The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films


Black Mage Mechanic
List of Avengers Members

Quicksilver's been around since the '60s.

There's a ton of mutants that were at one point involved in the Avengers. Most Notably, Beast and Wolverine from the X-men. Spider-Man too.

So yeah, a little Marvel knowledge for ya.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You're preaching to the choir on that matter, I assure you. =P

But Pietro and Wanda were plainly mutants from their first appearance, even before they became Avengers. It's odd that they're being incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the X-Men film franchise simultaneously (well, Pietro is anyway) when they're helmed by different studios.

It seems like bringing mutants into the MCU is going beyond the scope (themes and such) of the characters available, particularly since I imagine they can't/won't be bringing in Magneto or the X-Men.

Sure, there's plenty to be done with these two without that other corner of Marvel history intruding, but it is still a very important element for both characters, and, well, bringing in mutants is just a whole can of worms because of the status of mutants in the Marvel Universe.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Probably not. I hope this is handled with the MCU's usual finesse, because their status as mutants is very important to both characters and separating them from that could anger some fans.


Higher Further Faster
I agree. I feel like mutants don't really fit in with the MCU. They should remain in the X-Men films. Otherwise things are just going to get messy.

Scarlet Witch


Oh my, I am in love with this.


Black Mage Mechanic
I think you're worried about the X-Men aspect of mutant hatred and fear bleeding over into the Avengers storyline, right?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think you're worried about the X-Men aspect of mutant hatred and fear bleeding over into the Avengers storyline, right?

Well, yes and no.

Yes, because that tone wouldn't really fit the MCU as it's been established up to this point. No, because I'm worried it won't be incorporated, as that's essential to the role of mutants in Marvel. It's hard to separate these two mutants in particular from that since their dad is freakin' Magneto.
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Spider-Man would be great. And easier to fit into the MCU than mutants at this point.

Too bad the studios have pretty much said they don't really see it happening. And realistically, neither Sony nor Marvel would gain anything from it. They're doing pretty well by themselves.


Pro Adventurer
Spider-Man would be great. And easier to fit into the MCU than mutants at this point.

Too bad the studios have pretty much said they don't really see it happening. And realistically, neither Sony nor Marvel would gain anything from it. They're doing pretty well by themselves.

As I stated before Webb and Sony wanted Oscorp tower to be in the skyline for Avengers but the movie was already to far a long when they pitched it.

If any hero has a chance its definitely Spiderman.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Any Marvel Universe without at least one web-slinger feels at least a little off and wrong. Its like having a DC Universe without a Batman, its just... wrong. As long as Spidey is stuck in his own little world apart from the MCU, I have to pretend he's just not getting much attention cause Avengers and shit, but he's totally in a back alley webbing up a street gang so they form letters to spell out "L-O-S-E-R-S" and such :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Spider-Man thing: A couple days ago I entertained the idea of them having a Julia Carpenter or Jessica Drew Spider-Woman at some point in this. Or would it turn into some weird legal mess with Sony?


Pro Adventurer
Spider-Man thing: A couple days ago I entertained the idea of them having a Julia Carpenter or Jessica Drew Spider-Woman at some point in this. Or would it turn into some weird legal mess with Sony?


Ill have to find my infographic and post it sometime but the rights to the marvel characters are all over the places when Stan Lee sold them off when Marvel was hemorrhaging money.

There really arbitrary and borderline redundant. Like Disney has access to Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch but not mutants, so they legally cant call them mutants. While Fox has full access to them as well as there origins as Children of Magneto.. but then for some reason refuses to properly use them in there proper light.

Lionsgate has Manthing (lol). Hulk is an odd one.. Universal has him but lets Disney have there way with him.

Its a huge clusterfuck.


Infographic though it is a bit incomplete.

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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Lame. I'm guessing they have the Skrulls because of the Fantastic Four?

