not the person who had the stable connection. Don't know why the designers fucked up in that department.


Pro Adventurer
A lot of the time moves in Tekken are calculated on their ability to be punished (ie. how open the character is once they're blocked.) There are a few moves in the game that are simply unpunishable, due to circumstances here and there (knockback, duration of knockback, knockback animations control player for too long, etc) and noob players will often abuse them with unfortunately good results.

EXACTLY, the fucking animation takes forever. The reason Lars and Alisa annoy me is probably because they toss you all the way into orbit then juggle you forty times. And the saddest thing is that while it may seem like some complex combo, it's only a retarded fag sitting in his bedroom pushing the square button.


Then that's the problem right there. Don't get pissed then if you lose, because your opponent's playing to win and isn't playing by the self imposed house rules you seem compelled to go by. Everyone else is playing the game as is, and trying to win. Them pinning you against a wall isn't an exploit. That's a consequence. Don't let them get you up against the wall, man. If they're spamming the same move over and over again, wait for them to whiff it, and then punish them. Players who repeat the same shit over and over again are the easiest to destroy.

The game penalizing the person who didn't d/c however, is pretty fucking stupid. Most online games penalize the person who left and give them the loss. Not the person who had the stable connection. Don't know why the designers fucked up in that department.

I don't get pissed off, I just can't seem to understand how they have fun doing that shit. Something so monotonous would seem so boring, but apparently not. As Lei mentioned, there are certain circumstances when you really can't do jack shit. A lot of times it comes down to who gets the first hit, then you get juggled like a mofuggah.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
How many people posting in this thread actually own the game/have played it versus just poking their noses in?

I was playing intermittently at a friend's place.
And then I got it 2 days ago, played it pretty much continuously since :monster:

I made a big hoo-hah about it in some other thread.

EDIT: I'm hoping they'll make balances in the PSP version so that we can see exactly how the next title afterwards will play out. They have most things right, but there is a bit of wall abuse. Not as much as previous titles, however.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
A lot of the time moves in Tekken are calculated on their ability to be punished (ie. how open the character is once they're blocked.) There are a few moves in the game that are simply unpunishable, due to circumstances here and there (knockback, duration of knockback, knockback animations control player for too long, etc) and noob players will often abuse them with unfortunately good results.

Yeah some moves are easier to punish than others, but if you can't block it, your best bet is to dodge it, and hit them on the cool down of their attack. No character can attack non-stop.

The penalty system I suggested would be similar to the N64 Smash Bros version, where the use of the same pattern of moves for lengthy periods of time would incur penalties of G (like in Smash Bros, you get docked a certain amount of points as per Cheap Shot). Yeah, it's definitely a reasonable point that predictable players can be beaten when repeating moves, but there are moves out there that not only cannot be countered very much afterwards, but ultimately only slow the game down to a turtling match.

That could actually be a good idea. But again, you're really arguing what counts as a "fair" winning strategy and what doesn't, and while turtling and spamming are annoying, they're no where near undefeatable. They're at most annoyances. None of them are perfect. And that's the point. You just have to accept some players have more annoying and troublesome playstyles than others. Not everyone will play as you.

And in Smash Bros the penalties were only enough to chip a bit off your points. Likewise, it could have just been used to slow down the amount of G you gather in game.

Yeah, that makes sense.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I was? I don't remember that bit :monster: *goes to re-read*

Yeah I guess my argument should have probably been more about the unfairness of particular moves than the unfairness of the game. The game isn't unfair. There's just abuse which turns out to be niggling annoyances. Every now and then it might cost the player a match, although the more I play the less impact they really make.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
EXACTLY, the fucking animation takes forever. The reason Lars and Alisa annoy me is probably because they toss you all the way into orbit then juggle you forty times. And the saddest thing is that while it may seem like some complex combo, it's only a retarded fag sitting in his bedroom pushing the square button.

I don't get pissed off, I just can't seem to understand how they have fun doing that shit. Something so monotonous would seem so boring, but apparently not. As Lei mentioned, there are certain circumstances when you really can't do jack shit. A lot of times it comes down to who gets the first hit, then you get juggled like a mofuggah.

Well they're playing to win and doing what they feel is the best way to win. It's not that surprising. You need to turn that shit against them. Back when I was playing Tekken 2, I fucking hated playing my friend who was a master with Marshall Law, and could juggle my ass clear across the stage and leave me with a quarter of health before I even know what the hell happened. It just takes practice and knowing where the combo ends, and when you can slide in a counter. Or you turtle.

Yeah, sometimes it does come to who hits first, but if that's what it takes, then yeah. Do it. I've played most fighting games defensively and I find waiting it out patiently and shit really is the best bet.

Most of the things they do that are annoying (like spamming, which I do hate) can be easily turned against them once you see it enough times. Rather than call them cheap and get mad at them, just flip it around and make their "strategy" their biggest weakness. Because that's what it is. Equating their clear lack of skill and variety in playing as some sort of advantage is silly. They're handicapping themselves.


Pro Adventurer
I understand what you're saying and I agree. It's only the time when I'm really unable to do anything that bothers me, but only slightly. I do realize that most of the people that play it online are around the age of 10 on average, so getting pissed off at that is just retarded.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's absolute bullshit to say there's no exploits in tekken that can't be countered, when there's fucking infinite juggles and shit to be found in all of the games.

T6 just came out and people are already finding some. That's why playing these games competitively online always seemed silly to me when fairness and equality rarely comes into the mix.

I just play with friends who I know won't try to exploit the system just to win, and play for fun.

As far as fixing issues like that, there should be a limit on how many times you can consecutively use a move before a character runs out of steam for it and moves slower, forcing him to mix it up.

And Soul Calibur 4 got it worse than Tekken.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c



Pro Adventurer
Oh, I was waiting for that to come out. I suspect it will be as garbage as DOA was.

How can Soul Calibur 4 possibly have it worse than Tekken? Unless you mean that the players also have to wait around 5 minutes to actually find an opponent, another 5 to sync with him, then another 5 till the communication error message pops up. The game developers are smoking crack, dawg. Very expensive crack.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
SC4 had a lot more(so far, T6 still has time to come up with more) infinite juggles and close to infinite shit that really ruined online for me.

And then there's the issues you mentioned.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Well at the very least they got the Williams sisters right :monster:

And reminded me, I do need to get SC4 soon.


Pro Adventurer
It's mostly the walls that make me want to slit my wrists. It's like Tekken 4 all over again, but with random ass anime androids and motion blue.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The multistage components weren't as dramatic as they said it'd be. Also, I rescind my comments on the crappy state of the campaign mode, although I still think it is a little clunky in terms of controls (I suppose I'll get used to it eventually though).


Pro Adventurer
The campaign made it hard to perform moves cause of the constantly changing camera angles. That nightmare train was a bitch too, cause once Alisa dies, you're pretty much fucked.


We have come to terms
ok. wtf?

Noobs love those characters cause they hit random buttons and do mad combos. Or the same thing over and over again, and it works because they are fast as shit and the walls are in place. You would assume that if you're good then you can defend, right? wrong. It's like trying to block Kazuya's roundhouse kick every single time. Once I bother uploading some of my replays then you'll see the kind of cheap shit people do, especially with Law and Lili.

And most of the pervs use Lili simply because a lot of her outfits are very revealing.
So it's more or less the stigma associated with playing as Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat in SF4 online? Fuck.

Means even if I'm an amazing player and fuck people's shit up until it's all retarded, people will still call hax because I'm using a 'broken' or 'noob' character D:

And I just LIKE Asuka. I fucking LOVE Lee, always have. ;.;
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