The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films


Pro Adventurer
I saw The Avengers last week and it was fantastic. So much fun. I love Coulson so hard. Shame he probably wouldn't be interested...

And why did so much of the film remind me of FFVII?

So Coulson is presumably meant to be gay? I don't mean all the Cap. America fanboying - I mean the cryptic remark about him not being married, but there being 'a cellist'. Unless there's a female cellist in one of the other films I haven't seen (and I've seen most of them), that strikes me as deliberately ungendered. Otherwise, why mention it at all? I'm all for more gay and bi characters in the media - but I wish it could be done more openly, Captain Jack style. Or maybe they just wanted to keep everyone happy and give the shippers of all kinds freedom?

Did anyone else think that the Hulk containment brig thing looked a lot like the specimen holding cell in Hojo's lab where Red and Aerith are kept? And the gateway to the alien 'other side of space' (lol) looked like the bit in Advent Children where Kadaj summons Bahamut Sin. And the long segmented monsters looked a lot like wingless Bahamuts of some kind, or monsters out of Kingdom Hearts. And the massive airship was the Highwind or the Shera mark 100. I think Cid designed it. When he got disillusioned with Shinra he moved to Shield. Whether any of those were deliberate references or not, I liked them!

And I loved that at one point they actually 'reversed the polarity' of something! You can't get more comic book than that. :)
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Pro Adventurer
It's not that they didn't give him enough action sequences, it's just he is the weakest link in the series IMO.
The original film was crap and probably the worst of all the individual films and this kinda progressed into the Avengers.
Don't get me wrong, he was good in the film I just feel as if there wasn't really as much need for him as there was for others.

RottenTomatoes disagrees with you, it ranked the CATFA second to Iron Man, just like how I did. But your opinions yours, so it's cool. Peace.

Edit: Cap is the only person still alive to have witnessed the Tessaract in action prior to the Avengers, it's explained in the tie-in comics. That reason is not justified by the movie though.

Edit: @ Morello
Coulson is probably married to his job, just like 90% of the people in SHIELD. I didn't get gay vibes from him, he's just a big fanboy imo.
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I don't think the Captain America movie sucked, but he was fighting in WW2 for like a week, if that from the looks of it. That doesn't seem to be what the Avengers movie want us to think.


Pro Adventurer
@ Danseru-kun

I didn't get any gay 'vibes' from him either. I agree, he's all about the job all the way through, despite the fanboying. All I mean is to wonder whether Joss Whedon wanted that to be the implication, with the cellist reference. Otherwise, was there any need to mention his marital status at all? I think at the least, it was meant to make the question of his sexuality ambiguous. "Was he married?" isn't an unlikely question to ask when someone dies, but it did strike me as unusual in a superhero movie, that's all.
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Pro Adventurer
I don't think the Captain America movie sucked, but he was fighting in WW2 for like a week, if that from the looks of it. That doesn't seem to be what the Avengers movie want us to think.

Yeah, the montages weakened the film. It looks great at first but that part becomes worse with every re-watch. Actually, Cap was a mascot for a year from 1943-1944 and he only became a real soldier for months I think, according to my estimates.

I think with just a little tweaking it could have been better than Iron Man considering that adapting Cap into a live movie is much more challenging.

@ Castiel

BTW, the first guy in this video agrees with my rankings:

@ Danseru-kun

"Was he married" isn't an unlikely question to ask when someone dies, but it did strike me as unusual in a superhero movie, that's all.

I don't get the cellist reference but I think it's natural for Cap to ask that since he's a soldier. He probably writes condolence letters for his men's wives or visit them personally.


I don't think the Captain America movie sucked, but he was fighting in WW2 for like a week, if that from the looks of it. That doesn't seem to be what the Avengers movie want us to think.

He fought for about half a year, iirc

Edit: Just found this timeline:

I don't think all of those dates are official (at least I can't say I have a clue where they come from) but I thought it was pretty cool nontheless.
I like timelines :P
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
-Loki's "performance issues" with an understanding Stark got a rise out of the audience. :awesome: Probably second biggest laugh after "puny god".

-Some people are making a bit of a deal about Cap's "there's only one God" line (in reference to being told that Thor's a god). It's hardly a huge turning point in characterisation for him -- he was depicted as one of the most religiously devout Marvel characters during the Infinity Crusade arc in the 90s.

-Again, some people are making a deal about the firefight on the Helicarrier, and the fact that Cap didn't kill his opponents with one shot. Some are suggesting he was having trouble adjusting to modern day firing technique, others modern day weapons tech. Personally, I took it he was doing deliberate suppression fire -- i.e., his objective was to simply stop his opponents from firing back at him.

Had to check the exact year on wikipedia, but the Helicarrier first appeared in 1965, so if anything, it's possible the Highwind and Sierra/Shera were modelled after it. But there's only so much you can do with hi-tech within modern day materials craft, so it's probably just a coincidence.


