The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films

Elisa Maza

Smack me in the face if I say something ridiculous, but since the movies go into their own continuity and canon, shouldn't the comparisons "this is ultimate/something universe" stop, because... you know, movies canon and since when they follow the source, because adaptation...

Yeah, I'll shut up now.

On another note, I'm going at the first weekend to watch this movie. I'm also bought a T-shirt to boot. *excited*

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think certain comparisons are valid simply for the sake of recognizing what they drew upon for the adaptation, but, yes, the movies are their own continuity and need to be treated as such. Same as Nolan's "Batman."


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'm guessing Shadowcat. :awesome:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
People care about Wil Wheaton?


Pro Adventurer


Quick context: I ranked the Marvel Films from best to worst at this order:

1. Iron Man
2. Captain America
3. Thor
4. Hulk
5. Iron Man 2

*Changed my rankings

So far I believe the Avengers has the best action ever, all the members of the team have their moments and pair up at some point. They also have lots of humorous, yes good humor, and cool interactions. The movie's second half is much more strong than the first half and the build-up is pretty good. There is a little bit of drama and tension and the motivations of each are character is pretty clear. All in all the best part of Avengers is the action and the wonderful chemistry and team work of the ensemble.

I don't really see any notable weaknesses, but don't expect much character development. Probably one or two character displayed their side hidden from the viewers from the first installments but the rest were just there to get on with the action and pretty much the same. But since this is an ensemble movie it's understandable. IMO I think some big heroes have their screentime nerfed to give way to new characters. Personally, I think my fav superhero had less awesome moments that the rest and I feel that Iron Man has the most screentime.

Verdict: If you enjoyed the last 5 Marvel films (like me,) you will definitely enjoy this. If you fanboyed/fangirled over the Marvel films (like me :awesome:,) the hype is worth it. If you think that the last films were not good, this might impress you with its action. And I do recommend watching the 5 films first (unless you're a comic reader already,) because their backgrounds are only briefly shown in the movie.

1. Loki mind-controlled Hawkeye to attack the Helicarrier. Black Widow defeated him and brought him back.
2. Agent Coulson dies, killed by Loki. It was sad and it made me really sad, I love that guy.

3. Hulk was the one who defeats Loki.
4. The big bad shown in the end credits might be Thanos. I dunno I need more research.
5. The aliens are the Chitauri, though I don't see the resemblance much.

One thing I wasn't able to do is to wait until all the (I mean the ones with the black screen) credits are over because my cousins forced me out. They have the ride so I can't refuse. I don't know if a scenes was shown in the very very end.
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I'm really excited to see this tomorrow evening. Seems like the overall response has been positive.

I did feel safe with Joss Whedon at the helm of this though.


Pro Adventurer
I just remembered this, I think this is pretty important. To all who will watch the Avengers, I have a little tip: don't perceive it as a sequel to any Marvel films. I have some unmet expectations, scenes that I hoped to see but wasn't there. But then I realized it's because I was viewing this film as a Thor 1.5 and Captain America 1.5 that I think wasn't the right way to see it.

So when you watch this, think of this as a separate storyline, connected to the previous films but not their extension.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I still can't get over your rating system.
How in gods name can you rate captain America as the second best marvel film!
I mean COME ON!


Pro Adventurer
I still can't get over your rating system.
How in gods name can you rate captain America as the second best marvel film!
I mean COME ON!

Why do you think it's awful or do you think it's the best? I'm too lazy to write an essay but I guess I can give my core reasons. As a person who has absolutely no background on Marvel comics before I watched the films, I may have a different set of standards. Here are the reasons why it's second:

1. I learned a lesson that I should not judge a superhero by his name and costume. I really avoided this movie because I thought it be all about America but it was not.
2. Steve Rogers' origins is very likeable. You love him before he transforms and after. The Star Spangled Man scene is also marvelous.
3. It is a light, family friendly WWII film, enough to show some patriotic values, but not too heavy to scare kids. I had always believed that generally, superhero films should be meant for general audiences, so I cringe whenever I see sexual scenes in other Marvel films. I think the decision to remove the Nazis and replace it with Hydra is a good decision since the Nazis were defeated by real heroes, not a fictional one.
4. Strong female lead and believable romance
5. Emotional ending, especially to a viewer who have no idea what will happen.

Why it's below Iron Man: It's second half is not very strong. The montages didn't fully justify Cap's WWII exploits.

Why it's above Hulk: It has character development and satisfying drama.

Why it's above Thor: It has a stronger, more believable love story. It didn't try too hard to show it. The ending is also stronger. Elaboration:
the climax of Thor is the decision to destroy the bridge to save others from Loki, but his motivations to come back to earth was not effectively built, therefore there is no emotional impact on the earth subplot, everything concerning Loki is excellent though.

Why it's above Iron Man II: So many reasons.
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That was so awesome, I really dunno where to start.

- Coulson's end was sad but it made sense the way it happened, being the recruiter basically.
- Hulk was awesome, made the audience laugh the most. Thor's "he was adopted" was a gem as well.
- Iron-Man suprisingly did not steal the show for me. Almost perfect for me.
- Captain America could have been a bit more important though. Given it's not his building, brother, love interest, anger problem, subordinates on the line he's just not quite as personally involved as the rest. It's a barely distinquisable problem but it's there. I hope Cap 2 established some new relations for the guy.
- Maria Hill is not the uber***** she is in the comics, which irritates me. Always hated her character and I resent her being portrayed as anything less then dispicable.


Pro Adventurer

I agree with you on how Whedon handled Cap. I was a bit disappointed he was like a rock barking orders, not being to involved personally with others. I was expecting more humorous adjustments to modern times, or him to be more weirded out, or stuff where he compares Tony with his dad and just like you said he could have been more important. But I was pleased at least on how he was such a gentleman to Black Widow at least. But maybe they are reserving some of these things for Cap 2. Or maybe we'll see this in the sequel that Whedon described as being more dark and personal.
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