TES V: Skyrim

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm hoping for some seriously bumped up character creation options. Don't let me down guys.

Is it too much to hope for some kind of co-op like Fable's? Or maybe having your game invaded by other players ala Demons Souls? That would be awesome.


Double Growth
As long as it didn't break the mood. Demon's Souls accomplishes that pretty well by basically preventing you from communicating. But I've always been averse to all notions of multiplayer in ES because people ruin everything.

Face creation stuff is surprisingly tricky. Games like Oblivion and Demon's Souls give you a TON of control, but its almost impossible to make an attractive character. Then there's the approach ME uses, in which there aren't nearly as many options, but they all look reasonably good.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Plenty of games pull it off pretty well. APB for one has an amazing character creator. Shame about the game though.

Brink's is going to be pretty freaking good too if the videos are a good indication.

Creating a good face morph generator is a difficult task but with the proper time and devotion you can make a truly impressive system.

Btw, these been posted?




hnnngh looks so much better than Oblivion.


It's just concept art, ffs :monster:. As you should know by now, concept art does not reflect actual game footage or experience.

I mean. Oblivion looked good in screenshots etc back in the day. But then you enter a cave, and notice you've seen all cave copy-pasta-able elements five minutes later. Then you enter another cave, and find out you're in the exact same cave.


I'm very curious about these dragons now. From the transcript, it looks as if instead of portals spawning randomly, they are going to have dragons spawn randomly. As long as they're both epic, variable, and not too common, I think I will approve, :monster:.

However, I fear it'll be awesome the first time you fight one, but the next hundred times will become boring.

The dynamic quest thing looks interesting too... although it's a generic 'go there do that' quest, the specifics of the where, who, and what are determined dynamically. If the player gets to form a bond of sorts with a character in a way that does not feel pre-scripted, then that too would find my approval. The example given is that a guy that likes you gets his son kidnapp'd in a sort of random event kinda way. So, you go back to a town you did some quests earlier on, and le gasp, something happened.

That would be nice, boosts replay / revisit value instead of working down a few pre-determined questline sets.


Fiat Lux
I'd like it if you could customize your character's body shape, as you could in SCIV, but with more flexibility. It would also reflect your character stats. For example, if you create a broad, muscle-head, you'll receive a boost in endurance & strength, but your agility and speed will be low. And vice-versa with a thin, sinewy character, allowing the player to choose a healthy medium if need be.


I'd like it if you could customize your character's body shape, as you could in SCIV, but with more flexibility. It would also reflect your character stats. For example, if you create a broad, muscle-head, you'll receive a boost in endurance & strength, but your agility and speed will be low. And vice-versa with a thin, sinewy character, allowing the player to choose a healthy medium if need be.

Wouldn't an inverted system - where your character's appearance changes accordingly to their actions - be more logical? They did that in Fable, and, to a lesser degree, in GTA 3 (SA) :monster:.

Don't think that'll happen with the TES series though. Don't think one would want that either. In GTA and Fable, you play the game in a third-person perspective, so your character's appearance becomes much more relevant. In TES, you only see faec when going to the inventory screen. There is a third-person view available, but it's rarely used, it being a first person game and all.

They could, of course, do with some mirrors and other reflective surfaces to make the player more conscious of the appearance of the character they play.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
people ruin everything.

So true I wish I could thank it more than once.

It's just concept art, ffs :monster:. As you should know by now, concept art does not reflect actual game footage or experience.

The first one is a screenshot of the game, if my eyes don't deceive me.

By the way, GI posted a video about the art of Skyrim on their page. Scroll down to the videos to see it, since I can't embed them here. There's a sweet map of Skyrim, in case you are interested :monster:
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Herp derp it is indeed a screenshot.

I also remember that screen of an environment. ES never looked that good even in bullshots.



Okay, so it sorta looks like in-game footage. But it's not as if it's 'wowomg best graffix evar im so impressd'-quality graphics, unlike TES 4 did at the time. But I guess that's just one picture, shouldn't base an entire opinion on that alone.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The point is it looks leaps and bounds better than Oblivion and if their PR is honest it will perform much better.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Okay, better quality images of the scans we saw some weeks ago!






Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Sorry for the doublepost but we have more screenshots :monster:






To be perfectly honest, and others have noted this, the screenshots / the graphics aren't overwhelming. Polished compared to Oblivion, but hardly cutting-edge. I blame that on consoles. Might be / I hope that these are xbox screens and that the PC version has DX10 or 11 and high-res textures and the like, but somehow I fear they're not.

I mean, look at the hunter on the second screenshot - that right there is three polygons worth of hair that's attached and moves with the shoulders as one part of it. The ground looks flat with flat grass-sprites stuck on it.

I mean, sure, fine, it'll look okay when playing it, but for a game from a publisher that pushed serious boundaries five years ago with TES 4, I would've expected better.

Of course, hardly any boundaries were pushed since that time, when next-gen consoles were still next-gen and the PC market was still somewhat significant.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't remember ES4 pushing any boundaries. These games were never about graphics anyway.


Well, it was (in my memory) hailed as a graphically impressive (not to mention resource-intensive) game, so there :monster:.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
On pc it was considered good looking, but that's on pc.

It really didn't pioneer any new graphical technology or do anything new with what tech it had. Whatever visual flourishes it had got easily overshadowed by its technical issues.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I may sound weird but I'm not anticipating this because of super impressive graphics. I just want it to be better looking than Oblivion and keep on with the same amount of fun that the previous games gave me.

Also, making the PC version compatible with a XBox controller without the need of a button mapping program would be nice.


Double Growth
Meh, I'd much sooner have better menus than clunky tabs and lists designed to help all the losers on controllers. I've got a mouse and keyboard, give me menus that actually take that into account and show me more info at once and give me more customization options.

All these western RPGs needing to be dumbed down for usability on the consoles annoys me.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I've got a mouse and keyboard,

I've always used mouse and keyboard with TES, but since this summer, when I got a huge contracture along my right forearm, I cannot longer play them. I tried to use a XBox controller, but it's no use, since the game doesn't recognize it properly and a button mapping program was needed, which was annoying.


About menus, I think they mentioned they would be like something Apple would do, with each item shown in 3D. I don't know if that would be good in the end, but for me it sounds quite good.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Correction: It wasn't last summer, but the one before it (lol!)

I have been able to recover my arm enough to write and type again normally, but I had to change the mouse from my right hand to my left, not to run the risk of further contractures (now I am ambidextrous 8D). I could play with mouse and keyboard, but it's incredibly uncomfortable for me right now and I hoped I could use a game pad ;3;

It is not entirely necessary to dumb down menus if you give good controls. The Apple style is something I am looking forward 8D

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I may sound weird but I'm not anticipating this because of super impressive graphics. I just want it to be better looking than Oblivion and keep on with the same amount of fun that the previous games gave me.

I'm more concerned with performance. Oblivion had terrible overworld performance.

Other than that I want really improved combat. That's my primary concern. I'm tired of swords that seem like blunt objects and swinging blades in every direction like a madman.

Also, making the PC version compatible with a XBox controller without the need of a button mapping program would be nice.

Lol I already have an Xpadder profile ready :monster:


Mmm, swordfighting was improved somewhat between TES 3 and 4 in that you could press a button to block, but other than that it was still somewhat odd swinging of weapons. I'm not entirely sure how to improve that, though. I liked the shooting of arrows good enough though, with physics and the like applied properly. Actual weapon impact and damage physics would be sweet, but I guess that's still 5 - 10 years away.

They're currently at a level where they could apply realistic environment damage / destruction using physics engines, but those are relatively easy due to them consisting of static objects to which laws of gravity can be applied. People, on the other hand, are a combination of moving armor, flesh, animations and the like that all need to be kept in mind. Still years away, I'm afraid, especially with development going as slow as it does these days.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
This month’s issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine (French) has a bevy of details about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. We’ve separated the information into two sections, as some gamers may consider a few points to be spoilers. Check out the full list of details below.


