The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films


Chloe Frazer
Poor Yop was one letter away from being in the movie, he would've made enough money for all the beer in the world. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Coulda at least posted the logo. :ultros:


Posted from my phone & cba to find it at the time. :monster:

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I really only remember James Spader from the Stargate movie back in the 90's.

But apparently he's an award winner and his acting wasnt half bad from what I saw SG.. I trust marvel/disneys decision lol.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So, Daniel Jackson had another unfortunate trip to a paralell universe on which he ended up as a murderous robot :monster:

Sorry for the Stargate reference, I couldn't help myself :P


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
He was in a couple other things that I've seen advertised on TV or in TV guides, one I think was called Secretary and in the other, he played someone who got off on viewing car crashes.

He also starred opposite Jack Nicholson in Wolf (great werewolf film, IMO).

Think it's safe to say, Daniel Jackson was him playing against type. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
He was in a couple other things that I've seen advertised on TV or in TV guides, one I think was called Secretary and in the other, he played someone who got off on viewing car crashes.

"Crash" is what you're thinking of (the 1996 film by that name, not the more popular 2004 film). Both that and "Secretary" are quite good, and I would consider myself a Spader fan ("Stargate" was my first introduction to him, way back in the day).

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I wonder if they will make him do avatar shit to become Ultron or just an advanced suit with a glowing smiling mask like in EMH's animated series? either way, I hope his voice carries weight, because Tom Kane as Ultron is what can only be crossed to mind when thinking of the killer robot.


Chloe Frazer
The first roles I saw James Spader in was Pretty in Pink and Less Than Zero, back then he played the manipulative bastard a lot. His three Emmys came from playing lawyer Alan Shore on The Practice and Boston Legal, Daniel was definitely him playing against type from anything he has ever done. I'm intrigued by his casting.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I only know him from Stargate. :P

Same here. And then watching the series overwrote his face to replace it with Michael Shanks' in my mind, so that I had to actually google James Spader's name to remember who he was ^^;

Cookie Monster

Joseph Gordon Levitt and Paul Rudd Reported as Ant Man Front Runners.

We’ve had years of anticipation for Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man, and in all that time, many possible names have been raised as possible candidates for the lead role (including, more recently, this wag). With the film gearing up to start shooting, the finishing line for rumours is in sight and Variety reports that Paul Rudd and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are top of the list as contenders.

There has been no official announcement yet, and the trade mag is just working from sources, but it would appear that, barring one other unnamed possibility being thrown into the ring, it’ll come down to a decision for Wright and Team Marvel between Rudd and Gordon-Levitt. Both seem like fair shouts for the role, able to portray the cockiness and smarts that Henry “Hank” Pym brings to the superhero world.

The character, who through use of technology can shrink to insect size or grow to be a giant when the moment calls for it, is set to hit screens in July 2015, finally landing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Given the apparent choices, it definitely appears Wright is going for funny and charming.

With the script co-written by Joe Cornish, Wright’s in the midst of pre-production right now. While we await the final choice, tell us who you think should play the role? Rudd? JGL? Or someone else?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Seriously? The dude's been in at least as much as JGL, and probably more. He was Phoebe's husband on "Friends," Paris in Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo+Juliet," played a major role in "Knocked Up" and a number of other movies, had a starring role in "This is 40," "Dinner with Schmucks," "Role Models" and "Our Idiot Brother," and was a significant character in the third season of "Parks and Recreation."

I love him and Gordon-Levitt both, but I kind of want it to go to Joseph just a wee bit more. Either one would be perfect, though, I think.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Joseph Gordon Levitt because he brings that rookie impression on newer Ant-man heroes and also a new face to Phase 3. But personally I dont prefer him to be Henry Pym, he may as well be Scott Lang or that O'Grady guy. If we want Pym to helm Ant-Man, best we take Rudd. But if we are to do what they plan (last I heard this takes place in the 60's with Pym and then with the post avengers world with Lang) then both would be viable, Rudd can be Pym, who teaches the street smart Lang player by Levitt, to be the quintessential Ant-man. And I hope they do take this in light spirit as well with analogy for Ant-man's position in Avengers by Fury as a callback to Iron Man 1 and not some comedic skit Iron Man 3 did as a post credit scene. x(

(Personally, I want Levitt. He doesn't look the part if they place him as Pym, but it gives him an edge in the MCU by alot because he's younger than Stark and Banner :B)
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