Pro Adventurer
@ Mantichorus
Thank you. I only know any of these characters through the films, not the comics, so I needed reminding of how long they've been around. I'm sure all these things feed into and influence each other - spaceship cockpits based on WWII bombers like the Millennium Falcon etc.

The Hulk containment cage looks very like the cell in Hojo's lab. I did some googling, and apparently the cage in the Avengers film was closely based on the one in previous cartoons and the comics, so it seems that most likely came first as well. I wonder if that's a deliberate reference, whichever way around, or just a coincidence?

@ Danseru-kun

I've been searching for info about this, but I think I'm utterly wrong about Whedon's intentions re. Coulson. I found one viewer who wrote that Pepper asks Coulson about this mysterious cellist at the Stark tower, and he says "SHE moved back to Portland" or something similar, which I failed to hear when I saw the film. So that makes the later reference to the cellist make sense; it's mentioned for audience sympathy not to question his sexuality at all, assuming that's the actual wording. My bad. I'll have to go see it again just to check! What a sacrifice! :)


Pro Adventurer
-Some people are making a bit of a deal about Cap's "there's only one God" line (in reference to being told that Thor's a god). It's hardly a huge turning point in characterisation for him -- he was depicted as one of the most religiously devout Marvel characters during the Infinity Crusade arc in the 90s.

Probably the deal for me wasn't a "turning point of Cap's character" but the outright reference to a comic character's religion, which is usually omitted or kept secret for convenience and sensitivity. And considering that Whedon is an outspoken atheist, that line just proved how much he respects Cap's character. *claps for Whedon* :awesome:



EDIT. I got news that there will be a second end credit scene for the US audience as a treat. Source with spoilers: Hope it's true :awesome:
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Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I'm curious what you guys think of
being the next villain.

For those who were patient enough to watch through the credits, here's a pic for proof:


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

It is out tomorrow.

Time to see what I've been waiting for 4 years.


Chloe Frazer
It premiered today over here but I'm seeing it this Saturday, read every spoiler since they appeared and
the movie seems great so I can't wait.


Harbinger O Great Justice


What's this, and when is it, cause I didn't see the when they showed it at the advanced screening. I'm seeing it tomorrow with a friend, and want to make sure not to miss this.


Seriously. It's a Marvel Movie. They're KNOWN for putting scenes after the credits. In fact EVERY Avengers reference from the previous 5 films was a post-credits scene. XD; (You could always just see it again :awesome: )

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer

The screencap I got is supposed to be the extra scene exclusive for the NA audience after all the credits are finished aside from the mid-credit scene. The photo was taken by someone working in a theater, hope it's real. It's looks genuine and a known film critic also said he saw it.

They're eating shawarma just as what Tony suggested they should do, no dialogue according to the source. I was roaming around in different forums and I was surprised that a lot of people didn't know what shawarma is.
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Please. we eat shawarma here in the middle east every damn time. They call it burrito I believe. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
It's basically a streetfood here that can be bought for $0.75- $1.00 (around 30-40 pesos) per wrap. I loved it once, but I got traumatized with the amount of onions I ate one time. Never ate it again.

Okay back to topic

I'm curious what you guys think of
being the next villain.

I'm not very knowledgeable of the Marvel universe and everything I learned was from wikis. But just look at his power rating here:
Thanos in Marvel wiki . Pretty much maxed out stats.I also heard that his gauntlets were seen in Odin's vault in Thor so we don't know if he'll get it or something.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
You buy it for cheap here and get the bigger sarook shawarma for a buck and a half. Totally worth it if its beef. :B

I am hoping Xmen and FF reverts back to Marvel Studios now that damn gauntlet is involved as Patrick Stewart/Professor X and Mr. Fantazticz (lol) is very much important and vital to the foundation of the illuminati which guards that gauntlet and its magic jewelry. If they can adapt that with some capacity for Avengers 2, the skies the limit. naturally its an impossible dream since 20th Century fox renewed those blasted rights. =/ Also it would've been epic if Robert Downey Jr. and Patrick stewart crosses over XB

Thanos was stated to have gone toe to toe against the Illuminati back then, hence why I was wishing it


Seriously. It's a Marvel Movie. They're KNOWN for putting scenes after the credits. In fact EVERY Avengers reference from the previous 5 films was a post-credits scene. XD; (You could always just see it again :awesome

Incredible Hulk didn't have a post credits scene. :P

Elisa Maza

Seriously. It's a Marvel Movie. They're KNOWN for putting scenes after the credits. In fact EVERY Avengers reference from the previous 5 films was a post-credits scene. XD; (You could always just see it again :awesome: )

X :neo:

I know about the other movies, but in the Avengers, too??? :aah:

Will do this Saturday. :awesome:


Which was *before* the credits. :awesome:

I think it was initially supposed to be a post-credits scene but was moved before them.

Also, one year left until the release of Iron Man 3.

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