The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films


Higher Further Faster
I just got back from seeing this movie. Holy fudge that was amazing. I never had any doubts that Joss Whedon would come through but man I think he surpassed what I was expecting.

Please tell me that you all stayed for the post-credits scene. Please please please. That was hilarious.

Tsunami Shijo

Detective, Oni Exterminator
(was) Ruckasck, Jihl Nabaat, Tia Noto Yoko
I am incredibly impressed. Or I should say I FUCKING LOVED THIS MOVIE. I normally zone out during action scenes in movies, no matter how interested I am in what is going on, but this one kept my attention.

Joss Whedon is a baws.

Fucking. Loved it.

Also post-credit scenes were HEELARIOUS.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I like the simplicity of the post credits. It signifies that the long journey from the past 4-5 years is complete and they're just simply resting, preparing for the future. It is a nice calm after something as epic as the movie itself.


Conglaturation!!! You have completed a great film. And prooved the justice of our culture. Now go and rest our heroes!

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Conglaturation!!! You have completed a great filmadventure. And prooved the justice of our culture. Now go and rest our heroes!


fixx'd. It's like a super classic nintendo game ending now! :aah: omg!!!


Pro Adventurer
I heard that the shawarma scene was actually shot after the world premiere, I can't find the source but at that time, Evans has a beard and is partially bald so they had to put a wig and a prosthetic jaw. That's probably the main reason why he isn't eating and was just looking really tired: to hide the beard! :awesome:

But setting that aside. I wish the next Avengers have another eating scene where Thor chomps down "delicious Midgard food" or will have an eating/drinking contest with Cap. I actually want more scenes where they get along than fight. Or maybe, just have them train together in the sequel! I want.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
absolutely fucking loved this movie

- i liked black widow and hawkeye a lot more than i thought i would. i also quite liked the interaction between the two, a few small hints there might be something more there but nothing blatant, all very subtle.
- the stark/potts scenes were fantastic and pleased my shipper heart. the '12% line' in particular got a lot of laughs
- was not sure about mark ruffalo but as others have said he did an awesome job
- that script. THAT SCRIPT. goddamn whedon how u do dis, the 'puny god' scene got the loudest laughs but there were at least a dozen moments in the movie that had the entire audience snickering
- i felt they did a good job showing them working as a team while still utilizing their individual strengths
- i liked how fury was not above lying and manipulating emotions to make sure the team did what was necessary, made him more interesting
- coulson's death was well done. unfortunately i accidentally spoiled it for myself but it still had good emotional impact and i shall miss his character
- hulk going RRAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGHH at stark to wake him up when he was 'dead' was classic

can't wait to see it again, will probably see it 2 more times in theatres yet

EDIT: almost forgot, i adored the stark/banner friendship. was one of my favourite parts of the movie, actually
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Elisa Maza

But setting that aside. I wish the next Avengers have another eating scene where Thor chomps down "delicious Midgard food" or will have an eating/drinking contest with Cap. I actually want more scenes where they get along than fight. Or maybe, just have them train together in the sequel! I want.

Thor will smash the plate of whatever he was eating and will scream "ANOTHER!" :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
The best compliment I can give to a movie is seeing it again and I'll definitely see The Avengers again, it was that awesome.


Pro Adventurer
I wanna see it again too but my friends seem busy :sadpanda: When I watched it the screen turned black for a few seconds and it was out of focus for a few more. I wanna see what I missed.



EDIT: I found a good thread in the superhero forums: Avengers Art
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
-Loki's "performance issues" with an understanding Stark got a rise out of the audience. :awesome: Probably second biggest laugh after "puny god".

the sound effect there was just perfect, too.

-Some people are making a bit of a deal about Cap's "there's only one God" line (in reference to being told that Thor's a god). It's hardly a huge turning point in characterisation for him -- he was depicted as one of the most religiously devout Marvel characters during the Infinity Crusade arc in the 90s.

Now, if Cap had said 'She', then people might have cause to be confused, but the man's from WWII. Even if you were an Atheist, you'd never say you were one, especially since the propaganda at the time was all against the 'godless' Nazis, even as their propaganda was 'gott mitt uns' and how everyone else was godless, etc.

-Again, some people are making a deal about the firefight on the Helicarrier, and the fact that Cap didn't kill his opponents with one shot. Some are suggesting he was having trouble adjusting to modern day firing technique, others modern day weapons tech. Personally, I took it he was doing deliberate suppression fire -- i.e., his objective was to simply stop his opponents from firing back at him.

Or the automatic fire accuracy at that range was just terrible. Both he and his foe couldn't hit each other

Had to check the exact year on wikipedia, but the Helicarrier first appeared in 1965, so if anything, it's possible the Highwind and Sierra/Shera were modelled after it. But there's only so much you can do with hi-tech within modern day materials craft, so it's probably just a coincidence.

Given the Carrier's in the promos, this isn't spoiler worthy, IMO, so all Airships designs derive from prior examples, so yes, they do. BUT, the Helicarrier itself derives its inspiration from previous fantastic airships, though, yes, merged with idea of a Carrier ship, which neither the Highwind or Shera are.
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Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Just wondering, I could've sworn I read something about SJ doing her own stunts for this film. Can anyone confirm/debunk that?


Pro Adventurer
I love that picture. :D Lucky kid. Here's another one:

EDIT: This site measured the screentime of each Avenger, I was a bit surprised. Details on how it was measured the specific scenes are in the link.

Hawkeye: 12:44.
Thor: 25:52.
Bruce Banner: 28:03
Black Widow: 33:35.
Iron Man: 37:01.
Captain America: 37:42.

I really need to watch the Avengers again, some say that at first you feel that Cap did the least at first viewing but when you repeat it they say it seems that he did more.
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Maybe its just cause Hawkeye was one of the few baddies towards the beginning, but it seems like he should have alot more screen time :/


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
All the moments Hawkeye was on the screen however, were fucking badass as hell. So I'm not too fussed.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Conglaturation!!! You have completed a great filmadventure. And prooved the justice of our culture. Now go and rest our heroes!

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