The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, I'm an American and I saw it today...

(Advanced screening ftw)

And yes, it was totally awesome.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Also- being of German heritage, I really loved the old German standing up to Loki and Cap backing him up/saving him.

Tons of other things that have been mentioned so far, but I needed to mention this one before sleeping.

X :neo:


Also- being of German heritage, I really loved the old German standing up to Loki and Cap backing him up/saving him.

I liked that bit too. :monster:

And Hulk's "Puny God" scene had everyone pissing in their pants of laughter.

Also, Coulson. I knew Whedon would do it.
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Pro Adventurer
I liked that bit too. :monster:

And Hulk's "Puny God" scene had everyone pissing in their pants of laughing.

Also, Coulson. I knew Whedon would do it.
I also loved how Hulk punched Thor out of nowhere. It was hilarious

Do you think we should have a new Avenger thread with spoilers?


Harbinger O Great Justice
We'll just spoiler tag for another week 'til America gets the film properly - no need for another thread 'til then.


Tony Stark did a really good job being as abrasive as is appropriate for him, and as he's the most developed character he didn't need to much more to get himself set up in this movie. HIs snark is running at full steam, but it's nice to see him actually get focused and angry about certain events happening. It was also intense to see his badass laser weapons be essentially useless against the giant creatures' armor.

Seeing Cap try to adjust from his previous life of "we're in a war, and following good ol' America into battle" into the "this is war and not everyone's straightforward with you" was really interesting. I also liked the moments where his old-fashioned attitude work well for him, or certain things just don't make sense to him (being overly noble, playing Galga, being proud of catching the "Flying Monkeys" reference, etc).

Thor showing up and being gone again by the end of the film to fit his own continuity was handled quite well. I also like how his viewpoint is very different than all of the Humans, and he acts differently towards the situation because of it. It was also really cool seeing him unleash some serious power on the portal.

Probably my biggest fear was completely alleviated, as Mark Ruffalo did a really good job as Banner & as Hulk. I'm expecting that with his development, like the conversation with the old warehouse man, we'll be seeing more of Hulk's personality coming out, like the scenes where he decimates the shit out of Loki, or just punches Thor.

SHIELD and its operatives got some really good development that combined with the bits and pieces of their presence in the other films ends up knitting everything together brilliantly. I was actually really surprised how much I enjoyed Black Widow & Hawkeye in this film, and hope to see more of them soon. I figured that Coulson was going to get killed, especially with his early/sentimental character development, but was still quite taken off guard when it happened.

Nick Fury's motives being at odds with what everyone else wants, but still being things that needed to be done worked really well. Also, his manipulation of the specifics of Phil Coulson's death with the trading cards, and telling the counsel to GTFO and rocketing down his own plane was a great part of making him the "do what needs to be done and fuck everyone else" character.

The main "vs." pairings (Captain America vs. IronMan, Thor vs. Hulk, Black Widow vs. Hawkeye) were excellent, as were the mis-matches (Thor & Cap, Black Widow & Hulk) and seeing them overcome these and come back together made things work really, REALLY well. They did a fantastic job of selling Loki as a villian and making him really dislikable (his speech to Black Widow), and still somewhat sympathetic when you look at it from Thor's point of view.

Also, the fact that some things are teased but left unused made me supremely happy. Stark's Mark V suit becoming supercharged by Thor's energy because of the fact that the power source is derived from the Tesseract was great, and Cap's shield deflecting the impact from Thor's Hammer to decimating effect was also great, and I'm glad that they didn't come back to use those tactics, and can assumedly save them for another film.

With Thanos on the horizon, and The Infinity Gauntlet having already been seen in Asgard, I can hardly wait to see where things'll end up going next.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I find this relevant and after reading this I became really disappointed. It's because my personal preference though, and I think the director just did what was necessary.

