The Elite Order of Cloud

This isn't really a spoiler since it happened in the original AC as well.

I don't remember it being that sexy. :wackymonster:

Pretty much the first footage of Advent Children ever released. It's kinda iconic imo.
Oh I remember the 2003. Has it really been that long...?

But I was talking about the part a little bit after the aisle and just right before the camera focuses on his feet. XD
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Higher Further Faster
Cloud trying to purposely flirt would be a weird thing to witness. XD He's much better being oblivious.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I agree with that statement that's agreeing to the statement before that.

Although Cloud purposely trying to flirt might look cute :monster:


Higher Further Faster
That's Cloud talk for "LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!" :wacky:

I'm not sure if he even knows how to flirt. XD But whenever he's going into sensitive "here is what I feel" mode, he can be rather adorable. :)
I think it is interesting how little we know about Cloud's family history. His father died early and we know of no other relatives than his mother. Indeed this is how things usually are in the Final Fantasy games; we don't to know the broad list of cousins and elders. But how did his father die? Is Cloud at risk of suffering heart attacks early in his life?
But I would like to know if his father was an introvert too. I'd also like some glimpse of Cloud interacting with his mother. The optional flashback scene in the original didn't happen as far as I can figure out, so yeah...
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Higher Further Faster
Ditto that. I would really like to know more about his family. As I said before I've always imagined that he must look like his mother but probably has his dad's personality. lol It would be fun to see if that were true. :)

And I think the events of the flashback where he went to see his mother must have happened at some point, just with Cloud as an infantryman instead of a SOLDIER. I mean, there was a whole week between Cloud first inviting him and Sephiroth going crazy. Zack may not have been able to make it over but I'm sure Cloud must have gone to see her.

I mean man, how much would have have sucked for him to have been in town for a week without ever going to see her and then she suddenly dies? :/
Which makes Lost Order make even less sense.
Remember the scene when Cloud and Zack catch up to Zangan?
Cloud does not look or sound especially distressed in that scene. His mother just died! It goes nowhere near the dramatical depictions in the game or the later scenes in the reactor.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah I never got that, either. But then LO is just a different interpretation from a Turk's point of view, remember. Or something. :P
Nah, that specific part is not a "Turk-ish" point of view. But they do appear there, yes. I'm glad their presence was unnoticed in Crisis Core. To me, the Turks appearing everywhere just doesn't feel right.

It surprises me that Lost Order has been acknowledged for so long despite it was retconned with Crisis Core (THANK MINERVA!!).
Admittedly, the reactor scene in LO makes more sense. But I feel so close to the original version that I like how they did it in Crisis Core.

But Cloud actually lifting the Masamune means that Sephiroth is lifted with it. But even if Cloud could surmount the force to lift Sephiroth, it should instead be just Sephiroth's arm being raised. In this fashion not even LO makes sense. Why would Sephiroth lean on the sword in CC? Probably to counteract Cloud's force, but that doesn't make sense either. Why would Sephiroth be so attached to his sword that he goes wherever it goes?!
And Sephiroth being stunned by smacking into the electrical gadgets on the wall in CC also seems inconsistent, with all the feats we've seen him perform so far. Maybe it was just a REALLY large power output at that spot.

But beyond the many problems with the scenario, Cloud defeating Sephiroth in the Nibelheim reactor is iconic and defines a large part of the FFVII mythos. It is just so friggin' epic and makes Cloud extremely epic.


I really would like to see something more about his family.. REALLY.
And Cloud, trying to flirt?: ADORABLE!!
OMFG, HE'S SO HAAAAAAAAAAWT!!!!!!!!!!! :aah:


Higher Further Faster
@ Shademp: Well LO is said to be just a different interpretation of the events that took place. That's what it was supposed to be from the beginning. lol


A different interpretation by Madhouse. Leave the Turks out of this continuity mess, they're innocent. :wacky:


Heh. Cloud walking down the aisle.

Pretty much the first footage of Advent Children ever released. It's kinda iconic imo. :wacky:
Oh I remember the 2003. Has it really been that long...?

Oh fuck yeah, and the dramatic 'zomg I'm looking at the camera now'-pose. Do you happen to have a link to that one? I'd like to see it again for the lulz, :monster:.

I do remember the colors / visual style was a lot different though - more blurry (but that might be because of the trailer quality) / less detail, and more colors - colorful glass-in-lead windows in the background and whatnot.

Or is that trailer on the AC DVD?


Higher Further Faster
I'm kind of glad they changed it because I always felt that Cloud's face looked really odd in that shot. :/
The team were considering many Cloud models before settling on the one they have now. By looking at older scans and trailers I think we can at least see two other versions of Cloud. There was an interview long ago where they stated how many Cloud CG models they were choosing between, although I can't remember what the number was...


Higher Further Faster
I remember that, too. Didn't they have like over twenty or something? I remember it being a really huge number. XD
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