Starting to have concerns now. The Chitauri worked out fine because they're technically Skrulls anyway, but I'm really concerned about how they're going to make Magneto's kids work. Will they just gloss over their origins while hoping for the day they can use the word "mutant" or will they offer up some haphazard explanation?

I know to some people those two belong as much to the Avengers family as they do the X-books (maybe more in Wanda's case), but for me it's hard to separate them from the mutant corner of the universe. Pietro especially.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Didn't Wanda and Pietro
find out later that they were brother and sister and who their father was, well after joining the Avengers
? Or am I just going by the 90s cartoon.

Either way, that would give them enough time for Marvel to go out and recapture their scattered franchises and bring them back to home base. :trainermon:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
As I recall, that particular episode of the 90s cartoon was a fairly straight-up adaptation of what happened in the comics.

Yeah, they could definitely do things the way you describe for the film franchise. I just kind of doubt they will given that one gets the impression that superpowers are a new thing to most people in the MCU.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Lame. I'm guessing they have the Skrulls because of the Fantastic Four?

Starting to have concerns now. The Chitauri worked out fine because they're technically Skrulls anyway, but I'm really concerned about how they're going to make Magneto's kids work. Will they just gloss over their origins while hoping for the day they can use the word "mutant" or will they offer up some haphazard explanation?

I know to some people those two belong as much to the Avengers family as they do the X-books (maybe more in Wanda's case), but for me it's hard to separate them from the mutant corner of the universe. Pietro especially.

That would make sense. I recall it being discussed with Kevin Feige during a GotG interview, but I don't recall if he states why they had them (I think that interview's in the GotG thread if you wanna watch though it). That also means that the Sakaarans are one of the main GotG races that we'll be seeing.

I think that Pietro & Wanda's past is ambiguous enough in its connection to Magneto (raised very much removed from him) that I think that they can avoid any oddities with it. Hell, Scarlet Witch's powers go beyond her mutant capabilities the same way that Jean Grey's do when she's Phoenix (in that they're vessels of opposing power sources), so at least with her, there's enough justification to present the non-mutant aspect of her powers.

Quicksilver's more the mutant to me - especially in terms of the comics, not in the least bit because he's on a X-Team currently (All-New X-Force), but both of them are more or less pariahs in the mutant community because of the whole fiasco with "House of M" that they were responsible for, Wanda even moreso because of her role in AvX after that.

Given all of that, I don't think that there's to much of an issue in sidestepping the Mutant connection during the film, not in the least bit because S.H.I.E.L.D. is starting to expand the idea that people with powers are something that are encountered. Not to mention, depending on how they run with their origin story, they might not know who their father is and not know that thier powers are mutant-related (or might just intentionally not bring it up because that's clearly not going to do them any favors). Obviously with the both of them showing up much younger in Days of Future Past there'll be some parallels drawn outside of the MCU context, but I don't see it as that big of a deal.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Given all of that, I don't think that there's to much of an issue in sidestepping the Mutant connection during the film, not in the least bit because S.H.I.E.L.D. is starting to expand the idea that people with powers are something that are encountered. Not to mention, depending on how they run with their origin story, they might not know who their father is and not know that thier powers are mutant-related (or might just intentionally not bring it up because that's clearly not going to do them any favors). Obviously with the both of them showing up much younger in Days of Future Past there'll be some parallels drawn outside of the MCU context, but I don't see it as that big of a deal.

X :neo:

Honestly. I think the only thing they can maybe get away with in regards to there origin is maybe mentioning that there father is named Erik, and even then that could be iffy.

Anything else could be a legal disaster im pretty sure there MCU iteration is going to have to completely ignore there origins until Marvel/Disney has the rights more Xmen property.

Given that said property is still in use and has been for the most part the most consistently used property for the last 15 years I have a hard time seeing Fox giving it up.

edit: Thinking it over they may have an easier time mentioning his name is Max since I cant recall a single time the Fox movies mentioning his real name :monster:
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