The Elite Order of Cloud

TLS sure is an upside down forum... Usually it is the guys always glomping about the opposite sex, but practically all expressions of "woah woah hot hot tsssss" here comes from the girls :huh:

We must form an "Elite Order of Tifa" club to re-establish the stereotypical gender roles!
We must form an "Elite Order of Tifa" club to re-establish the stereotypical gender roles!

...a thread dedicated to boob talk? :monster:

Yea. I want to thank the beach topic bringer too. Wooo! Costa del Sol time Cloudy!


Pro Adventurer
Aww, if the girls are allowed to nosebleed to death over Cloud the boys should be allowed to nosebleed to death over Tifa. :)

Actually, I'm surprised that there isn't a Tifa club yet. She's too awesome not to have one. :monster:



Higher Further Faster
It's not the length, it's the width! THE WIDTH!!! (who know's where this is from?)

But mostly it's the motion in the ocean. ;)

You wait untill NOW to ask that Tenny?! :wacky:

Yeah I know, late as usual. XD

Anyway yeah someone go make Tifa and Zack clubs. I'd do it but I already created three clubs on this site. XD
It's not the length, it's the width! THE WIDTH!!! (who know's where this is from?)

But mostly it's the motion in the ocean. ;)

Just for the sake of guessing, ummmm... Seinfeld?

By the way, there is one curiosity I have about Cloud (or Zack and Angeal for that matter) when he wields his swords. Do you think he uses his spirit energy to make the sword lighter, just like he is able to make himself impervious to gravity?

Don't think Square will ever use such an explanation, but to me it makes sense. He uses the same trick for wielding the sword as he does for semi-levitating, and probably this trick can also increase the sword's "mass" (although it will be more like "spirit/virtual mass", still subject to Newton's laws) thus explaining how he can hit the really heavy Bahamut Tremor/SHIN without bouncing back all the time. Cloud should be like a ball hitting a wall. Yeah, I don't think the acceleration of the sword is that great...
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Higher Further Faster
@ Shademp: lol Nope not Seinfeld.

And that's an interesting theory you have there. I never would have thought up something like that. I shall have to ponder this more. It could make some sense. :)


Pfft...girls. :monster:

I always liked Cloud's spikey hair the most out of all spikey-haired vg/anime/manga characters. And as we know, there are plenty of them in Japan. :wackymonster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I kinda thought his spikey hair was lulzy. When I first watched AC, I was so shocked when his hair didn't go down in the rain :awesome:
I love his spiky hair too. It's awesome. Although I'm a general lover of spiky hair, I've never seen Spiky hair as well executed as his. :monster:


Let's talk about his big sword instead! It's big, isn't it? :monster:

Umh, do you mean his real sword or.. "sword"? :wacky:
AND YES. I love Cloud's spikey blond hair. So cute :3
DAMN IT!! Stupid teenage-girl-brain. I can't stop thinking about Cloud's booooody~ And I hope he knows how many women (in his world) there are who find him sexy. :awesome: Probably they are all jealous of Tifa >: D
Of course.. He have alot of fangirls in the real world too. *is hiding*
Umh, do you mean his real sword or.. "sword"? :wacky:
AND YES. I love Cloud's spikey blond hair. So cute :3
DAMN IT!! Stupid teenage-girl-brain. I can't stop thinking about Cloud's booooody~ And I hope he knows how many women (in his world) there are who find him sexy. :awesome: Probably they are all jealous of Tifa >: D
Of course.. He have alot of fangirls in the real world too. *is hiding*

Does he even have as much admirers in his world?
Hmm. Let's see, I the only girls who have been canonly attracted to him are...Tifa, Aerith, Jesse? and Priscilla? o:

...and we're not even sure if it's because of his body.

What do you guys think? XD...I think they're insane if they don't see how hot Cloud is.:monster:

PS: Spoiler for off-topicness
When's the Zack Club going to pop out?
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Higher Further Faster
Just for the sake of guessing, ummmm... Seinfeld?

By the way, there is one curiosity I have about Cloud (or Zack and Angeal for that matter) when he wields his swords. Do you think he uses his spirit energy to make the sword lighter, just like he is able to make himself impervious to gravity?

Don't think Square will ever use such an explanation, but to me it makes sense. He uses the same trick for wielding the sword as he does for semi-levitating, and probably this trick can also increase the sword's "mass" (although it will be more like "spirit/virtual mass", still subject to Newton's laws) thus explaining how he can hit the really heavy Bahamut Tremor/SHIN without bouncing back all the time. Cloud should be like a ball hitting a wall. Yeah, I don't think the acceleration of the sword is that great...