Deleted scenes

In Joss Whedon's Collider interview he revealed that we will have 30 minutes worth of deleted scenes on the dvd/blu-ray, and Peggy Carter is alive in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Director Joss Whedon Says THE AVENGERS Blu-ray/DVD Will Have 30 Minutes of Deleted Scenes; Reveals First Cut was 3 Hours

With director Joss Whedon‘s The Avengers opening around the world in the coming weeks, over the past three days, Marvel and Walt Disney held a massive worldwide press junket here in Los Angeles and I got to speak with almost the entire cast in addition to Whedon. While I’ll be saving the interviews until closer to release (which is May 4 in America), I wanted to post a bit of what Whedon told me today. That’s because Whedon revealed The Avengers Blu-ray/DVD will have 30 minutes of deleted scenes and that his first cut was three hours!

So you’re probably asking what scenes were cut from the film?

When I did The Avengers set visit last year (read it here), one of the things we saw in the art department was Steve Rodgers/Captain America’s Brooklyn apartment. But when I saw the film the other night, the scene wasn’t included. When I asked Whedon about it he said:

“We did film a scene in Cap’s apartment. It will be one of the DVD extras. I had quite a little sequence built of Cap not relating to the world and feeling his isolation and as we got closer and closer, we realized, when he’s punching that bag, he’s pretty much telling us everything we need to know. He’s in a gym by himself at night beating things up. And then you sort of go, “Actually, that story’s being told by that.”

In addition to that scene, Whedon told the NY Times about another one that featured Captain America reuniting with Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) in the present day:

“One of the best scenes that I wrote was the beautiful and poignant scene between Steve and Peggy [Carter] that takes place in the present. And I was the one who was like, Guys, we need to lose this. It was killing the rhythm of the thing. And we did have a lot of Cap, because he really was the in for me. I really do feel a sense of loss about what’s happening in our culture, loss of the idea of community, loss of health care and welfare and all sorts of things. I was spending a lot of time having him say it, and then I cut that.”

While I wanted to ask a lot more about what was cut, my interview was very brief, so you’ll just have to be happy knowing the home video release is going to be loaded with extra footage.
In the bottom of my heart I really wish that they have included this but since this is not a sequel to Captain America it's understandable. It does take away some very emotional aspect though. I do hope that they include some of the deleted drama in Cap 2.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm almost certain that that stuff would work better in Cap2, because those films have to work as standalones, and they need to be resolved there. Plus, she'd have been able to notice him with all the press coverage, and there's a good opening for that to still happen, which would be great.

I think that with the decisions that were made, the pacing of the film went REALLY well, and that's a big thing in making it successful.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Ummmmmm, like that? :awesome:



X :neo:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
^possibly my favourite line in the whole film. Agreed that Coulson's death was done well, especially his somewhat leaning on the fourth wall last words. As a few people have found, Thor's "he's adopted" line got a big laugh.

I also quite liked Banner's wham line, quite fitting considering Pak's portrayal of the character in the comics: "my secret is I'm always angry".

Just about everything I thought about the movie has been already said.


Great Old One
I just saw it. I hadn't read anything up front and all I knew was that Samuel L. Jackson was going to be in it - and Scarlett Johansson. The rest of the cast was truly brilliant. I hadn't even picked up that it was Joss Whedon. I had a blast during the entire thing and when I saw "Joss Whedon" at the end I was like DUH OF COURSE! :lol:

- I loved Coulson. And I totally ship him with Cap :desu:
- I think Robert Downey Jr. must have improvised a lot in his scenes - like the blueberry candy he was handing to Banner. Stark was really brilliant.
- Banner. He was just friggin amazing.
- I don't think Cap wasn't made important. Actually there were a few scenes that had me thinking "Cap really has a lot of lines in this one". I now want to see the Captain America movie, I haven't seen it yet.
- I loved the tiny details Joss put into the only female super hero. He let her weaker sides also show. She wasn't some kind of "super everything woman" - just like Buffy. Which I loved.
- Hawkeye and Black Widow fighting together. HAWT
- Hawkeye. HAWT
- Loke/Loki. Excellent villain.
- The political stuff and the symbolisms and stuff, I really liked it. I liked the overall message of the movie. As a foreigner I didn't cringe at any overuse of US symbols, and not having to do that always makes me happy. The general idea is that "it's okay to have arguments as long as we stick together in the end and work out our differences". Loke had many chances of turning good, but he declined all of them.
- "I hope nobody kissed me" - Stark looking at Cap :lol:
- There was several laughing moments in the audience: Pepper's "12%" comeback, Hulk punching Thor, Banner coming in on his little motorcycle, "Puny God", "Hulk... smash!" (which had me over the moon)... there are others but I can't remember them right now. The "Puny God" scene actually had an applause. Applauding in Norwegian movie theaters are rare.
- Oh and did I mention... CAPTAIN AMERICA IS SO GAY