- ‘Magnetism’ is used to prevent friendly fire in combat, by slightly ‘pulling’ your attacks towards enemies
- Some, apparently unique, enchanted weapons will have “concealed” effects. You won’t know what those are until you try the weapon.
- You cannot block if you have a sword in one hand, and a spell in another. Only players wielding two-handed blades or sword and shield can use block.
- The Spell Shield effect returns.
- Taverns will play a large role in the game. You will be able to overhear people’s conversations, start quests, acquire information, and much more.
- They mention breaking and entering to find out more about people – “Because of the open world set up you can even progress by snooping around – following people, looking out for strange behaviour and even some light breaking and entering”.
- Quest givers can give you more or less information about their quest depending on their disposition towards you.
- Several new spell effects, including “Ice Trap” (only triggered when an enemy walks over it), “Circle of Protection” (push the enemies in your vicinity away), “Fury” (make enemies fight each other), and so on.
- One of the finishing moves involves “plunging your sword into your enemy’s chest”, coupled with gurgling death noises.
- The ‘free-form’ activities you can perform include cooking, woodcutting, mining and metalwork.
- A Dragon Shout that slows down time (a la Bullet Time) is mentioned.
- Some Dragon Shouts are found in dungeons.
- There’s a city called Riverwood. It is described as ‘A smattering of timber buildings, including a sawmill’.
- Radiant Story is in part inspired by the random encounters in Fallout 3.
- The game apparently looks amazing in motion, with great environment effects such as the wind making the water swirl and making waves.
- It is possible to raise all skills to 100 but not possible to get all perks.
- Dragon encounters aren’t scripted. If one comes across a town in its travels, it might decide to attack it without warning. This may or may not involve setting it ablaze.
- Magazine talks about the improvement of NPC’s and Radiant AI.
- Every big settlement is unique. The city of Markarth Side, for example, is set into “dramatic stone cliffs, with buildings teetering on the end of sheer drops.”
- Haarfingar is said to be home to the largest trading port in Skyrim.
- The game apparently includes ‘meteorogical effects’: clouds gathering around mountaintops, etcetera.
- The glorious return of the Dwemer ruins is once again confirmed.
- One of the cities in Skyrim will apparently be heavily inspired by the Dunmer (Dark Elves), and may even be a full-fledged Dunmer settlement.
- They’re trying to go back to the “eccentricity” of Vvardenfell. Every Nord faction will have their own customs, colors, and so on.
- The economy of the game is better developed than in Oblivion. If you destroy a city’s means of income (for instance, their crops) they’ll need to buy crops from another nearby city, and prices in the city will go up.
- Archers can ‘hold their breath’ while aiming. This consumes stamina, but gives the archer a better chance of hitting the enemy.
- A wounded dragon has a chance of crashing into the ground.
- You can cut dialogue short by walking away from the NPC.
- Dragon Shouts are assigned to the R3-button on the PS3 gamepad.
- Not every NPC will have a complete set of dialogue like in Oblivion. It’ll be more like in Fallout 3, where only the ‘important’ NPC’s have anything substantial to say.

This information comes from Todd Howard (roughly translated)…
- Quests can influence each other. Quest A may be changed for you because you completed Quest B beforehand.
- Quest givers now give more detailed instructions, in a style that’s apparently akin to Morrowind. They might even escort you to the road, to show you where to go.
- The game has 120 unique dungeons, worked on by 8 designers.

Potential spoilers section

- One dungeon is called ‘Bleak Falls Barrow’, and it is inhabited by the Draugr (the undead Nord warriors we first met in Bloodmoon). As you proceed through the dungeon, you’ll eventually encounter a ‘ghostly dragon priest’, and eventually the dungeon boss, a giant ‘Frostbite Spider’. It is said the dungeon is ‘terryfing’.
- The quest to Bleak Falls Barrow is given to you by a shopkeeper called Lucan, whose priceless Draconic family heirloom (a golden claw) was stolen recently.
- The death of the King of Skyrim has sparked a civil war in the country.


Wow if they pull this off this game will be amazing.
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