@ Shademp: lol Nope not Seinfeld.

And that's an interesting theory you have there. I never would have thought up something like that. I shall have to ponder this more. It could make some sense. :)

Let's discuss this next. It seems very interesting (and not quite so girly XD).
Thanks Tennyo, unfortunately most of that discussion would be left for a general topic on the lifestream and its workings. But I don't want to create a topic about it, so I'm just going to go off-topic here. :P (I'm writing everything below on the top of my head, so sorry if it is badly written)

Final Fantasy VII, like many other fantasy worlds, is a dualistic universe. Aside from a physical universe, there is also the mental/spiritual universe. They co-exist, and I avoid calling the spirit energy just another physical existence because it is able to create and/or remove "virtual mass". In other words, Cloud can increase the force he exerts on an object by adding virtual/spiritual mass.
Remember F = m * a, where F is the force, m is the mass and a is the acceleration. In FFVII's world, the equation could be like this;
F = (m + v)*a, where v is the virtual mass.

This interpretation also allows for force to be exerted without any physical mass at all, which may actually be what we saw at the end of FFVII when the lifestream went against Meteor. In fact this makes sense, because if virtual mass REQUIRED physical mass to act at all in the world, it would be a completely separate universe that could not interact with the physical universe and thus give us Magic, Limit Breaks etc.

We can see the point with this interpretation for when Cloud wants to use a Limit Break, but what about all the levitation going on? Is there a negative virtual mass which is able to partially cancel out Cloud's own mass and thus make him impervious to the Planet's gravity?
I would much rather imagine that the spirit energy simply makes gravity "flow around Cloud". While there is no adequate quantum theory for gravity, let us still imagine that gravity 'consists' of a flow of gravitons which at all times interact with our bodies. It interacts at all times, EXCEPT when spirit energy weakens the flow of gravitons or changes its direction of flow.
It is possible, although difficult, to bend the 'flow of light/photons' around an object and thus make it invisible. Spirit energy in FFVII might be bending gravitons around bodies in a similar manner. Sephiroth would be one of the few to have completely mastered this art.

^This though is merely to rephrase the obvious. What is fascinating is how so small (?) amounts of spirit energy are required to do so great things. Spirit energy not only can add to the equation without becoming physical, it can actually become physical! This we see when Sephiroth's sword materializes in ACC, for example. Or is it really physical?

The lifestream is an ever-building flow of knowledge and consciousness. Materia contains "knowledge", the Lifestream contains "thoughts". It is not just a mere form of energy, it is an excellent coder of information! This is why I theorize that the holodeck we see so much of in Crisis Core is in fact mimicking spirit energy's ability to code into "physical" objects. What we see are in fact virtual objects; they interact, without physical mass, with the environment (see Force equation above) yet are not physical but virtual.

Notice though that when the "holodeck" falls apart after the Angeal-Genesis-Sephiroth fight, we see rectangular shards falling together. While the resolution of the virtual/spiritual reality may be great, it is not nearly as continuous or 'flowy/wavey' like the lifestream.

(Will make a second, shorter post which is more on-topic)
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(Warning; newbies risk reading a few old spoilers below)

Notice in the Crisis Core DMW, , that Angeal says to Zack "Elevate your mind and let it become one with your body..." ... "You have to reach a mental state where you can unleash your full power."

This makes so much sense it almost hurts. Because thoughts/consciousness is so intricately connected with the lifestream, it makes sense to equate "mental energy" with "spirit energy". But only partially, because Angeal also says "You are just concentrating hard". This means that only a specific form of mental energy is able to breach whatever wall there is between the physical world and the spiritual world. Elevating the mind and letting it become one with the body is in other words a way to allow the spirit/virtual energy/mass to increase in your body.

I know, I know, most of this is just rephrasing the obvious with some nice words. But I'm still very fascinated with the dynamics of the FFVII universe. I have numerous questions about it, most of them I don't think even the writers of the story would be able to answer.

On-topic, I am sort of curious as to what will happen to Cloud when he dies. This may depend on what happened to Zack after he died; did he dissolve without a corpse or not? On another topic long ago, I suggested that humans only dissolve into the visible green spirit energy when their mako density is too great. Grimoire in DoC dissolved after being struck with an impure lifestream, Zack (maybe) dissolved due to his mako treatments, and Kadaj being a remnant may in fact have been a completely virtual/spiritual being. Help me with more examples if you can find any.

So I fear that maybe when Cloud dies his body will disappear because of his 4-year experience with being in a Mako tube. Heh, imagine... Cloud going away Yoda-style. :D
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