Pro Adventurer
- I don't think Cap wasn't made important. Actually there were a few scenes that had me thinking "Cap really has a lot of lines in this one". I now want to see the Captain America movie, I haven't seen it yet..
- Oh and did I mention... CAPTAIN AMERICA IS SO GAY

You should totally watched the Cap movie (my favorite!) Read the page before the past page to see my comment about it. = :awesome: If you watched it, it will seem like the Avengers left so many things without closure for Cap, but I guess they're reserving it for the sequel. And I think the costume is umm.... *cannot find words to describe.* I like his TFA costume a lot better than the Avenger one.

And oh, there's theories that say that Coulson is alive since he had signed for future Marvel films if I'm not mistaken. It might just be a ploy to unite the heroes. We need more Cap and Coulson!

Coulson: I watched you when you were sleeping...
Cap: ....
Coulson: I mean I was there when you're frozen in in the ice :lol:

And the trading cards scene! I love it! So when Coulson dies T.T


Pro Adventurer
Double post.




Japan... why?
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Harbinger O Great Justice
So, there's a fan cut out on the internets called "Avengers Initiative" that takes the five Marvel films, lots of the deleted scenes, the two one-shot shorts, and puts them into chronological order in five MP4 videos. I watched through them this weekend, and aside from a couple minor video clipping issues and a brief audo-sync issue in the last part, it's spectacular. It's a really awesome way to prep for seeing The Avengers for all you folks who haven't seen it yet, or even if you're thinking about seeing it again. (It's standard definition, and he's apparently making an HD version, but it won't be done for a little while still).

Captain America
(Hulk Starts)
(Thor Starts)
IronMan II
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer
The Consultant

Specifically, The Incredible Hulk gets most of its deleted content cut back in, and it turns out fantastically. There's a specific deleted scene with General Ross talking about enemies and opportunities that foreshadows the type of conflict in The Avengers really amazingly.

Regardless of whether or not you check that out, I'd recommend watching "The Consultant" one-shot before seeing the film, as it's got some very relevant stuff to The Avengers in it that you'll want to be on the up-and-up about.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
There's also a tie-in comic Fury's Big Week which features some of the Leader, what happened to the Destroyer, looking for Cap, what Black Widow and Hawkeye were doing. Basically some little stuff worth seeing.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Finally got to see it last night. From start to finish I thought the film was superb, I was a little dubious about Loki being a good enough villain for the franchise but I have to say I think he did an awesome job.
The jokes throughout we're superb some of my favs being.
Thor claiming Loki was adopted.
Starks realisation of where Loki was deploying the tesseract.
And of course everything hulk related

I think they gave each character a decent amount of screen time but captain America was still the weakest link IMO.


Pro Adventurer
I think they gave each character a decent amount of screen time but captain America was still the weakest link IMO.

That's what I'm complaining about. I feel that there wasn't enough shield throwing, shield bashing, shield MacGuyverism or all in all shield reliance that Cap should have. I was also expecting Blonsky-ish acrobats from Cap but we barely got that. It's totally not obvious now that Cap is my favorite am i right?
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
It's not that they didn't give him enough action sequences, it's just he is the weakest link in the series IMO.
The original film was crap and probably the worst of all the individual films and this kinda progressed into the Avengers.
Don't get me wrong, he was good in the film I just feel as if there wasn't really as much need for him as there was for others.
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