The Elite Order of Cloud


Higher Further Faster
Did Yuffie really have a crush on him, though? Or was she just being weird on the date? Yuffie and Barret dates are crack anyway. I don't think we're supposed to take them seriously. lol

Also Yuffie/Cloud (Clouffie?) is a big no. As is Clarret.


Double Growth
But I really want SE to make atleast a little picture of Cloud's parents together. That would be nice.. SO YOU COULD SEE IF HE IS RELATED TO A CHOCOBO!! :monster:
I was all like "WTF?!" when I played FF7 and saw this;
-"etc. ..I'll bet the girls never leave you alone."
-"Not really.."

NOT REALLY?! Damn, if he only knew how many fangirls he have. And how many people did fall for Cloud in the game? I only remember..
...ZACK! XDDD *goes Clack-mood*

I'm pretty sure there is one more woman. >_>

I thought by Not Really he meant that No, they don't really leave him alone.
Did anyone else notice how Cloud walked in the church in ACC? Just before he saw lying-on-the-flowerbed-Tifa?..IT WAS SO FRICKIN' SEXEH! *nosebleed*

Did Yuffie really have a crush on him, though? Or was she just being weird on the date? Yuffie and Barret dates are crack anyway. I don't think we're supposed to take them seriously. lol

I think any teenager would have had had a crush on Cloud. :monster:


Solitary Dancer
Did anyone else notice how Cloud walked in the church in ACC? Just before he saw lying-on-the-flowerbed-Tifa?..IT WAS SO FRICKIN' SEXEH! *nosebleed*
Every movement is frickin' sexeh. Can anyone tell me why his first meeting with Denzel makes me*gets mother complex* I won't put any spoilers in here, but DAMN! :aah:
Every movement is frickin' sexeh. Can anyone tell me why his first meeting with Denzel makes me*gets mother complex* I won't put any spoilers in here, but DAMN! :aah:

I assume you had a fangasm?


I feel like i'm betraying Zack as I squee over Cloud

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Did anyone else notice how Cloud walked in the church in ACC? Just before he saw lying-on-the-flowerbed-Tifa?..IT WAS SO FRICKIN' SEXEH! *nosebleed*

*nosebleeds with you*

It was sexy, super sexy! :aah: And the fact that it was right before one of my favorite Cloti scenes is an added bonus! :excited:
FUCK YEA! The shoulders and the hips and just the way his body moved. He looked lazy but suave. Melancholic but cool...the movement of the fabric didn't help in calming me down either. *faints* . Best 3 seconds evar! :excited:

*edits: okay so it was roughly about 4-5 seconds (00:39:42-00:39:46). :monster:
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Double Growth
On a...less fangirlish note, the scene does make him look very cool and really speaks to the magic of motion capture, he moves very realistically. I also like the way the movie transitions from Yazoo walking past a pole to Cloud emerging from behind the pew.

Also, even in the original AC, I liked the little flash off of his sword as he approaches the flower bed, lol.
On a...less fangirlish note, the scene does make him look very cool and really speaks to the magic of motion capture, he moves very realistically. I also like the way the movie transitions from Yazoo walking past a pole to Cloud emerging from behind the pew.

Also, even in the original AC, I liked the little flash off of his sword as he approaches the flower bed, lol.

You're not going to get anything less then fangirlish with Cloud. Everyone loves him. :wacky:

I agree with that. I liked it.


Higher Further Faster
Did anyone else notice how Cloud walked in the church in ACC? Just before he saw lying-on-the-flowerbed-Tifa?..IT WAS SO FRICKIN' SEXEH! *nosebleed*

This isn't really a spoiler since it happened in the original AC as well. :P


Heh. Cloud walking down the aisle.

Pretty much the first footage of Advent Children ever released. It's kinda iconic imo. :wacky:
Oh I remember the 2003. Has it really been that long...?


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, but the original version of him walking down the church isle looked different. In the trailers, I mean. The AC version was way more polished.

That was also back when Cloud still had the Buster Sword in the trailers.
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Great Old One
Is there a difference or something in him walking down the aisle in AC and ACC? Because I don't recally seeing anything different.


Higher Further Faster
It's exactly the same. Nothing about it has changed. It looked different in the original AC trailers way back when, but not from AC to ACC.
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